Monday, July 22, 2019

I psychograph about violin and my experience of other incarnation

And I psychograph that the violin to had more scales, are many violins with different sizes, so smaller more acute bigger more grave, when I make the tenor violin, before I used to play with 7 sizes of violin and I record them, my recorder, I was a descendant of an inventor, I also knew to make the same machine, so I record in 7 channel, because if was only one channel in the end the first recorded violin sound would lose quality and the ones in the sequences would had also a decrease quality to the last one. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Other thing that happens in my previous incarnation, Cinema

And was about me and my brother the one that we pass so many times near to die and we were together, I already said that I was film director, and also was my brother I went to cinema director with less of 15 years old because my father was the youngest film director of Europe with 15 years old and one country I think was England said that would make a younger director to break my father record, and my father put me in the direction of a movie with 12 years old because he only would be beat for his son, I and that brother was the younger children of my father, we were sons of sisters, we born in the same year, I just born after. I put my brother in all the artistic role, I invented myself some of the funny effects, my father work with FX, I already knew how to do some, my father and mother and aunt was when young of the Theatre, they meet in France. So some years after the war, my brother said that he would direct a movie, that he would interpret a young woman, and like some gays friends of the theatre he would beat with a log his dick until it came shit and went inside tight pants and people would not see the volume of the dick, he was so important for me I said why you don’t hide the dick in the padding, in the Cinema we used to hide the dick in a cloth that is in the ‘hind legs’(=coxas) with padding, the actor only had to had thin ‘coxas’, he was perfectionist, I said to him that I would do a diet to show that would be perfect, and I would make a movie, one day that he came to help me in the direction of my movie, he saw me with so thin legs that came confuse and said what happens, I answer that I had made a lot of diet and even with padding my hind legs was still lean, I used padding to had a body I was only bones, he screams that I was torturing him of do that with me, I said that wasn’t because the legs, I was a man with brawny arms, would not work with the upper dressing I calculate that bones don’t had muscle and I would be realistic, my brother run in the direction to I return to eat. The man in the scene is also me I said that difference of age of them is 6 months, I was taking medicine that spy uses to change the physiognomy, the effect of me two times in scene was perfect the computer that we used was more the mighter that any other of the Earth, probably 20 times more potent then any other. So people, the person more thin in Germany was me I know that, that pictures of Jews passing hunger I try to find each one of those in the pictures, I find alive only one, he was mad and beggar living at the side of dogs in the streets, probably was the only reason he was alive he wasn’t find, we paid for the rest of his life security for him, the others were murder, with all the ways to prove the identity of one 'dead body' was consider that we prove identity of the person that was murder but not that the person of the picture was the corps, I think they was all Indians from India, had white Indians. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, July 14, 2019

What kind of soul I am?

If I am a foot? No, let me say my in common history with more 6 others. Once everybody had born, God called 6 souls I am one of them, so I had less 200 years with almost everybody. Almost everybody born at the same day that God. God put us in his belly. God was talking that when He born notice that He didn’t have sons and daughters only a father He even had a mother, so He was a thing, was the only thing that He didn’t forgive His Father. I when I appear remember that I had a mother and I was the father of a lot of sons that probably was looking for me. So to appear only when God called me I am super invisible. Once before we went away came a woman and want to see the souls that were unborn babies we didn’t have already form the only thing we could think was to have the appearance of what we think was a person of 80 years old, so was the form that we choose to have to talk with that woman, and she said that we were old I get so upset that I said how looks like an unborn? She went to Earth get pregnant and abort and bring his fetus, we get around the thing, and I touch it with a stick and said how ugly was the crap thing that came out of the “podre” hole of hers, say why we had to copy that ugly thing, she don’t had a answer and went away, one day we without being delivered went away thanks for the kindness to give home for souls that were very fragile, so one day one of the souls of my inventions get sad because was a thing I said that me his father was something so ridiculous like she, she was a confused soul that need someone to make her, and she was so waiting for his father and born like his father dreamed. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Judaeus Iudeorum lupus - psychograph

Something that I psychograph, was that the Synagogue, that is a kind of notary’s office, even the Church was tabelionato. They were also in Brazil who celebrate the marriage and the birth and one of our princes make the civil tabelionato. So is that unlike the Catholics church they aren’t Universal, what one institute doesn’t oblige the others, the Catholics church had the Main control that govern all the body, the Synagogue hasn’t the one that obliges the others.  Is from the Greek "katholikos", that means, for all or Universal. So the practice that I will tell probably is from one country and not in all the places. And is that when a person went to that Synagogue, that probably would better in Hell, and ask for the reading of his life they ask for a time to make the book for the person and they in the past do this, they print a book that had there for many years and is the same book for everybody that went there and is basically almost all the lives of the most prostitute soul of humanity, at the past was very easy the person discover because they publish the same book for everybody that went there, they don’t research of no way the life of who went there, that histories in the book are there for many years they only publish one book that had there for years, the problem is that the life they write in the book is so defeated that destroy any person life, is a lot of misery there, but isn’t the life of the person that went there. So is the life of the same soul in that book for centuries, so is the same evil for anyone, there they would not researching the life of nobody that went there, be cool, if you get one of those books, they weren’t making no effort to know your past lives, that book is there for many years and is the same for everybody, unless they came creative and are making some changes to be killing but is about the same horrid soul, isn’t probably your life, what are the chances you be that woman they receive all that psychograph.
homo homini lupus.
homo pronome nominativo
homini pronome dativo
judeu pronome nominativo -
rex eris si recte facies: serás um rei se agires com retidão. I.N.R.I = Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudeorum: Jesus Nazareno, Rei dos Judeus. Rex Iudeorum: Jesus Nazareno, Rei dos Judeus
A palavra "judeu" é uma derivação do latim "judaeus" (de Judeia), derivado por sua vez do hebreu "yehudi"

Judaeus Iudeorum lupus

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Offseason matter - More about my radiation theory an curiosity but profitable

Radiation like I explain make possible gold from lead, for my theory all the protons ae make the same matter the fact is the size influences in what the would be, for radiation protons are nuclear energy organize and they form are the way that atomic energy is organize so if all the protons are the same nuclear energy, nuclear energy of the gold isn't 'gold nuclear energy'  and lead isn't 'lead nuclea energy', they are the two nuclear energy, so why lead? probably the atomic weight influences in the scientific experiment to one matter transform in another matter, but believe the gold would came gold in powder, that isn't find in nature, or would be 20K gold, the common is you find 18k gold, 18 parts of gold for 2 parts for another metal silver or cupper, this last one is a red gold that is very loved in my city and we used buy from Portugal, was past who had probably heritage from a relative. But continuing in other incarnation the more protitable gold came from "louça"(chinawear) and is 18K with silver. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim