The holder and the celular cover,
You gonna mark the other 2 sides of the cover that doesn't touch the edges of the sheet,
Here I had already the marks, the cover have waves, I pose the cover to be inside the edges even the waves and mark in the top of the waves the paper with the pen.
Now I fold the paper in the pen marks, like sqaure pattern of the cover, you know origami do it to have a perfect square in each point of the pattern.
See here you can see that I fold right in the marks that I made with the pen.
Know we gonna fold in the middle two times to find the middle, that gonna be the place that we gonna glue the holder.

After folded like yuo can see here you can see the middle,
You open the paper and align the cover in the pattern, but this cover is printed and we can see thru where is the middle but have other way...
So fold the patern to be in a quarter and find the middle, rebember that the pattern is made to the waves be inside the pattern to align of a way that the waves will be respected you can also make a hole in the middle of the paper and marked lightly with a pencil.
And here the holder fixed in the cover of the cellular.

You use to have more security hold the cellular.

You can use to the celullar be stand in the table.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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