Wednesday, January 31, 2024

On that incarnation I could be rabbi and convert me to Catholicism

 Is that the rabbi that taught us got kynk because an Catholic, the man said that he wasn't violent against his daughter when she was a baby because the pussy of babies was big and got close. The rabbi accepted the idea, I and the others that would be rabbi we were of 12 years old, I saw so much pussy of Jew babies to the research of the rabbi, one moment I thought that the rabbi was wrong of accepted the idea. So were the rabbi and the students that was 4 seeing the pussies, I got upset with the rabbi of see plausibility in the idea of the bad father. I went to the church to say what I listen there, I said that a mother supposes to carry of her girl baby and dresses very god to the 6 years old till the virginity be completely. I got converted to the Catholicism and married a Catholic woman.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, January 27, 2024

About who helps had another secret

 I had in htat day that I show you that valley, know all your crimes against me, for me was easy to forgive. So when you gonna find another person the person gonna know what you sin against he-she. Is that you don't want me in the country was important for me but was easy to forgive.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let me say what I think about that

 When I listen that had the Bible of Judas, I know that I didn't write and I see that a sinner, write hers on ideas and say that was me, that scares me, the name I put there to replace for the name of a father that suicide hang the neck, so he didn't betrayal nobody, and I was only an emocianate son that was listen that a suicide is in the hell, so I put my name. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Shifts doesn't work what does

 I got far from that hand thinking that was a person that lie a lot, the borhter came to say the wonders the hand that appear with a person said, I was thinking had liar because who listen also no good, and I thought another idea that nobody wants and if half sleep and half be wake up, when came night who doesn't sleep would sleep and the others watch. And laugh because I didn't know what was the danger.

I was thinking about that woman, that had so many person like me that I would comprehend, accepted, I was never worse than nobody, had so many people like me, she criticised everybody. Don't you think in yourself with your bad deeds, if that woman criticise me imagine she listen your defects.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The glory of mother in the hour of the thief

 That that angek said that fall, all the mothers were angels one of the special, had a so with one of the Gods sons. That angel was saying that was huge and acquive put on hand in Heaven and people saw a normal person. She wasn't that powerful for me I am small, her hand was of my hight, but she control everybody, and me had to be the more higher God making me see an human person, He didn't wanted mme to see the bestial hand because I could try defend the Heaven from that hand and she try kill me. One brother said that he would said that he would talk with God that we suppose tod o shift that one would be wake up when the other would be sleeping, I sai isn't a good idea because had the hour of the thief and the hour of the traitor. You understand that would be the opportunity if had an thief that he would open that door, and the traitor would kill who was in the shift because he would know all the shifts. So when I was sleeping the angel of the huge hand acquive assume the heaven. My mother carried out an said that Go said that were almost suicide and would be the mothers inside of her killing her inside, and I only see she falling.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, January 26, 2024

Why is hard to find another person to help you

 Let me say have you seen many movies? One of the first that we have to pass and help you in place of tell you lies is, the madness. That isn't an angel but a demon, I am listen your girlfriend that she was asking the most high glory of the world. I did said that my father, go see the fact is spiritual isn't exactly an fortune teller. That I don't know the room of the sons of God, I am always in the room of the grandchildren. One of my father he also is son of God was in love for the more worse than had there, another son of God, if had a person that taught me bad things was my father, and your girlfriend saying that would ask to be daughter of Jesus, isn't a huge glory? So who came to madness people is that father that I said, I don't know if he remember me, but he was my father, he really had the resemblance of an angel, so he came and say a lot of lies all very pleasant but if the person fall will be here seeing what doesn't exist and will only listen all the time lies an will tell you only lies. He lies so much that I wanted to say be ashamed of what you do, even I'm ashamed to see you lying so much.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Good question, how do I know

 One day God said that want that see the infinite but not up where He sit, but the future the infinite, He sai that was danger look the infinite up where He was, and in the future that is era multiply for the infinite, all the souls got in the line and die to meet the Father. When I saw that every decide but of today had a lot of ages, I am also would got in the line, because would be the end of the humanity.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Becareful man

 That another guy doesn't understand God. God is infinite love, but nobody could reach that level of love, is a type killing, the infinite comprehension is death. Is type eternal forgiviness but I think is final.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

If I know you are sure be God

 One day that you suffer, was there would not be God, but could be Jesus, me or the other with a horrible name I went there to catch your reminiscences. And you had the vision of that valley. I was in th valley so I made you see the valley. So in your despair, you wanted very desasparetelly that really had someone bigger over your head, so I say to you that you know believe that God was another person.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Surer than death

 Goh love even the ramera, everybody is equal, even the humanity very prostitute, Goh love but what is sure than death. So nobody is prostitute enough to don't be loved by that heart, in this I don't know who is Goh. The demon care a little about the subject. So full dish, people are saying that had countries that became a little more pure, that is very wrong, marriage can't be that way, who like fish had to smell fish as well, what do you think 30 seconds for the two even need a watch, is just for who already asks that for the wife, and is 69. To don't do the other people are already making of a worse way. 

So what is surer that death, is deliver cowardly a friend, already happened so is what the one before you that deliver a friend passes, so is like a chime, o and you gonna receive the same.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Don't fall in this temptation

 You are very near of find who is your friend, so don't fall into the temptation of, deliver cowardly he, that doesn't solute for the demon under him and you gonna have worse punishments that you are already living. See if yuo give the name of anybody to be public how who helps the demon your friend could be atacked by phanatics and suffer cruelty. How he is your friend this is even betrayal. So is like lose because the demon gonna went away with a reason that is like you lose and return much more failed, suffer all the time till the day that you gonna be humble enough to passes for all the temptation, like a good person look for money without interest for you that like id very much is lives that gonna make you humble enough to passes because you gonna know all the losses, right?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Some about that hell with gold

The last time that I was there was your friend that carried me. He thought that he could me win with the art of the numbers of the Demon. He losed because first, he thought that any gold calf was the statue from the Egypt, but was a normal calf, with one foot of front and one of the back before, he thought he very intelligent about the years of Jews were in Egypt and Moises. So pushed him out of that Hell and hit his head with the bigger calculator that could be in the Hell, he doesn't gave up and tried to make me lose because of the numbers you know that had a priest in Brazil that knowvery much about that numbers, I believe that he know from that priest, appear that your friend thinks that Jew need know portuguese? I say that only in the hell th enumbers are imperfect in Heaven all the numbers are perfect and I was elevated to Heaven and your friend can't chase me to there, but that answer I thnk only helps me.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let me say about that heaven

 The name is hell, of the 0..., really is full of gold. All that souls are children, but what ugly children, I was there laughthing, they were showing the ass, I was thinking be loving that gold, and you gonna to born what kind of boy. They adore that gold, kissing that coins.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About what yor daughter said, why is wrong

Your daughter asked to be pure that... That humanity would be in a long line, I asked to God if was right, He answered want to know the answer? Is wrong because the last isn't watched for nobody and the first watched noboby. You know what is the right answer? The line had to be close to the first watches the last, you know what is that? A circle. With a line the demon can capture and carried always the last of the line, till he had carried the last. 

Had hells that are glorious. Is that the Hells had to be emptied. I had one son that received one Hell, that are where there people that received the same injustice, he just was the first to receive the injustice, be a violent man but good, was Satan. He was injusticed. He was good, he specially cared about the fact of women received violence of a man, he pratically marrie all the women that he protected because she was raped. And he was murdered because of be violent, big injustice.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, January 25, 2024

So about glory

 Just who apreciate me asked. Let me say that want some glories, I had the wings I will talk about latter. 

But I thinking about I don't one glory that defend my chest, I don't know what glory is that. I don't have one that give me a sword I don't know what glory is that.

About the wings seduct women give a powerful fly, I can reach very high, I was listen had only one more seductive man that me and is my father. I have a fly powerfull and very strong that I can hit with my flight almost everybody, but I receive golden wings, to have 3 seduction the more near under me men. So this wings are faster, and I can use them to cut the other. This wings can make mutilations.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

You wasseducted by a knife in the eye?

 The glories can't be given in that room, the soul have to be glorious already. What the name of a sould that is just lift? If sex make glory you got that baranga of family that you have and arrive with her.

So is a knife that was pretty? A microphone because is weird that seducte? She is vulgar. Buthis is problem of another person. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So is less one

 There in past I said GrandFather they do that one movie that, the more intelligent and fast died. If they do that again I am GrandFather of only one and gonna die all but you. So I think that I am at home.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So your second secret

 You have a special spiritual body, your big size, let me say a secret about. My God Father almost die because the same type of body. I said that he died because he lose everything, imagine looking for him?

He had to abandon that body, his body explode in infinite rocks, are for the Universe had rocks even after that mortal lady in the end of the world. He never was my father but pusshes up the Hell is his power, I had a size of a normal soul, you break so much of your soul that I am more powerful. That rocks for me are richness, but even my brother are not owner about them, they can be an telephone, a mirror, of other side but I want all them in the same place, because one day my past father coul need one of them and I want them there. My brother is the king of the robbers, so he wanted your wife to enter your house, and for sure would kill you and your son.

One God that would be my mother, she had the same body was break for temple profaning, was saved for followers that she make came alive, they all saved her in the faith of receive a soul, of course were that pieces of rocks that she became, she is so ungrateful but she can't betray a faith. The mother of my son is another woman.

Let me say yuor size isn't so important, souls are powerful also because can fly higher than your head.

Had in the history a soul that is your copy. Just a small copy of you.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Ok I wake up

 Pratically is my only power, but she can't passes the barreiras that I put there, and before you remember the marvels, is that I can raise practically infinitely o hell and she can't cross that limit. I pushed have 2 hours, is an empty hell.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That was my desert the river was my tears...

 In that incarnation of the monastery, I gonna said what was my temptation. Was the glory, I wanted the money and sex with the women, and I decided to be virgin, besides all the boys of my age fall on that of make sex with a old prostitue, I felt so humiliated and ridiculous of doesn't do. That old sadist make me humiliated. 

There I fell in love and she, make me cry when she that had a divorce, got pregnant, she got divorced because she married a man that can't pregnant her because he, had an vasectomy that was very unhappy, even see her marries doesn't make me cry.

After that humiliation I said to me, I would complish of the beggining till the end. I was a naughty boy. My father even had proud of it.

So me living in the desert, who more eserve there a room only for him? I had a lot of fame, and I was just virgin, my father passed send me an allowance, I spent it all. With the time I passed to receive an salary of a princess that I make some clockwork for her.

When I was Francis I born in a female conventry, my mother was a hermafrodite. Married with my fahter and he sent her to there, was a violent time.

I didn't want passes so much time in the monastery I returned to talked with my females friends of the conventry. Had one that used to paint me, like I was a prior I let it. My feellings was none, they was the big breast that I saw. I went a lot with girls, I was so humiliated about that in the past that I didn't knew pull down a pants for a girl, they that do pull my pants, they liked to pass the pussy in my dick, but was till there and I had problems. In my confections I always said the name of each and said I respect theName, I respect the2name... But one day one princess send to say my that, that I wante sex that I only never did was because I can't, that I would be a soft dick, a small dick. I went there very worried for one particular reason. I got afraid of people call me pedophilian because of Sanson. I was keeping a watch in Sanson, in the past years what was of kids without mother that appear in the monastery, I always said that sit here he is tired and is sick, so the princess said that me all the time saying sit not there sit here. One day I was to think someone in the city send those mothers send their kids alone go after Sanson, that had a complicate healthy. I have to say that a cautious is a nasty person, I want he to be a saint, I don't want to caugh him. When the princess married I didn't mind besides we ba together in th ebed to do nothing of course. She married very virgin just mexida, but very virgen. When she got divorced I was there to hold her, I had almost a satisfaction. One day she asked me a jar of cum, she always loved experiments, I gave a lot probably was to fill a jar. I thought that she was being weird. She lived for years after she appear with a boy that was so look like me, but she assecure to me that wasn't mine, the subject humiliated me so much that I beieved, I was thinking that I loved her and even that kid that wasn't mine I just didn't understand why she look for a man that probably was very ressemblance with me. I was thinking that I would live all my toys ot him, was very funny experiments that I had in my room, life goes on, my life her life, she was a sinlge mother with a son, even of far I was to be there. One day the Sanson was accused of pedophilian, and I secure for the prior that I watch Sanson so much that was completely impossible. I said that who watch also assecure, he was so sick that the prior ddin't wanted he out of the monastery. So had to be inside the monastery. Even prove that he didn't did, he died of vexation days after.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Some preliminary facts

 Jesus has all the titles, and he is the biggest of all, so He is the biggest Saint, the biggest Angel.

And what marks the hour that the Demon arrives is a machine and doesn't need to be a clock, coul be the train that he would arrive.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And if...

 One place that the biggest Saint rested in the world, probalby He was isolated being a wiseman. Is like a piece of Heaven in Earth, how long He lived maybe a much longer life than an normal person. Angels would close the place till He leave, but to sailed probably would be a demon. Constructing a fake answer to the person stops before reach the real place.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

When became the hour of the last demon, you...

 First look at your han and imagine that piece of past that are you hold. Another could came in His place, but believe me prefer Jesus. I know that I also had the name Jesus, but I know that I am not wise, probably Jesus is wise.

The demon when became his hour all the richness of the humanity had to be in the table. But, what is in danger is what the demon doesn't find in the table, have be all of everybody? No. for stance let me say that you have 1000 incarnations you can't have time of say all, 200 that you forgot isn't in danger. There is write that you have to put all your richness in the table but you don't need put even your clothes. But you can't hide exactly the more important lives. Who have 5000 lives, these are in danger for sure. I believe that I knew a few about Jesus, and was He that said that you hold that pieces of past?

Rute Bezerra de Menzes Gondim

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

I imagine that doesn't delay you but is call another kind of demon

 The special of that women isn't exactly the race, but they are those souols that I sai many years before that every 200 years jump in a pot make for them new souls. They are kind sisters an for them isn't die. Is like apply justice let me said had the one that was rich the one that was poor and the one that was rape the one that are moleste and once jumping in the pot all them gonna be the one that lived the rich life, the one that carried the poor life, and they all gonna be the rapped and the molested.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So when died becasue a machete

And was when I was mulata but very white in a city almost liked, that history that my grandfather was white with a lot of grandchildren mulatas. And I was girl, I thinking about that subject, since kid I used to think I just can eat bit, to be thin and he look for me when I got the age, when was birthday in our family, he notice that I didn't wanted eat a lot, despite my other cousins, and said that fat children were pretty. So when I was teenager, he let me sit on his lap and kiss him. He was oler 16 years old, my males cousins passed in 20 in 20 minutes in front his house to see if I stayed in the garden, and doesn't disapear. One day he was kind of range that he can't carry me inside. And said to me that I would to what he said, that he would got inside in the house and I would return after and got inside his house, that he would waiting, I was sincere I said that I would not do it. He got mad and I run away back home. After one of my cousin the one that was also mulato, almost all the boys were white, asked me to marry him, the diference of age was he was 6 years older. My parents said that I had to say that I was sorrow for the other, was kind custom, when people were to marry another. I stoped him in the city but probably he didn't notice that I came with my groom. He was walking and when I see him I run to him, an I came from back. I sai that wasn't so gorgeous like I was when I was 16 years old, so I would marry and I was sorry. and my groom had already, reach us and was even more advanced that make me run to him, and I hold his arm and we went together. One day before 2 days the day of my marriage, he acquive find me waling alone. When I see him with a machete I run from him, he said that I stoped he can scream, was a place that was a normal road but in that day was a lonely road. I could kept runing in the road but I thought that I could foil him got inside the corn plantation, was a bad choice I had lot of advantage, I thouhgt that I could walk not straight and he lose me in the corn field, but was the opposite, the plants were delaying me and he were cutting thru the plants walking much more faster. He in't lose my trail. He said that the machete was just if I didn't wanted, if I didn't wanted would be for my hands. I see an clive when I came out of the corn field and I countinue and fall and died.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So one of the mistery of that city

 I gonna say one of the Misteries, where is the city in the middle of your horns your racist. The city was white but in the past was founded for mullatos, an everybody were cousin of the other. That probably was difining my next incarnation, what I done. The boys work in the farm and used machetes. In the next incarnation I gonna die because a machete. I remember better because I was the boy friend of the girl that was the pivot. I was in love for her even before became that stranger, she didn't need make me jealous, me and the cousins were thinking in kill the guy, or scary him to hell. In the morning I was in the door of the fancy of her house all day to say to her that she didn't leave me, don't change me for someone else, have days that I was there since the 3 of the morning without sleep. We all the time play pranks on the stranger. We were rich but we worked hard for the father like the Bible and the Esau and Jacob. That make the character for a boy. When we had the free time, we were saying that all the girls of the city were to goo for him, that all the girls was beautiful and none would look for him, that none was for him, that all girls of that city were good and decent. The prank was 15 boys strong all with the head covered with machete, to him doesn't understand and think that was one very fast like the demon chasing him. Bad for him if he discovered the prank all was carring a machete.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

When the demon do that you have to cut

 When the demon make you discovery the smallest mystery of the world, he can't lose. So noboy wins when are doscovering all that insignificant things. So he do to the person lose.

I myself never would do that singular things, went to find the box of the end of the world, in a lethal desert, or in the deep sea. See those things aren't place in the middle of the city, have to have a reason, open is an eternal death, for me sound like a good reason of don't chase that box for its inner, maybe is a kind a eternal death is a place right here that one soul had love in life could try bring you back, another reason everybody want kill a person that opened a chest that could destroy the humanity. Imagine a person openned that and say to the person is the trash that will destroy the planet, the man knows something and is saying that ecology is  all we need... In the box only have the demon name is the name of the cousin, maybe he supposes to make a cleaning in the room, maybe the demon was hide by a colunm, or was under the box, or in the lide had some hide...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, January 22, 2024

The wiseman said about you

 Was something that first I gona translate that the sin of the man is the sin of the woman. That you can't have the things garantee, he was talking about your marriage, she betrails you, never think that marriage is enough to you have sure. I never have a situation how the end, I never went after the wisdom but the marriage never gave the sure of the future. Why don't yoy ask fo rthe wise about what you supposes to do. I have ot say that I already ied of accident with 21 years old in Europe and was making something danger being a girl, I was mullata, and my grandfather thoughts that he ha a lot of grandchildren that was mullatas and they supposes to marry after the 21 years old, is that you said that you are gay, I was there to see if all that you said you sign under, that do yuo only ha desire for woman, no more than 6 years younger than yuo, I was 16 years old I want see you don't want, I want see you dragging your ass on the floor thinking you wouldn't catch even a cold anymore.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How I am filling today, a song...


That contradirious wiseman

 I remember what he said not because of me but because of those that listen him. And he sai of nothing came nothing meaning. That the girl can't know that you love her because, you never did nothing to make her thoughts that you love her, he said that of nothing came nothing meaning that she never could see love if you she never see something to believe in that, an today would came the contradiction, he have a anti-wisdom. I had a frien that liked wisdom, but never said what was, I had a theory that only could know what was wisdom by the life of who was known by be wise in life. What were their life. Salomon, Confucious.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

In another life

 Me an my husband had our sad moments. Many times I said that he really was gay, I didn't understan what he did, I thought that heterosexual would never did that if me. In the beggining of the marriage he said another bad thing for me. That one of his plans was divorce and I would be of his friend that was from India an he thought that was from Germany. We still hadn't make that, I didn't wanted to be a divorced and I run to try find any telegraph to talk with my lawyer that I wanted an anulation. He said that he wouldn't let me do that. I knew jum the window, he turn to see the door and say that I would passes that door. He also jump the window and run after me. We can win a stronger specially if have the surprise. He acquive reach me an said that was a ba idea, we need talk. I said that he didn't love me, tha the was gay he didn't understand, I had my proud, be divorced was humiliating, I was very young only 16, I deserved a beautiful marriage, I didn't deserve a man be so racist about the fact I came from Africa. I was a nice person I deserved be more respected. He sai that we would keep the marriage for a longer time, that wasn't that way he didn't understand the love appear to be so important.

Years after we divorced, he started to talk about some gays friends of him, at that time had a lot swing, the bad thing, in Europe. I sai to him that his problem was be gay, a heterosexual ex-husban never would came with that ideas. He said that I should marry again, I almost forgot that he sai that free me from a violent man, he gaved a name of a cousin that was very gay, but I thought that he was very pacific person, my cousin was old, I thought that he was ridiculous. He said that I had problems, he was defend me a hadn't a man, so he was trying find me one, see you didn't married a second time. Give a time, and he returned to the hotel. I was thinking that besides I never had generated a baby, my civil state was be mother of two boys, so a single wasn't perfect I ddin't liked to went to the school of the boys because in England had singles that tried married me. So I call to my lawyer because I wanted to know if a divorced very rich man of Russia wanted to marry me, I will give a lesson in a swarty marring a more handsome swarty with green eyes. In two hours I already had the answer he accepted, people went to talk with my ex in the hotel that I was already engaged. He went after me, didn't I choice nicely a good step-father for the boys, he had teenagers he know how kids are. He wtithout my knowledge went to talk with my groom that the marriage can't happens, an came after me to give the news, I said you are mad he have conection with criminals.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Something nice to do with a quotation

The graphic

This line is you see the left lateral column, you choice the value that you buy dollars. So to you don't lose money you can't buy when the dollar be bellow that line.

The blue line is what you estimate that the dolar suposes to be to want sale it. The values can use how paremeters your operation costs, and for sure base in the real amount, bcause is that if you buy little you are only playing of invest, of course you acquive, depend of factors out of your desire, or effort, so you still have an idea of how far we are from the desirible and learn a little more of temperature of investiments, and also see what invest cover your debts, like you wait a year so you make money, but not if you wait an year. The invest doesn't covered even the year, you pay your debts with money caming from others places. My father have friends that lived of we exporadic lucativity, so that time the invest woul return to more money in that period and they work in interprises that have nothing about with that money. So they could wait 5 years and th ereturn never was to cover their expenses.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Is you again an not the demon

 You are trying carry two men to a judgment. The sin, none but is something without defination, this is hte mischief of the demon, carry people that aren't guilty because isn't a sin. The fact in my mind one that prejudice doesn't make the other be in a vice of will but addiction to desire, vice was of desire. I was thinking a a lot about it. The harmer suffer, with bad marriages for him. He helped a ugly woman make jealousy in the one the one that receive the prejudice, so he married with the ugly woman thinking that loved her, and robber a woman from the other, the other never wanted her was only friend, the other that helped the ugly woman marries, even marring a beautiful woman, his wives never like him. So he paid. I see also that the two were guilt the harmer is very inocent to make a very complex history that convice a decided man, the one that married first is more smarter. How doesn't have a law about vice of desire, the demon if want try to carry them for a jugment, but isn't the demon, ham.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, January 21, 2024

With the time we make something

When we went older, have who help me! So how can I be wrong? We decide to make the sacra teatral, belive who was the galã? The priest that took us to the brothel, imagine why? Because when we were 20 years he had so much venereal that he was old, we said to him that Sanson like to walk almost naked, only with a tanga. We talked ot the prior that he was perfect, all years he was the Sanson. One year we make him upset we sai that the play that year was short of cash and the production would be economic and he of the same way almost naked. So we have the modernity I was called an artist, and I decided that after 10 years Sanson wasn't what bring people to the theatre, so I invented the play the son of Sanson. The prior saying but he was already old to be Sanson and now he would be the son of Sanson? I sai that he had phans, that he steped in the stage and have who scream, they doesn't notice that he got old,that thing of phanatism. I acquive.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Isn't that part of the history? yes have mor

 What we went to do in the city. The older monk took us to a brothel. And the thing would be that way. We, we were boys, would make sex with old prostitutes, so bad an isn't all, we would give our virginity to J. so we would make a wound in the dick, he said consagrate. The wound was to the dick bleed. I was thinking that the deal was to keep virgin, don't make sex of so any kind and I went back to the monastery running, the others thought that I went to bring the prior, no I just idn't knew why be man wold be with all that things. I reach the monastery very fast and I never walked by the city I always was in a wagon with my father. One by one returned passed a long time, the older make a bet to see the last one to reach the monastery, so they leave the others alone to see who doesn't acquive. The one that doesn't returned we got separated in groups to find him, he was so spoilt that re running fall in a mud puddle and let be screaming, proabebly he never run in his life or fall in the mud, mud is sleepery. Besides he scremed nobody got close to help, because poor people doesn't feel pity of spoilt rich boys. The advantage he felt was because he took the wrong way, and would be all the time more far from the city to the end of the country. Who find him was the group that I was in.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Yes I know that history you really was a trash

 We were in a monastery, for male me for sure I was male. Let me say that the guy that took cares of the boys the ones that went very young lost one boy in the city and he almost died. So we didn't like him. And you was to show that he was a good person, of course he was 24 you are something like 21 years. So you went to be with him, we thought that you are kind of gay. In the middle of the night you started to scream, and all the boys came out of the bed and scaried came near to you, we don't know what you are doing, you are covered for the sheet, and when we were very close from you, you yes you, uncovered you two an you are doing sex, we run screaming, and the parlor came to talk with you two.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What it's like to live through theft

 You know who diserve be in the USA? What you think in Jesus and all the people that is write in the Bible. In Brazil people doesn't respect that book. You like to think that when Jesus got to Americas had to got inside by Brazil? There the priest said that for the Bible you will be saved and also will die, to people never go after who is that Book. Look demon when that demon be looking for answer can't be the Bible because the Bible will kill you, is your lives, an one way to die is say the life of another person, when you being saying that lives and you relize aren't your's believe the demon already win, because yuor soul are alredy in the Hell and are inside of you, the soul of a doomed person. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One thing that I liked in those videos

 The videos of the CMT, country music televison was that care of image like a picture, so creative, an the song is good, have more happy musics, also had some hardcore, very gothic, that was nice, was like the side b of MTV Music Television. And also have videos that are surrealistic of the cinema old that used special effects very expensive result that glad very much, with that special colour.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I know that

 The demon wrong the ways to you never start the journey, so you still doesn't begining, the emon try take you out of the way when you already started. So he multiply, for me the demon only can make me believe but can't make bad, you are more danger for all the saints, than the demon. So the demon could make me believe but can make bad to me, only make me believe that he did. So why you are using the power of the demon, that isn't temptation, he moving you out of the way. So imagine if I don't think that is you, using th e power of the demon. So is with no price you chase the humanity, the demon doesn't use, but you, imagine that have a lost soul, but is of who use that power. You even make crimes. Murders, accidents. Criminals make what the demon wants, but are people like you that pay.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Me listening that hot gossip, come'on let opnion about

 First some hot musics.

When I was teen I used to listen MTV and CMT, they there used to like Nashville, the America city of th eCountry Music

I habe to say that man is htat way, the wife abandon, he got upset for some days, but after he have to say the part good of the lemon, and went dancing.
And the hot gossip, is about two rich men, me listen I almost think that was for me. And is that the problem is that one marry to decepione even the family cos he like to marry with the ex-wife of the other. He do that frequently.
I even tried to passes a chat in the one that let the wife went away. So His Name don't you want decepione this time the The OtherName, and of course if he marries me, keep me. I accept you have others, I almost understand the other, the first husband have 200 girlfriends that way the other had a lot of women. So I don't care you have other women, don't leave me, I have almost devotion for you.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, January 20, 2024

So much abandon

Listen to understand who would be abandoned. That fat lady that you abanon have an demon that is her relative and gaved a chance to try in another incarnation because she tried, but need you to help her, but have more abandon. That man that died and had 2 hours talking with the demon without soul, he don't lose with you, he would travel in the DNA, to another body, so you can be without a soul, and the man is travelling in the DNA, if the body be good he would returnedin that incarnation, but if don't he only have to travel in the descedants that receive that DNA to wait for another body that will tried to be good and receive the soul, so yuo can be an opened body, becareful with prostitutes, they are trying got inside your body because if even she got only that live she gain something.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I talked with him

 First the thing about the jaketão is because he holds and only let it be after kill. But also have the chapelão he flies to someone head and kills, also.

Meanwhile that dfensor was talking with the humanity I was making some questions, probably he listen and answer in another era, kind 300 years in the past? He talk a lot of shit an who doesn't unerstand suffer. I wasn't talking because the people are stupid, very dumb.  

He said that he want to fight against the demon but let me say... If he wins he would ask 3 prostitutions very criatives very humiliating, I asked don't you think that you are another demon, one worse? His mother was violent, the problem is in his chilhood. The chapelon sai that is his father, could be a lye, had a lot of lyers in that heaven. The chapelon wants to know what he thoughts, he doesn't thinks. He is paranoid, he is bad and false the beggining to the end of the day, he just do he doesn't thinks have years. 

Meanwhile the chapelon was talking with him, in that of he talks with the humanity, had others there. I said that I went go away, my thoughts was because the chapelon kill one I seeing, God was there, and the chapelon sai that why you want to went away, God doesn't believed that was the chapelon, I said that my father believe me now saying not about God, God let we use that in Heaven, sometimes we are talking about our fathers because almost all are son of a good man. I said my father believe me, and the chapelon said the father obey the son, I remember what God said, that the demon betray Him on his face, and show that is the demon, because the law is the son obey the Father, so is like prove that even the chapelon also is a demon.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, January 19, 2024

More one question?

 Who is the father is your father doesn't you know who he is? But to your actual question. Becareful the Father to give a lesson for who ask what isn't the subject do that. Make the person that do many question old, to you remember to doesn't play with the time of the others because your clock is almost failed.

So to your question in that 2 hours that your soul went out of the body you talke with a demon, isn't that actual one but what you compromise serve to any demon. So your father travel an but the memory in your DNA like an computer and tape-cassete. He desced of that man that you was so he know because he received right that DNA that he record the 2 hours. So probably you receive the same DNA from your father and know the same thing.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

All right veadon your next question

 Albout that day that your princess leave you to you die without soul. Let me say that when a soul fall, have people that aren't angels that went to ask to are near. Really in that day you fall. So we stoped her to ask what happens, we wasn't born. She isn't violent was easy to us talk with her. She thought about you and leave you to you think that you died without a soul she pretended return when you was sleeping. She returned, she was ugly and you were humiliating her for saying how pretty she was. When she said that she was saying that she was ugly and you don't understand.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Not efination but diference of an angel of a saint

For the church Saint is a person that had a live that the Church knew, nobody is saint with don't have a life that the church know...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gonna say what happens if you give up now

 Have two prostitutes that want you to lose and are very close of you, one what trickery so the two want kill you to conquer your past the other, was man and and a relapse father, but the two are very doomed, the one that is man envy Jesus in life, but wasn't Jesus. This one wante to be father of many to ask to be God son.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Hey man on't give up

 On't was so chic appear like omni, but let me say don't give up of dance, I dreamed at passed 3 days I just didn't know the meaning, and now I know, the demon also dances. He already had a partner. If he win, he is man younger than Jesus, that would very rich with the worse money of the world. Have 2 ways of you lose of miserable ways, if you betrayl the angel of your country to she be that shit, or you try do the same to the demon, is two ways of you got the worse death for that that everybody still care. Your friend ha two angels to save him, isn't only that mad actress ha one that he rescue. I think that the meaning of my ream that you are worng, you have some protitution to cry the demon is a very honest man, he want surpass yuo is in dance. You people are talkn of amputation, in my dream I think you lose for him is reteurned all the time you gonna drink that pain alone he have faith and he receive yes miracles.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, January 18, 2024

I almost forgot

 If you choice that woman that you say to your friends that is a gay, the demon said your future. You gonna lose, you taught her about iralo, and she taught you to pecata with that one with capital letter, imagine she really is a prostitute. So the Demon will went away and gonna came the trashman to carry the rest of your soul, the demon don't want see you loose so much and gonna call another person to be a demon and the person gonna lye to you, because you know him, he make that help you, he gonna be the demon.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

If you if you

 So what I listen, is just like magic, you have wisdom in your feet, the demon want you to walk to talk with you. Also about what the wiseman said to you in many incarnations before. The princess is what make you wisdom because is you crying for your death, and feelling that pain. Many times you have a humiliating death and she is you crying and living all that feelling. So when the demon came and ask you if you want to she went away he will make you forgot your wisdom. And how I know in the day he was explain to you that the only living that takes to the wisdom are that one that you sufer, you pleasures doesn't. God was listening and He took 4 high positioned souls to listen, I was one that holds a book. So meanwhile the book is open that was write in the book, the letters are invisible that meaning also that isn't write in a language, so I don't need today know the language each I talked at that time. I didn't remember the page only was open in that day. I don't hold that book, I was afraid of even that wiseman want that book because that page so I don't keep it, is with God.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I just afirm

 That in the ends even without a relation came two thinkers. A person that think is a better person than the one that doesn't, that have fellings a better person is many senses, one unconcious person is good? Have people that suposes to read texts more simples that they can understand, I am not offending nobody, imgine a fat woman that have mind troubles, I am saying that what I beat was a man and not a woman, have stupid women that want to be a stupid princess of a movie or a gay of the history that some people write, gay is a man with another choice, have bitches and prostitutes that never would be a man and because this would never be a gay, so I am not talking of a lot of person, that is a woman and for sure never was a man, so isn't the gay of my history, that is a woman and would be for ever.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And the two came more inteligent than before

 Have people that came with the wisdom after the experience, but have another thing and is the inteligency because you passes to know more than you knew, so the inteligency is something that became the shape of a new situation. When I got the inteligency, but before the princess of the mind. One time I beat a friend to he want me to be his man, he didn't fall for that, I beat one one even more handsome, is that humiliating a little. We found very much for each other, hold on the mind preincess will appear in the end. And was that one day we find two blondies girl for each other, we have that but use of be the four in the same room, I with my girl and he with his girl, I have to say that man is silly, one time that the two girls was ensaboando-se one in each other I didn't like to see. But who is cheecky have to see and make it up that doesn't care. So one day the one that I 1st beat, was kind of offendide, was the more handsome guy or goddess that I was dating? I have to say that when we knew in school or love the normal is marry less than a year after wnd school. We four married. That gay subject was past we were very good friends. We have to know to deal with that how that isn't offensive. Have men that kill each other, because that. And the other times in times talked with me and once was to open his heart, but of his way, with high-heal. And what I was saying that the two came more inteligent of that. Was because he gaved his love for another man, I thought could be just couldn't be me. So in his brain passed to live an princess that had proud, in my mind she was of another kind, confused contradictorious, you know what is contracditorius that say something and behave of another way, she could give for any one but me, what the problem the other respect more? I respected him, I just like to play, I said to an bachelor that he supposes try deseperatelly find her and monta na buceta of her. Asked to much respect what to be used with abuse, see.

and where is the inteligency, was when I was African girl that married in Europe, I remember all that girls make and turn me on, remember also that I was a man married with another man to be the man of the relation, I even being heterosexual, I lived in a relation that girls doesn't turn me on, see in a relation we are interest in the other, so I had inteligency with my husband that was gay, when he got away, I know that thing of sexual device I see that I abuse and he was also abusive. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So lady we ask is just that God doesn' give

 I pratically know you, from Greecy. God would bring to you know 20 young kids to call you mother to you felt better. Because you are very unhappy even in the motherhood. I thought that probably you would felt even more miserable. Because if you never would be a happy mother taking care of her kids. Ask him to fix, my desire was that you be happy becuase you return again of take care of your kids and not only being happy for the others.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let it be they were happy

You think that haven't man that dream of be victmy of a violent handsome boy? Felt humiliated because I was the more handsome? And be trong like an 30 years old man when I am have only 20? Is a relation of power, I even know the desire of the other, the powerful got knowing even the deepest and hide feellings of the weak. Luxury is a violent feeling.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Me and me I like what?

 That woman saying that I preffer a gay to man, why? I have to say that I was a violent man with 300 man to be their man. I was a strong man so murder that I never beat a woman, but I wasn't beating to rape but to they want me. So I was a violent love of another man, was my sadist my sacanagem... I don't explain to women that sometimes I want to be man of another man. Is because sometimes that pople think that would only love someone stronger, and being beated the person fell fragile, the person felt like that bird, that person is guilt asking for violence, and the violence coming, of course I never beat to humiliate. Have beats that are humiliating. Women they are soft, and mines they respect me, they doesn't cheat me give me the right baby.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, January 14, 2024

There are vagabond people

 Who is Matusalem according with my mother, was a man that lived 300 years because he used to say all the time to God why build a house if we live only few years, so he lived 300 years living inside a barrel, hey guy that man is very descent for that movie that you put to other role because was your incarnation you have a grothesque tendency to be woman... And people seeing that lives without know that is yuor lives. Don't you feel a little puccy.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

People that isn't to like

 People that multiply the talk, that never try find the salvation, that take the time of everybody, today is who is the father, who was God? Where is Salty, look for an hambuguer in a trash can in the dump trash of the Rio de Janeiro, look for the past of a boy that was hide behinde an wardrobe, at the time that of Matusalem was a boy, the demon doesn't let people live in peace, all the time, have an answer and came another... I don't mind if the person is over 60 this person don't want nothing, but cause comotion and pain, talk about actress of black and white, why have an eye in a door, what means a big ear, there's a demon in a breast that is in the waist, you don't want solve, say you want lose, but lose with everybody with you... The demon make impossible the ways for you but not for Jesus. The ways for Jesus are all straigths. You don't deserve but are in danger all the fishes is the country that expel Jesus and put another soul to protect them, if Jesus doesn't return and stay that soul the demon is more powerful.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let me say something about why is one way

 Is because I am listen something about someone that I knew in another life, is that Catholicism and Judaism, I am saying to her that we taught diferent for the Catholicism. She isn't understand she think that the dmon is powerful, for Jews the demon only got inside a body if he find an opening, so the person is guilty..... so for the catholicism we said that the demon do becuase he is powerful. So she is guilty... and not only a victm, we just didn't wanted a cruel priest a bad mother and father and killing neighboorhood trying to kill the girl or boy with the demon in the body, to people doesn't judge them and treat them to the demon went away.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, January 13, 2024

So let's think

 1st what is fly? What is the law for the travel? Even fly could have the name walk, if is the right person bcause for some creatures walk is fly! So what is fly? I was yesterday saying that the Jaqueta said to God this: That he could use the door that the demon open. So he travels in the path of the demon, I said Father I doesn't have credentials to travel thru the doors that the demon opens. And God gaved me all the credentials that I used to travel, I only travel by the God credentials. So is a travel? Is the permission? In the last bet the fly was of airplane the person was afraid of got an airplane.

2nd and what about that glue feathers in the arms of a boy to he dream that fly? To where he have to went?

So you have a limitation to that, so went to Rio try find one person that went there because was fan of an even don't care from actor, I know where he is from. And ask what the state he said to his phans that he would be to fly.  I think that you can but I think you don't want.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This isn't in the Bible

 What the history of a violent man in the XIX century form the USA have with the end of the world? The dcenter of the world is Europe! You are saying that an fanatic priest is the cause of the end of he world? This is the problem of people doesn't understand precedency. Something important happens in Americas? So kind of... your friend that is director passed on top of the history. Is that he thought that wasn't important. Some specials souls with high credentials jump ofn his back because they were on vacation to travel with him on his quest, so the high souls read a little more than he, the priest also was a doctor, and see a so deformed girl birth that he make something that I would not say, to make a good wife. nd the other was a woman that said that was J... and passed the spiritual tongue of a girl that liked to lye and plim... this woman are today in Brazil and used to make spiritual cures with feather of special gooses, if you understand what I mean.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So you are a problem

 Listen you aren't the Angel. The angel is a probably 60 years old lady of Rio de Janeiro, if I know her she is lying the age. She isn't the Avon magazine I sale Avon she wasn't thre. Maybe you are another kind of angel, but you for sure aren't the one that I knew, I am not refering to you. I can say God, Jesus, Maria, Demon but not Angel? Understand have people that think that know what I write, but never read me just know from distance what I saied. Have people that propel the hate, but didn't got that from my blog. I am not saying nothing that propel violence, people use the subject but not the message. Who's know you are the angel from Americas, USA? Is because have angels that like me, they said that you are norht American, I hope that I am right, I don't know who you are, do you really want to be an angel with followers that are dipear for an answer, I don't know the answer, I listen times in times Jesus and God they doesn't have an answer do yuo really have it? I am trying read the Bible I felt better there there Jesus knows.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A logic puzzle that is a range of values

 4) FEI/SP - A literature test, with 5 alternatives in which only one is true, referring to the date of birth of a famous writer, presents the following alternatives:

a)19th century

b)20th century

c)before 1860

d)after 1830

e)none of the above

It can be guaranteed that the correct answer is

a) a

b )b

*c) c

d) d

e) e

4) FEI/SP - Um teste de literatura, com 5 alternativas em que uma única é verdadeira, referindo-se à data denascimento de um famoso escritor, apresenta as seguintes alternativas:

a)século XIX

b)século XX

c)antes de 1860

d)depois de 1830

e)nenhuma das anteriores

Pode-se garantir que a resposta correta é:

a) a

b )b

*c) c

d) d

e) e

Beggining the solution.
Collecting the data (piece of information);
Decide how is the system that will be solve the problem,
to do that we have to understand what kind of sets we have and are range of values;
and the answer is if have only one probably answer one that can't overlap the other.
The first four slides of the logic puzzle that is a raange of values

This is the face of the range of values, and applying all the options.
The answer is before 1860 because have one part that doesn't overlap the others that are the time that is before the XIX century, but we have one problem say in the after 1830 we have the years that are in the XXI century, so for the comission they had the logic that one famous writer can't born in the XXI century, so Ok but this isn't exactly mathematical, can you imagine that we passes some half hours thinking why? So we notice that is very young for a writer, but this is the malice, and I am don't have all that malice, so I would notice the impossibility after submit my test and in home thinking about.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
The final of the logic puzzle that is a range of values

Logic puzzle that the solution doesn't need solve all the problem

 3) UFBA - 35 foreign students came to Brazil. 16 visited Manaus, 16 visited São Paulo and 11 visited Salvador. Of these students, 5 visited Manaus and Salvador and, of these 5, 3 also visited São Paulo. The number of students who visited Manaus or São Paulo was:

*a) 29

b) 24

c) 11

d) 8

e) 5


3) UFBA - 35 estudantes estrangeiros vieram ao Brasil. 16 visitaram Manaus; 16, S. Paulo e 11, Salvador.Desses estudantes, 5 visitaram Manaus e Salvador e , desses 5, 3 visitaram também São Paulo. O númerode estudantes que visitaram Manaus ou São Paulo foi:

*a) 29
b) 24
c) 11
d) 8
e) 5

First the Universe of the problem is gaved;
after collect the informations;
after construct the system of the groups or sets;
and the first operation with the info of the intersection of the 3 groups and the intersection of two of the 3.
The first four slides of the logic puzzle that isn't solved till the end

The solution of the intersections are place in the system of groups;
now using letters for the unknow values but of a intelligent way, this make so much easier the solution, if you don't do that way probably will gonna fall in the dificult of the problem, the solution isn't solve but find one information that you can find with 2 unknow values;
right  to the 2nd part of the solution, with what is find find the z that is the people that visit only SP, the SP is in the bottom because in the problem is the last to be solved only in the 2nd part of the problem, so is in the bottom because will be the last to be solved, you see already in the beggining that SP will be solved and and the Manaus and Salvador would be only operated and previously to find the SP that is unique.
The 2nd four slides of the logic puzzle that doesn't need be solved till the end to answer
Know to the climax of the problem that is with the Universe you came to one conclusion the problem isn't to solve and you gonna read what is asked to know what is the information that is asked that is one that can be finded without the solution of the problem and is asked the Union of SP and Manaus so you see that I didn't knew what is "a" or "x" they will be used like I find an sum, because is that what is asked "x+a(that is 11)" + "z(that I find that is 13)" + 5 = 29
Of course is good know and not only apply, a is the intersection of SP with Man. less the 3 that will be sum, and 2 is the intersection of the Man. but is used because is part of Man. so no problem of be part of Salv. its count because is Manaus also.

The last part of the solution of the logic puzzle that doesn't need be solved for completely to answer it
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, January 12, 2024

Logic puzzle with well-explanned solution

2) 52 people discuss their preference for two products A and B, among others, and it is concluded that the number of people who liked B was:

I - Four times the number of people who liked A and B;

II - Twice the number of people who liked A;
III - Half the number of people who liked neither A nor B. Under these conditions, the number of people who disliked both products is equal to:


Translated with (free version)


2) 52 pessoas discutem a preferência por dois produtos A e B, entre outros e conclui-se que o número de pessoas que gostavam de B era:

I - O quádruplo do número de pessoas que gostavam de A e B;

II - O dobro do número de pessoas que gostavam de A;
III - A metade do número de pessoas que não gostavam de A nem de B.Nestas condições, o número de pessoas que não gostavam dos dois produtos é igual a:


1) collecting the info
1st the universe of the problem
2) Making the sets
3) the Method to simplify the resolution isn't just use letters to the unkown values but reference each unknow value and before named the next solve and dismiss the letter of the unknow to we have always only one letter for all the unknow values.
The 3 four steps for the solution of the puzzle about the product A and B

So in the previous frame we have x and y unknow values and know we gonna have only one letter one value will be y and the other 3y.
The next we gonna compare using another value for the next sentence and once solved we gonna replace the z by the value y.
After we gonna solve of the same way the next setence giving an letter k to compare and coming to the conclusion that k is 8y.

the second four slides of the solution of the logic puzzle about the products A and B

Know we have all the values with one letter with relative comparision,that we know that the universe is 42, so the only unknow letter is 4 but we want all less the intersection of the two groups that is 42 less the center that being y that is 4 the answer is would be 38.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
The last 3 slides about the solution of the logic puzzle
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Solution for a logic problem

 1) USP-SP - After n days of vacation, a student observes that:

a) it rained 7 times, either in the morning or in the afternoon;

b) when it rains in the morning, it doesn't rain in the afternoon;

c) there have been 5 afternoons without rain;

d) there were 6 mornings without rain.

We can therefore say that n is equal to:






The solution is beggining with the seven days represented by the circles.

First part of the solution
Each less symbol meaning that didn't rain, but the way it is we only gonna have 2 days of rain, so this way we see that we gonna risk one day that didn't rain morning and evening and replce in the end for two days that would be rain in the morning for one and rain in the evening for the other.

second part of the solution

And we cont again the days that rained, but isn't 7 days, so we gonna repeat the operation agian, 
that is risk one day that wasn't rain in the morning and evening and replace for two days that was rain in the morning and rain in the evening.

Third part of the solution
And we gonna count again until we reach the result tha tis is seven days of rain.

last part of the solution
First to solve that peoblem we have to see what is the group fir the progbelm if are the days or if are the turns of days or if is rain and not rain, and to see groups we have to see what is staunq, morning and evening are the same day but when rain in the morning dioesn't rain in teh evening. We have to see that they are attached to each other others groups that I tried before.

The origin.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

About she-he

I know that angel, the one of the end of the world, already tried kill a friend to acomplish an mission, she have some idea that a freind is easier because he would believe her. I was in another life his freind, once I aid to my brother that I wasn't so deep friend of her. Iknow her from Italy, she is very letal. half of her time is saving her soul so she kill eveybody that would talk with her when she is saving her soul. She isn't powerful but how she-he is very efficient, she-he received power of very powerful souls to do what she-he have to do. But she is very lethal soul.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, January 7, 2024

So is that power

Is a long day? Specially for the one that is the picture of so that sadness, went sleep and let the others make something for them. See if God is your Father answer you!!!!

How deep is that power, let me say everybody asked the power of die, no.

No God asked for everybody what powers they wanted to destroy the Demon. The more miserable was a woman that asked a very drawed death for the demon.

But isn't that what people asked, appear that the person feel powerful and asks for the saints answer, I don't like you. Jesus is the powerful, He make servants went for the communication among lands. I have the power of simpathy. Everybody can have it if always was an simpatic person, 2000 years of simpathy. So who have that power nobody have to went out of the body to talk the voice propels for the air and came to us like an radio. But you have to be nice with everybody that are in the comunication is like that school play, talk in the ear of the other, till the end of the line. And Jesus comands He have their servants. And the demon only copies he can't have the same power as Jesus.

That woman that asked a big death for the demon, she was killed that way and she only glues with the demon, to kill him with her terror.

God up there is a little diferent of that one under here, there He is perfect, the woman was this went fast return fast, and that is the mystery of the power of God, and you gonna show the power of how big was the power of God, so let people sleep.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ok doctor Teta

 Without an antidote, what to do? And what about liters and liters of transfusion like changing for completely the blood of the person that receive all that neddles? I am not a doctor but an genius... What is th epropedeutica, the medication is in the blood and would the transfusions change the blood for one that haven't medication. Probably the sooner the better.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Let today be a boring day

Imagine that is a old confused prostitute. Say all the menances she told I don't know 10 years before!!! So today is the helycopter of a rich man, type pronke, she would kill me and others personalities in Europe. The Davi gave me the book that came the idea, but each Davi? She is the girlfriend of the writer. Would be fast yaches carrying prostitutes to the Europe. For England would be an Guilherme if this was his name that studied in the UNIFOR, to England. There he would entered to the police and would say that an prostitute from Brazil want to kill an important person from England. And of course appear that he went to the underground. I listen all that at 10 years ago. And she got comunicated with himand said that she wanted to he got an niddle in the nursery and hold it to infected with bloody of an person in decomposition. Who want to tell this history hard to believe? And he would have in the neddle the virus of the grangrene, and he would use that on his legs to conquest confidence, maybe was his lawyer that give all that comands. And once in the streets again with can legs he would got the friendship of the victmy and that grangrene would be for his arm. I personally think that grangrene is an state and not an bacterium, so any bacterium in a bad blood irrigated member could have grangrene. And so appear that the grangrene was his cocktail of 10 years ago, and today is other. What her problem with arms? The actual one is with the help of an kind of doctor, she give prescrisption of an real doctor. She have an kind of license for that? And this is based in the overdose, she deals with hard medication that of course have the letal quantity, and they had his advantage, they have very painfull colateral effects what is the advantage? The victmy really see that is dying, appear that is an heartattache, and what is the solution cut out the arm full of medication, is aplied with a needle in the arm.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim