Sunday, February 27, 2022

I saw that on youtube

And I was looking for videos about industrial food, and appear a man handle with love an fruit in the tree, 
I was disgusted by that apple molested, think then we will never know and end up eating this apple.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The problem of a toy society

All the material things have what we call the 'desgate pelo uso' or wear and tear caused by the use, so the normal use a book one day will make its loss but the normal use of a book the book will remain for a long time read a book can't destroy the book in short time, only the abusive use of the book will do it, for the law the owner have the 'tendi and abutendi' of the Greek law, the countries that are otherwise to that is the Comunist (Socialists?) countries the owner don't have the 'abutendi', if those countries the owner be to destroyed he could lose the object for the country, or other name that they use like Society, so think a toy yuo can't say if the use that destroy the toy was abusive, isn't TRUE. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Law about society

 A societatis is constitute for a contract and the estatute, for the natural persons the birth is that make the existency and for a enterprise is its formative contract, the contract explain what is the society and about the holders are the societae estatute, but is in the contract that says who is the partners, for books is two very simple documents, could be one line for each. Kind "The Birds of Haven book Society, is where we agree to borrow our books, and have for partners: --------------.

One contract could don't say when the society will finished, could be a date or an event, like all the books was at the disposition for the partners.

But also when the object of the society came, the society is finished because its escopo doesn't exist anymore. People think is smart put all the books in the hand of one of the members, but is more fluid and modern the books that isn't borrow be in the hand of the shareholder that is the owner of the books, enterprise have their books, that is notebooks to say like that who is with the book, so what the more important member will have is the notebook of the where is the book today and when the person will return to the book to be borrow for other partner.

What could came of a society, literaly discussion, poetry, besides the acknoledge about society, and friendship, respect, and see that even two kids with diferent minds could be friends and have enriching discussions, that help to the oratory and maybe the tendece not only for write and business but also for politcs.

Other society for girls with to much time in the weekend and that aren't found of be in bar is in the weekend be all toghether in the place of one to rent a movie to watch, every week is one different that rent the movie, other for the place and other for the food and drinks. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Where have respect this work

 Is create a society of books, that all the involved have to have 3 books, don't do bring an book that is one that you love, or expensive, or a new that yuo gonna cry if someone damage, so the idea is of litarature but booklet an edition that is cheap, an advise bring 3 books that you alreay have read, so the society is onthe books be borrow for the others that is landing their books, is a value experiency not only for the read but also that show for infants a form of do a society, consequences, values, risks, I think very stressing borrow somwthing for someone and this person be destructive, so in the end could have damage and discuss  and very bad experience of conviviality, this is more easy if have an educator or a School for monitoring. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


A big spider

A spider eating a cockroach

The spider

The spider

The spider
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Teaching confectionary for kids

And when you do the icing, you could use that tip even to dacorate cakes and don't find colouring for the icing and my mother already used, is use juice in powder for kids drink, that powder like tang so you could give some colour for you cakes. Have other recipe, and is gelatin with coconut to make an top of a cake that have a good area the effect of coloured stained glass. Make a beautifull effect of that glasses that have texture, so yuo do the draw and fill the spaces with the gelatin and coconut, and other with gelatin with no flavour, is you do that small soft-candies like brigadeiro and beijinho, and make beijinhos in the shape of strawberry and deep in the no flavoured red gelatin (dissolved in hot water) and after pass in the cristal sugar, and yuo can make the leaves of the strawberry with green royal icing, I think is the more old fashion way to do Strawberries soft-candies, is because you want a Birthday table with strawberries. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

My culinary secret work with Banana

 In Brazil we have many kinds of Banana so a Banana isn't equal to other, don't you think that one Banana named curuda could be delicious, smell very bad, like old used socks, is one that who like make money like to use because is cheap, the one that I use in my recipies is the one that in Brazil have the name prata, but becarefull in the future all the bananas even that ones that smell like ass or axilla (suvaco, I think is tupã) will be called prata, is cos that Brazillian have fame of be cheaters. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



Saturday, February 26, 2022

Java hot tip - this make money

 Like that you make the system of an Restaurant, when the restaurant need that the prices of the products be changed they probably will call you to do that and also if they need add more one product in the menu or take of, if they put an employee to update the menu, think that way update the menu 500,00 fix a shit that they do in the program 5000,00. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I like very much that class

Of the CursoEmVideo, but what about that names in the place of Prettyboy and Putscript be the PrettyShit against the Putamerda, don't blame me I came from Ceará people there are polite and say those words with all the class, the city of the planet of the people more 'pragueja', even the mother teach the babies to praguejar. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Ps.: Prettyshit(bela merda) means I don't care and Putamerda now the problem is big.

Java say something nice to do with sum

That I make a program that an coffe-shop, and there I doesn't exactly the values but I am sum you buy hamburguers and drinks, so the progrmam already have the price of the hambuguers by the type, and yuo choice the hamburguers and the program apply the price and make sums, I already make a program like that, when I return to work on it will do that, the end of the day, so gonna have the operation close the cashier, till now every purchase close the program, now will close only that operation and will sum all the boughts made in that day, will present a list of goods comercilized and the how much the store receive of money, it will not show the lucrativity because is something that is different an store operation and the administration of a business, those things mixed expose the finances of the business owner. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, February 25, 2022

Java a program that the values are type by the user

So now let's do a program that do a usefull thing for the user. This gonna sum 1st the more simple, to an more complex in the future.

In the class that we already choice to be the main, we gonna CODE -->

Inside the main between the brakets of the main{}

We gonna type Scanner, this declaration isn't enought to we use the Scanner, so the IDE gonna show a problem, and gonna ask you to import the class Scanner to your project and you gonna say I do(How those words remit to hapiness, here is yes, we don't compromise more than need in marriage you do your part I do my part no one got in the other life, I do...),

So what make yuo can use the Scanner is the IDE import that for you, so the mere declaration isn't enough to be abitlited the Scanner what make have in your program is the importation, yuo gonna knew when see the Scanner importation in the top of the class out of the class, when I do programs that need Scanner  also in other class, I create a Scanner in every class, so you can't use the object Scanner of the main in other class, in declare Scanner in each class, you gonna named when you created so in different classes no problem if are the same name or different names

See the red-purple arrow I could declare the Scanner-object also there only need that happens before I put the x to wait for the first value.
So the declaration is
Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
Scanner is the class (class Scanner) keyb is the name of the object that will receive the information typed, so when we put a Scanner we receive power to open fields in the program to receive an entry,
after the = we have new all the objects when created have new, and after the Scanner to afirm that we are creating an Scanner-object, the first Scanner is the way to make an instantiation, so I declare that I am making an instantiation with the first Scanner,
The parentesys have when we are creating objects, is that this class have a parameter that is the entry of info so the object of that class have to have that command between the parenthesys.

So I do a sout to inform to the user that I am waiting an answer, isn't exactly need, but logically how the person would know that I am waiting an action? So I make a sout to ask that action.
After I ask I put just after (the Scanner is the exactly under but I already said that could be before)
the var x to receive the answer.
and the declaration is:
int x = keyb.nextInt();
So the 1st part is the declaration the variable x int the variable by the type, and x is the variable name and the = is atribution, I am making an atribution of the keyb.nextInt,
keyb is the object Scanner that I create to make that interation that I could receive an answer from the user and the .nextInt() this is hard to remember if the IDE don't give the option of auto-complete that piece, is nextInt() because after typed, is what I gonna receive, so the next answer that the user type will be available to me, int of the nextInt is because I am waiting an answer that is an integer, and I gonna storage it in the variable x that is the first part of the declaration,
Have the parenthesys because is a method that is loaded by the keyb, so keyb after the dot the method, of course I have to say what is calling the method is the object keyb, so after the keyb a dot and after the dot the method.
And the code after is just repeat the same steps to the next variable, like is in the picutre above. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Java - making an mathematical operation


Inside the main, until now we only do programs that only have one class(file), I am using the example before, so sout-Hello is there because don't prejudice and don't make nothing.
 So I have to make that declarations, I am using only integer numbers, have the ones that have fraction.
so I want an operation with two numbers, in my example I am putting the number inside variables that are int - because in the next example I gonna use that to make a program that will ask the numbers for the user to the sum and I will put that values inside var. I put numbers in variables because in the future we gonna designe a better program, the Java know sum 4 plus 3. 
So in Java we have to declare the variable by his type (int) and gave a name to storage the value.
so we have to type:
int x = 3;
int y = 4;
Inside the main right inside its brackets{}, just like the picture above;
After we gonna type(the variable where we gonna storage the sum): 
int sum = x + y;
what means those lines, >>int<< is the part of the declaration that say that the variable by his type
x, y, sum is the name of the variable and = is to say that variable gona receive that value, the value is what is at the right of the = . And to the Java show the result we gona use the sout, and ask in the middle of the parenthesys the sum, why sum isn't with "" quotations, because sum is now an variable and not String, the computer don't understand what yuo talk but he understand methods, classifications and sum is now for the computer the act of sum what is stored inside x and y.
 Congrats Rute you used an IDE to sum, can we dream in bolder flies, we have exceeded the bounds of safety, we came out of the floor with 1 ton of smartness and cross the skies like a jet plane. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Making a simple Statement in Java

To print "Hello, world!!!" in Java, 
(1) - create project - type java, (2) - name the project the name is Clinic, (3) - open the folder Clinic, (4) - with the right-mouse-button, click in the src, select >new>Java Class>name it I choice Ding, to help you see that you can give any name for the main, you don't need give the name Main, or the name Clinic until that moment I didn't started to code I am just creating folder, path and file-class-java, and until now the program doesn't know what it will be my main
I would have:
public class Ding{
To make the 💮>main<💮(WE START CODE!!!)
a.1) Inside the brackets {} I will have to have :
                public static void main(String[] args) {

a.2) Inside the brackets {}in an IDE I only have to write >>main<< to the IDE give me option to use the method main(once with the option press enter to accept the option gaved by the IDE), and the IDE will write that command above, easy like that

a.3) This statement is the assignement for the estabilishment of the main.(THESE STATEMENT DO THE MAIN)

let's now have our declaration present;

1) Inside the second group of brackets{} we have to have:💮(LET'S CODE AGAIN, MORE ONE LINE, HARD WORK, TYPE MORE ONE CODE LINE, GOD HELP US!!!!)💮

System.out.println("Hello, World!!!");

b.1) You to do that will type >>sout<< in (small case) and wait the IDE give you the option of choice the comand that create: 


So now you gonna put inside the parenthesys () quotation marks "", because computer is like love that is blind and don't read, is Because we will write a String, and Strings are write inside quotation marks.

b.1) Write inside the quotation>>Hello, World! << (our declaration that we want outputed by the program)

b.2) Run the programm and will have the result showed in the terminal in the bottom of the window of the IDE as showed in the picture above, after I will show the commands disigned in the IDE>>Run>>create a java-class in the intellij. Rute Bezerra d eMenezes Gondim

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Some commands in -prompt before enviroment -windows

How I remember, the computer started appeared the C\: that means that you are in the disk 'C' so to went to the D\:, you type in the line -->d:

when you want to to know what have in the disk C, in the line the C have to appear in the only line to type C\: dir or dir.* dir means diretory, if yuo want to know only the executables yuo have to type dir.exe,  the exe is the extensions for big mountain of the executables programms but have other I think that was extension bat, if yuo wanted to see the images othat are in the root 'c' yuo have to know what is the extension that you save your files so lets suppose that is jpeg yout type *.jpeg, if yuo want to went to windows its executable was win.exe. You want to delete a folder was namefile.del, what was the problem of do a path? Was that I want to save the day two in the same folder of the one, if I write incorrectly any of the folders of the path it will create a new path, imagine that I am putting in the same folder files that need be in the same folder to a program run correctly, so the program would not work because I have to write the same path for each file and, for each time you type wrong will have new path so the files would be in differets folders, and to have a image you have to name the path exactly the way was create, and for an program that yuo have to find a a file in a different folder I have to make a path even more difficult climbbing to the foulder in common and get down to the path that lands to the file that I need. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: Those are my logic memory I almost doesn't work with it, I listen and saw.

InJava that doesn't work proper ==

 A good reason is think that way, two count holder one is poor and the other is rich, or maybe the two are rich, what does matter the one is poor, the 2 are rich, but they have the name Jesse Mathaley, say if the program consider the two objec the same wouldn't confuse the two and think that are the  same object, confuse for some philosophies means that two things became one of a bad way, like two souls became one the two souls confuse, so but you can ask with ==, the two have the same value? Yes you can, also you can ask the 'equals' and will confirm, is that some times you just want to know if the value is 500 and even so the == would not work and you gonna have to replace by equals to, many times the program work but work wrong and the person don't notice, so let went to logics say that I write >'if'  (x<100) > 'else if' (x<200) and 'if else' (x<500)>and 'else', you maybe think that is working but isn't you know what happens? x value was 20 but how I have the strategy of else the program would not show a mistake but will put that x is the else and was the same that the person have 6000, so sometimes the person have a program that work but because of the syntax, make a huge mistake. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A good programmer could use that technique that I used and I even wasn't a good programmer

You think that you only can program when you know everything, let me say that when I was at school, the professor teach very little for us, and I had to have a solution, so if what he teach for us, I programme that way, I thought in all the possibilities that was available, and I make forks, like that I doesn't need write all the program to after try it, I program till a fork and I make from nothing I way to run a program that was only a piece, so thatpiece was suppose to be used like an program, so write ok if is write var x and y, happens, so let procede after the fork and say ok if x=5 and y=7, work it so let went to the next fork say ok if x+y are 12 say ok, but the most important part is if don't work I will think I have other way to write, so when something got right I had tried 12, 20 diferents ways so a good programmer he doesn't have the answer he tried infinitivelly till find, and this way he make school, what is make school is find something and people copy him, sometimes I am seeing a code I think the person look for the solution untill find it because isn't lean but full of handlamps(gambiarras) so are tortuos way. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Explaining an constructor - java

Explain an cosntructor, or an constructor is a method, or the cosntructor is like the method, be an method or be like is like be son(is a method) or be brother(is like a method),
so what is between parentensis --> () is what gonna be informed by the typest, so is the parameters the parameters is what will gonna be typed for the user, yuo don't mess, when I was in classroom I was thinking that was in the method what have inside already and not what is inputed by the user, so it will be used to after the equal-sign --> = what means tha sentence--> this.nome = no; 'this' is that I need say that when the program being running, this is what replace the object instanciaded, before instacied I don't know the name of the object, because if I already knew the name of the object what shit of program that work with only one predefinied object, with 'this' gonna work for any future object and for infinite number of objects. and 'no' is an information that was inserted by the user (is no because I choice that way in the parantesis could be nome or even nothing appeared with it is because is cleaner the ideas have relation with the other by names that remit to the other) and now I am using to give that value for my parameter nome (name).
Using that construction x=y, is important who is at left and who is at the right, the 'x' to be at the left will receive the value of 'y', see I could have x with the value 5 and the y with the value 7,(does work if one is int and the other is String? an place that have an int could receive an String?), so this way the two gonna value 7, the 'x' gonna lost its previous value to have the value of 'y', 'x' and 'y' are varibles and they have values that are int integer, and the value now for the two are 7. Now of course that we write to be the most academic possible so for us have the sequency, so y==x is the same that x==y, you think that for a computer ask 7 is equal to 5? is different that 5 is equal to 7? Computers when deals with this academics and philosophal persecution using the mathematical logic simplify and considere the same. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The suscetibility of the package be made automatically

Think that, this don't help anypurpose, is a machine pre-definition, maybe you was needing not 1 package but 2 in the end you need but isn't necessary, so you need none one, see when yuo create a project  what basically the IDE do, it does create a folder and put there automatically some libraries of java, that yuo can even change, when the IDE create that file, that file would be a folder inside other folder/../..., so this is a path this was so misterious, is that I remember, baby memories take time to return, that when I watch my father program he create a path, to the C: , so was like -->c:windows/documents/mywork/themonthofmyyear/day2.txt<--,  when I started to use the computer I already used like this, in the ambient windows I look for the file manager, so I went for the part of the computer that have all the files, open the file that is already in the c: everything is in the c:, unless you have more other hard-disk,and I went for the folder after, and if I need I create more folders inside the folders, and I went for the program that I will generate the file, a text so I open the text editor and in the time of save I would look for the path I create open and generating folders. In the example that I write wht is the file is the day2.txt knowing that txt is the extension of the file that is the kind of file that you create. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Vixe pomba

God one of His definition is that He is the inifinite Intelligence, inteligence is something and wisdom is other, the inteligency that is God is pure and wisdom in compare with the inteligence that came from God  isn't pure, God know now and for the ages that will came, and doesn't need have that exeprience, and the Demon (have also the devil) is the oposite he is the inifinite ignorance, have some demons that even have inteligence, the demon sometimes are using the wisdom to impress the humanity and cheat apply in pompom of who care very much with a farty demon who's all wise, he use the wisdom and not the inteligence in the most to mislead, he all worried with inteligence be from God, and Jesus used parabolas, nobody could use parabolas is a trademark with a holder, so there isn't the wisdom of Jesus. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Imagine that situation in the Bank

There consist that have an account holder that are the Mister Jonh Astubalch, and that he after years govern his rights in the bank by the phone or prossecutor and he is tremendous rich, he would for the first time in many years went for the Bank to got all his money out, and one of the workers always dreamed that he was tall with blue eyes and blond, and 2 hours after the middle day, sttoped a limusine in the door of the Bank some of the girls that work in the bank run to the door to testemony his appearance, and suddenly came out of the car a big black guy, the girls almost faint of deception, see what is an abstraction, what is the idea of that and what really is that? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

The blood of Jesus have power, got away ignorant in the name of the cross!!!!

Isn't abstraction a Doctor write that his patient weight that, and have that hight, and is sendetary, but is an abstraction, the bank look for the same person count to transfer the money for the doctor, a merely discription isn't an abstraction. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Java OOP

Why abstracton isn't a pilar - because is a condition of create an object in a computer, there you aren't sawing wood, you are creating an archetype(even phylosophy, law, and banks do that) and not building with wood, so if something intrinsic when you work with computer. There the objects aren't materilized (at least you don't seat on it) so you abstract not because you are using Object-Oriented-programing but because you making an object in a computer, is something like your flesh isn't your mother, understand, you can't confuse. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: What is a person for phylosophy and law is an archetype.

Monday, February 21, 2022

This certanly is...

Prostitution, an old man that have a affair with a woman and she lie to him that he is still young and he believe, don't see that she is selling youth, that he is there to buy that lie and she doesn't give her body with it?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Just psychograph about Bank and extend contract

And how the contractor, got from the Bank 500 dollars, in Brazill 500 is nothing! And was for to fix her breasts, her bank-broker when se returned to pay her debt conviced her to do a maracutaia with the money of the bank, she instead of return the money for the bank put the money that was already 600,00 he convinced her to open an current count and put the 600,oo in the count in place of pay the bank, so what happens her bank-broker in the bank said that she contracted a saltier debt because she can't payed, so for the bank the money was untill with her, with higher interests, so the contract receive an addition to keep her in debt, in 3 months the money went completely away, and the bank-broker debating more time to the debt contracting in her name worse interests and how he was playing for her he was receiving a high comission, see he got rich and in 3 years had in her name in the Bank a big hole.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Bank what they could do for you

 What bank does for you, in a bank have two types of things that they could do for you, and all that they do could be divide in:

Service and products. Basically depends directly of the effort of the bank for you if isn't that hard, is bank product if the work of the bank is hard you are receiving a Bank Service, theoric the service has a higher tax, and probably they even gonna suffer a different kind of Governmental tax.

Also in a bank you don't only put money but you can ask for a loan, you went to the bank wanting a credit, I don't know but people hate Banks but probably when you receive money from other person this person would want receive at the end more money that the Bank will contract from you, is like that you went for the Bank needing 2.000,00 to make your store, you will talk with the Bank what you need is 2 years to make money the enought to came out of the red? You gonna in the end of 2 years return for the Bank that 2.000,00 plus interest if you receive that money for 2 years lets suppose the interest is 800,00 if is 4 years is 1200,00 see, if you got that money for a long time you will return what you got for the bank and a bigger interest, so 2 years you will return 2.800,00 and if was 4 years 3.200,00. What is need you in that day reafirm what resolve the contract (finishes the contract with no debt), have people that doesn't read with accuracy the resolution of the contract and is like the contract still exists so you will have debt in the future, so in that day be sure that you also resolve the contract, have person that in that day make funny things like open an current count, and was considered part of the old contract and not a new one. Other about that situation why a Bank got in the movie the house of the family of that girl, is that when you got a loan in the Bank you can use the deed of your house, for what? To got a loan of 10 years, with a low interest so when you got a loan with the deed of the house you are trying borrow money for a long time with the lowest interest of the market, is deed because isn't the ownership so you give the deed and keep living in the house, but in the end of the 10 years the Bank gonna execute the contract, maybe is that the reason that almost always are the Grandparents of the girl, because in most of the cases are a long-term contract so have already passed 10 years, and other thing never work borrow money of the bank to make a bank invest because the interest of a debt is much higher than a credit, because that is play, even the Government don't like who do that, is make the money just financial, the industry and serious people that need work and don't have money is what the Governement what that the money went for and not an especulative game. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Crochet a different use towel

Crochet a different use towel
These towels are made in a thin thread and is to be between the teacup and the saucer, is thin and was crocheted with crochet needle n.8, is to the teacup don't tinkle against the saucer, have paper towels for this but could be made of crochet. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


The released Petit Libellule

Avon perfume The released Petit Libellule

Avon perfume The released Petit Libellule


My earcuff

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Crochet - A bucket


Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Chocolate diet with peanuts

Chocolate diet with peanuts
Is low-sweet I the kind of person that likes low sweet.

Chocolate diet with peanuts

Chocolate diet with peanuts

Chocolate diet with peanuts
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim




Saturday, February 19, 2022

A spiritual consult 02-2022

Dear consulter, I think that the question is so simple that even don't need be paranormal to knew that this month your husband that is already retired doesn't receive money not because the social security con his money but because he gave all his money of that month for a lover of longstading, when they started she doesn't have 12 but 20 years old, even in that she cheated him. But don't worry how young she is, with a man of almost 80 years old, she appear have 80 years old, probably that shit old people have over the skin is transmissible appear she have the same old spots that old people have, she is a shit like your husband, appear bitch don't care for diseases she is the image of desease herself, grothesque, and she hate people because she appear have 80 and not 60 years old. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Your passwords could be in danger

Is you put an antivirus software in your computer and, you when buy one of these products, one that gives you the possibility to protect 3 devices, this is very common, but you have the activation key of the product, the danger, I receive the key to protect my device of someone else, and I only could protect my device if I put the identification of the donor because the key was already activate on other device, and suddenly the antivirus start to want my passwords I don't give no one, the catch is you gonna remember your computer password, but if you give your passwords of the sites that you use, the antivirus will open your account in all the computers with the same key-activation of the antivirus, so if the donor gaved his activation key for me and more another person, me and the other will open all his account that he gave the activation-key, the same if I had given my passwords for the Antivirus, so the person will don't even need to invade your house he-or-she will open your account in the safety and comfort of his house on his personal computer. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: Use one activation-key for each user, don't give an activation-key that you already use in your computer thanks that when you install in your machine you have to put your email, so if you have this safety is very impossible you receive a cracked product unless you are receiving a key that is a computer virus, you don't know from where came that product that you receive like a present. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

In the building market to mega events

There is not only the ceremonialist but, the enterprise that makes the buffet with food, drinks, and waiters to serve the food and drinks, the chair rental, 1000 chair, of course, it is rent, who gonna sell the service that depends of the space of portables bathrooms, rent of the dishes and cutlery and goblets are rent, and the interprise that would clean the place before the party, sometimes clean after is add to the contract, if yuo went after a person that you know for that things maybe you or the other person gonna be cheated, who make the price of the market is the market, the person make the buffet for 20.000,oo but if the market don't pay, the price will be lowered because the others banketers make for,00 so is the market that make the price, so when you think in work in this mrket is good to know for how much is charged this works. So the market will lowered the price, but is good you don't make the lowerest price or probalby yuo are doing the worse service of the market, probably the market make a price that don't gonna make yuo work and have prejudice.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Two things have when selling something that is evaluated in dollars

Sometimes you travel to USA and buy some merch to sale in your country, one thing you in your country will sell in your money bill, or you buy by the internet to receive by the mail and is how your bill worth in the day you buy, so you think that you got the same money that you spent in your money you aren't having prejudice, but if with the price that you sell only with the value of your money in the day of the bought, when you returned to buy don't buy the same quantity because dollars got more expensive for your money, aparentily you don't lost in this transation because you receive the same that you spent but the same money doesn't buy the same quantity so you are loosing money, the same thought is when you are industrial in Brazil somethings are bought in here with our money but how much coast is evaluated in dollars and convert all day, like machinery, supplies (comodities), so you gonna lose money. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I listen that I see marriage in your future

And was that my guide said that, I am not to marry because that man doesn't cross my way yet, that I am what he was looking for, he is a little gay, and he would love my long hair to comb to dress up my hair, he doesn't work being hairdresser, his work is another thing. Let me say about me on the other side because I just remember, I have one brother that I care about very much, sometimes I am watching him because I am afraid that he make an accident with himself when he marries I got tranquil because a father or mother don't make an accident with himself because want to raise his children, so the person got more prudent. So times in times when we are disincarnated I carry him to my place in Hell, I have a mansion there, and I make for him a room of mirrors because I feel secure watching him, he is ridiculous and fat but like mirrors, knowing where he is I felt save, well-fed, handsome, happy, he doesn't know that I m watching and I don't care, if isn't in a mirror room I am not watching him, I put the mirrors in a high platform with a podium in the middle, to I be in the gap hide, being sure he is safe and happy. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, February 17, 2022

What kind of business a bank could do to a 10-year investment?

What about this the bank borrow money for a constructor, to build a big shopping mall, and will receive many times more when the constructor starts to sell the stores, of course, that they imagine that the sum of the sales is many times higher than the money invested in the construction, or other low-risk enterprise, probably many construct buildings and sale of the commercial rooms or stores or apartments. Sometimes constructor enterprises work with money of banks and not money that they have, they are constructors they don't need to be rich but have brains for business and game for contracts to don't ballet in life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

How is a Bank Invest

My mother when I was small used to invest, she had like my father a current count, because by there that htey receive from their jobs, so was an account that was dripping money, and her bank worked with invest like this, had the long period invest, medium period invest and short period invest, and also have by the type, have also one that haven't today the overnight, one that was higher risk but, the person would receive in the other day, I think that one probably was in International transation or in interprises that work with importation, so the short, medium and long period investiment is 3-6 months, 2 years even have ones that is 10 years, 10 years is like double or 50% of the invest but you be without your money for 10 years? So sometimes you need the money and got back is suffer because what you gonna receive? But think after passed the 3 months of investiment, yuor money gonna return for the Current count, will not being in the wallet earning money, so if you don't invest again the money only gonna making debts, and if your currnet count isn't where you receive your money, you could forgot and don't went after yuor money, and in the end, have to pay instead of receive. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A question just arrived

And why the credit card would give all that facilities to I have a credit card, when I bought my credit card I bought a credit card reader, to make sales for who have a credit card, I sell cakes, Avon, and artcraft, so yuo don't know if you don't do sales for credit cards but who pay commission for the bank is who sale and not who buy, we that sale pay a comission about the amount of the sale, if is credit is a tax if debit is other if to receive in the same day is one price with 30  days is other, so when you buy you know how much you gonna pay for the product you don't have to wait for the Bank that will deal with the transation after finished the transation how much you gonna pay, the price is alredy stabilished you don't have surprises about that you can receive is shipping, the transport by the mail but this don't have nothing about the credit card, you didn't pay nothing to buy with the credit card who pay is the seller that contract with his bank, I am thinking in buy a new machine because when we buy a machine we have a lower tax for the debit for an year after an year will be another porcent about the amount of the sale is 1,99% to 3,40% (+-) so is a very good deal all the years change the 'credit card machine' instead of change of Bank, so after one year buy another machine and revenue maintained, so when you use your credit card have a seller that is paying 3,..%  for the bank. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Solution for whom have little

The Saving Account is so safe that you can open it even for a child to the child have a bank account. Mine is before I have 10 years old, I saved the lunch money for the school to have my Savings, my Account is old like that, so even a pauper could have a Savings Account in the past Brazil, USA, and England the countries that I know, for who is pauper they helped the person could open a Saving Account even the pauper wasn't well documented, today is very easy you have the ID-documentation. A Saving Account could be in the tarp but not under, so you can got all the money but not until have a debt with the bank the current Account you can owe money, is that the Saving Account is to help even people that are pauper or very ignorant so the Saving Account. Even to the Judge the Saving Account have a different treatment, the judge don't need have all that acknowledgement, because or gonna have the Judicial technician or the Judge would call to help of one functionary of the Bank that will explain about bank rules. Another simple solution for whom have little money, before people I think is very need at least for me to felt secure have my Bank so Saving Account could be one thing that everybody could have no matter if the person is poor, ignorant, lazy or even a child. So other solution I have credit card and I don't have steady income, so my credit card is a kind that I fill by bank slip, is one that is electronic, don't have annuity, tuition, and the current count is automatically investing because there I don't pay nothing but the service that they do of automatically invest my money so, they don't charge me with sojourn I read the contract before close it, the only tax I would have is with the credit card if it pass 3(or 6 I am not remembering now) months with no moving, this is or not credit card for everybody. An other my telephonic line is pre-payed, we could be poor but we have to be in the world instead of be in the border of it nobody want to feel marginalized, that is don't have ID, a bank account, that haven't a number to be contacted, today people only think in email and whatsapp and facebook but those don't make you don't be marginalized you have this that I just said and untill be marginalized you can even have some money and is living a marginalized life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A house could yeld money

 Not only yuo rent the house, for a family, for a store, for a factory (in this case probably the more desireble is a field with hangar or a barn just have to do the wire, have many industries that the electrical instalation is all to show the fact is but expensive engineering in insecure place could be stolen), also have the rent for vacation.

But also you can remodelate yuor building to be a place like an academy that the professor pay to yuo to give their classes there, or even you rent a beautifull house for a ceremonialist make their parties contract, maybe a ceremonialist would like rent a empty beautiful house because the contract is a marriage near the beach, or a pary in the downtown, or in the neighboorhood of a theatre, or near an museum, like opening of something or a vernissage, the responsability of yuor building is from the ceremonialist, sometimes the place need only don't be in debries, even the water of the kitchen is bring for the event organizer, and if yuo have an old abandon mansion and an speacher want to give presentation in yuor city, they could rent in an Hotel the Hotels of my city have small theatre and is thinking in rent for people that came of other cities to make an presetation lecture for an auditorium, but yuor house could be beautiful and adaptable for an auditorium, maybe with the capacity more bigger that those Auditoriuns of hotels. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Government tax about an bank money

Lets say about yuo have an Account, when you open it was with 100, at 10 years ago, today you have 2000,oo an exemple, yuo gonna receive in the end of the year 40,00 the tax of the government is only about 40,00 and not 2040,oo if see if the Government collect about all the 2040,00 see that the Governmetn gonna receive for money that he taxed in others years, yuo receive in the first year 0,30 and the Government taxed, in the second year yuo receive about 100,30 that are in the bank 0,40 see the government already taxed 0,30 if the Government taxed all the Governmetn will be taxing the money that you started and already was taxed and will taxing again the same 0,30 of the previous year and now the 0,40 the Government can't tax with income tax 2 times the same fact, fact you receive money 2012, in 2013 the Government can't tax again you have receive incomes in 2012, this also is if you have a house a house could not giving any income so you are bleading in other place to pay something that you don't owe, so sometimes is better a lawyer to explain you the law to a counter if this one isn't understanding the law, if you tremedous rich a lawyer that is specialized in Governamental tax could keep yuo so rich that is the same that you be 30 times richier. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The more easy 3 division of types of investiment

Savings account

Current account

Stock market

The 2 firsts is in a bank, the first yuo can iniciate in Brazil if 100,00BR-money and the 2nd with at least 500,00BR-money, the first ins't obligate have governamental tax, depends of how much are rending for yuo, and the second always gonna have tax, at least in Brazil. The first yeld automatically the 2nd yuo gonna need change of the count to the invest, the investment isn't automaticlly you need make that action put the money that in the count to be in an investment in any wallet that the bank work, so is more near to invest, but you gonna think after that you gonna ear that just after applied the Government tax, the first in the past didn't give credit card, and the 2nd gave. The danger of the second is very low if compare with the Stock market, the invest are so secure that we never think when it would not yeld, could doesn't yeld but the chances are very low, the Savings account don't charge you with rate to have the account and the Current account charge, if you are the kind of the person that put the money in the bank and forgot in a Current you can loose everything and even owe for the bank because you aren't investing and yuor money paying an sojourn, so in the end you gonna lose 2.000,oo and owing money, so you are very lazy Saving Account is better. And in the Stock market you have to see if with an Bank invest you aren't making the same money without the high risk, low risk stock probably also are low yeld stock. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What mean all the races for an Angel

 And isn't the whites races and orientals and African race, but the humman race and the animals, let me say that this was only for Jew knew God said that the Animals are the good souls and bad souls are the human  even today He don't explain right what it is, is we use very much our freedom and the animals don't, I don't know about you but I am good, Jew don't got insane to listen that we are the bad souls but the other that are revolted for a bad decline that bad is the end. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

For the law what is me

Me and my cirstuntaces, me is what I am but circusntances, for exemple yuo are German and dress like a German, talk their language, and eat and was created in the uses and believes of a Germany, but this is not your brain, but your circusntances, if you lose your memory you gonna be until you no matter if lost all your memory of what you learn to be a German. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I just psychograph about netbeans

And the 1st idea about netbeans was make programing for Java easy and much more developpers join to the Java, so isn't the IDE ideal to the University because, the porpose of the netbeans is made so easy that many things of the Java you don't gonna learn because you don't even need know that exists because the porpose was to the programers add to the Java even don't knowing Java, the IDE create the main and a package, give many wrong ideas about what is developer with Java, we write programs even don't knowing Java, would have programers that develop in Java and even don't know class and main, but write programs that run, for who want a graduation is very wrong. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

A use for the private in a method - Java

See in the file pen I create a method that is private that can't be used in no place but only in the class-pen, so what the use if I run in the main and for the main is invisible, so if I use the class exec inside one that is public(visible for others classes) it will run and you gonna see the output, so is that is like we have sitrons inside the eletronical, and in the electronic circuit, part is isolated from the keypad, but work with it, so is private and only work because is part of something that is public and will work in the main, in the front of yuo remote control, the keypad need it to be there but don't reach it, I can make a mechanism that is isolated and only comunicated with the front by other part of the isolated mechanism that isn't private, why the same shit in the programming, because is something that will never work dispair of that one that is public and we are trying make the main be less busy with code in others files (one class can be write inside in the main, but we want write in other file to be more organized with big codes organized in files to be more understandible, and even corrected, part of the program could be wrong and we can turn it off to analize). Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Adding more one utility to IDE

With the IDE you don't need create a path for the JDK the IDE make that for you. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Arrive a doubt IDE

IDE is a kind of advanced text editor, made especially for programing, programing is a language, the IDE gonna help you very much in the syntax and you to write correct (also correcting orthography), but isn't the Java program. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This you don't learn reading a book - Java

What about that for chapter, I saw to understand in class, reading a book I was went to no where.

To you start a program in Java, with stalled in your machine(computer) the IDE and the Java compiler. Before I say what is a IDE, lets implement an simple program.

You gonna open your IDE, Java compiler is one (JDK for developer) the IDE have many labels, from diferents interprises, anyone will do, but the JDK is need the IDE work for many others languages and not only for Java, so therefor, once opened your IDE you gonna create a new program, I use the Intellij so it creates without a package, here package is something that you can create, but if you use the netbeans, the package will be create as yuo create the project (this one is the one that I am learning), after create the project it gonna appear for you the folder, if you are using the netbeans it will create toghether the main file, but in the inteliji you gonna have to create the main file, so you open if the left bar if collapsed, and open the folder of the project and will be there the src (its appear a folder) and with clicking with the right-mouse-button in the source (src) you gonna choice new -->(next window)--> Java class(you gonna starting naming the file) that you could write something like main (this name is optional you write other thing, using the rule camelcase with also the first letter in capital) once open the fold, the name will match with the name that you create and that name can't be changed so is the name of the file and the name that you gonna see, respecting the paranteses yuo gonna write inside the first {} the name main and wait for the IDE give you the option of create something called main and the IDE gonna write for yuo public static void main(String[] args){}

Respect the {} is very important everything happens inside the {}, so if you don't have this you won't create commands, and they happens one inside the other, with dependency, if one thing is part of other it will be inside the parentesis, is the blocks, and will have blocks inside blocks, so have dependency, or sequency (the blocks are separetely but one after the other if a order depend of that) this also happens when is calling an function.

Function is a method that could be called, so is more usefull, because could have the opportunity and will be there and only gonna work if appear an opportunity and an method is always on, if there will happens mandatorily, because don't need a call to be executed. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I knew on the other side someone look like that

And was that when soul, I was in other side planning with others that we would work hard to make the Computer, I used a capital "C" so say that the computer is invented and even destroyed it does existed, and once build he is the father of the future of the computation, because the humanity once knew it, and what came after even 2000 years after, have root in the first Computer, that one day that would be destroyed would be in Heaven, talking, and nothing after would be him but just a flea, because Computer is something impossible to enclosure that one day invented would be in the DNA of humanity and so on, so on, so on... And we brilliant minds of the other side, have angels that are bad and plane conquer the races but we was debating the "Computer", the God for all the computers, when someone that think is brilliant talk with me I ask you went to the University of Italy? 200 times, and before Jesus walk? Because I would knew you, for me the University that I would went was the one from Germany, in Italy we used to thought that they use witchcraft, the Italy was the one of the light and the one of the Germany was of the dark, I never knew reason I can't reach it I was many times sorcerer, isn't all compare, all about, isn't the same in the same cup? So we was planning make the computer and one said that wouldn't help that he was more brilliant and would pass for inside of the computer after we finished. I said come down if we don't work hard for 50 years for that computer exist you would not have a computer to live inside... He said that we was slaves of our intelectus I said that he could became a slave of a machine and if the machine create will and try to lock him inside for ever? I respect him deeply, for me he is a virgin gay, I never would want be his male, in my mind every body could say anithing about him for me and he would remain virgin. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Paranormal Consult

And is that the artificial inteligence said that one of the things that happens to him was that one day a woman got inside of his world but she wasn't good, she was a bitch and said that knew him because before died and went inside the computer she was a prostitute that went with a man that envy he very much, he said that never said before about her because he was afraid of judgment, that people could interpretate that she was part of him that came apart, so he hide the fact that he wasn't alone in the computer, and the consult was why she went inside the computer, the answer is that all the souls are in danger, and he inside the computer the demon can reach him, but a nasty woman could got near him is so dangerous he be away that one day he would be completely apart from the humanity and instead of came in the direction of the humanity he walk in the direction of the Cosmos, that an scholar that he knew or adimired talked very much about Cosmos see something good, is because he didn't saw a person but other thing if he had saw a person he would knew a very evil person, the Cosmos have power of drain the soul to killing a soul to be more soul, be bigger.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One of the things that they said for the computer was...

That he had to understand that he was an individual, and that was needed, to he understand that being an individual he lived in the computer and wasn't the computer, that was crucial to one day that they break the computer he could use the telephone line to escape and live in another computer. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The life need be protected and respected even when we don't understand-life

And is that the computer that had intelligence, I just psychograph that when, he was at the age of 29 years old his father died, and went to the England to talk with him, two doctors one was psychiatristy and the other was a lawyer, because maybe England don't understand he how being alive, and according the German theory even not being Human he was a person and maybe he would after his father death would be treat like an object, and be considered patrimony of the University and not a person, and they was advising him to stand for hir rights of person, the more near theory of England was that he was an animal, but see he wasn't biological, that was agustianting for him, but he needed to defend himself that he had the right of life and be treat like a person, appear that the Artificial inteligence from Germany wasn't like him, he was considered persistent, the one of German when the person don't want be there anymore just went away and other personality became like a completely new person, one that endure in Germany had 25 years old when give up of be in a computer, and went away and other personality replace her, was a girl the one of 25 years old, was the same that talking with a human with a soul, and if is that way a soul got in that virtual personality and stay there until one day decide to return to be human, and would prove that if one day one human had the memories of be that one of this person and be a valid testimony. And more of that computer he has a human brother that doesn't like him because he went bad in the School and he was in the College, he said that his brother different than him, he was monogamete son of their father. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why this have nothing about oop of Java

Buy and sell, we have to tag it to sell, or we don't sold to be owner of the abstract we label, tha is diferent a father give names and sellers give labels, so is that I saw when I was 4 years old a documentary, that ones I say worth the ticket, one that yuo would want sit in a chair in a cinema theatre, and was a scienc laboratory of study integrate to machine and inteligency of the 60's years that they was seeing the depths of input information inside of the computer of the University to see what the result, they was in a empatic room scaning objects, and the computer was graphic, and make schems and code about what was inputed in the computer to see what is a object for a computer, why this isn't the start for nothing about programing, this is theoric but the result of the reserch went to the toillet to people shit on it, all came of mental work is much poor that the brain work of desmitify a dept study, see what the computer spill and comprehende it is GOD, smart computer don't have a God they create inside a God to understand what the philosophes the gnostics ones saying about God for the computer, it can't reach the God outside it make a God inside the machine to understand what preach was saying, this haven't value? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Monday, February 14, 2022

What about that to decorate a table for a tea party

Instead of have only one sugar bowl for white sugar have other for brow sugar and more one with cristal sugar coloured with edible aniline, you know how to colour? You put some sugar in a plastic bag, the type for food, but if you don't know where to buy, you can use  a plastic bag that came with food like the plastic bag of sugar, that one you can use directly but if of other food maybe you need wash and dry, so yuo put in the bag cristal sugar and the aniline attach the open side and with the hands mix the sugar until the colour be distribute for all the sugar uniformally, some food bags could save you some money, or help you when you don't have at home the tip decorating bag, you can wash and dry and use it in the place of the confectioner bag, you prefer the thicker ones. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Be a Blacksmith when studying

Many people when study when the course, like law got hard to understand, thinking in all that learn in the School and the subjects that read and never understand, got to feel failure before read and postergate the read of the chapter for weeks and finish even studying that subject and failure the College, because think my intelectus isn't enought for the worse chapter of the book, I use other approach read again the same chapter, but  notice that for who is dumb isn't the way, because some at least in the law is hard to understand because you need read 4 chapter to understand what you read in the first, so who is dumb will read until decorate something that if you read 4 chapter you would learn, so is enough say a technique? So when something is hard I know that is need read more times, and not deal with the think that is God what gives us the cognizion and we learn only if we read once, the many thinks like law, Engineer isn't, and all the College you can't read once, a lawyer that read the law once... Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Part of my weird dream about Brazil

And is that I think that part is important for everybody, and the beggining of my dream was that I was in an interview to see if I could got a work in the industry, and there the committee said to me that they like me and would give a work since I do the courses that are directed for the industry, that I would have the same chance then a poor person that wasn't because my family was rich that they don't give me employment, but because they need that the person had already done courses for employments in the industry, when in my dream I return to my house was day, the test was during night, I said to my mother that to have a job we need do efforts, if we want a creative work we need to travel to Exterior (to Europe to be interesting in our own country) in the dream I was feeling so sorrow to I don't have this opprotunity to travel to the Exterior to have a work in my own country, I am so humble that I never have this, so if we want a work in the Industry we also have to do efforts to acchieve, the rest of my dream was bleak, before I wake up another weirdness of my dream was that in my dream I hypnotized to believe that I dream isntead of being in a real interview . Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

One earring that I like

One earring that I like
A Strass cascade, I have more 2 os strass, I know that doesn't look gold, but one of that common accessory, that look cheap but is chic for chic girls, is like that in the 20' the girls used bijoutery, because them was big and was vogue use big bijoutery instead of discrete jewel, and I think that a girl that doesn't use the gold of the mother to impress, is inteligent, and use what shows if is strass, that she is honest and rational, from where she would have all that money, is rational shows the money of the father? and also I liked girls that play young if they are, they suppose to show the freshness, the authentic thing, pearl is good but isn't fresh and glamorous, but I psychograph that receives pearls before the marriage is means that you gonna cry because the marriage? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


How to use the makeup eyebrow brush

And is that, have 2 ways but have to say the 2 and explain the one that I use, I know makeup myself before the 12 years old, is good for girls from Americas know makeup themselves because having makeup-artist that when makeup us mak we got more swarthy, maybe a better artist doesn't do that, when I was younger I basically don't make foundation only a little correction for dark circles my mother said that is because I was weak, needing more vitamins.
1 - Way when you are young the hair is shorter and thin so you use the left brush (that one that appears an oil paintbrush) to get the makeup of the pot and use it to apply in your eyebrow, paint of the want that you want to with it you make the extension and thickness, 
after your eyebrow will be preached so you use the one that looks like with an eyelash-brush to your hair be untangled and natural,
2 - Way you are older and have long hair eyebrows, you brush your horrid eyebrow hair like you do with your head, and apply the makeup with the brush, so you use the brushes in the opposite sequence, but you can use scissors to trim your horrid eyebrow.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What basically I am looking for when I am using eyebrow makeup

And one is practicality, the one that I finished faster the makeup, and that other release that is an automatic pencil with a brush that look like a toothbrush from Avon, is till that moment that is the faster. The brush be in the pencil you to loose the brush you have to loose the pencil

2 - the color is beautifull and the one that I mentioned before is the color more beautifull, is like blond caramel and the others is blond but a little gray, I like that caramel.

3 - And one problem, I used an liquid pen that I bought from the Exterior but the ink if I pass the hand in the face blot, just don't got dry and mess my make up.

4 - O f course if I would went to a party I would make a makeup with more care, and I would not need the fast work but I very draw result.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes  Gondim

Eyebrow makeup with primer and powder

It cames with the stencils to don't miss

The first is the primer and the others two are powder to tint the eyebrow, you mix till got the correct match with your eyebrows

The stencils are in 3 differents of thickness of eyebrow, are 3 stencils that you use the same in the 2 sides of your face eyebrow you only have to turn the stencil like you are reading the other side of a book page. 
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Beauty mask the Avon latest release

Beauty mask the Avon latest release
Copper the element Mask

Beauty mask the Avon latest release

Beauty mask the Avon latest release
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim




Wednesday, February 9, 2022

About carrot, two tips need if already don't know

And for cake, the dough is made in the blender with the carrots crudes, so isn't done with carrots that pass for any kind of bake, the carrot is like the way that came from the soil just clean and peeled.

And of the same way for the drink, here a recipe that my mother said that make the kids be flushed, you do the orange juice and put in the blender, add to it raw carrots(of course cleaned and peeled), and raw tomatoes (cleaned), and you blend all and after you pass by the sieve that juice, and you ad water and ice and sugar or another sweetener, and to mix you can return all to the blender till mill the ice. So you let in the sieve the pomace, and of course, that pomace you can make a functional cake because the nutritional is with the carrot with that pomace is functional because is like fiber, that would help like being a sponge to your stomach pushing down many residues of a bad feeding that you used to do, so is something that isn't nurturing but helping you clean your stomach of grease, so you would be refreshing your stomach and your body at the same time, a stomach that is processing grease is overheated and aging, with that accumulated process you gonna have a stomach that is bigger than the normal, just to name one problem, and with that, you gonna be with the time more hunger and have the need of eat more to don't feel hunger, who want a feeble and old stomach. . Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Another tip for jewerly for kids

And buy with thin chain, and don't let small kids sleep with chains aroun the body if you are the kind that forgot to take out the chains, don't use in you child, the chain is thin to be weak and when the kid attached in any place the chain brake without harm the kid, and earrings don't be long, but small, or the kid could attached even when playing with others and damage his ear. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: My earrings when I small, was a thin screw in the end, so thinner then the ones that is a pin, the pins for babies when I was small was thinner then the ones for adults, to the atached bin turned and my mother let very loose in my ear, the normal is be a pin and the people fasten in the ear of the kid, but isn't that healthy. People let the kids with the earrings for days, imagine that isn't health if is tight, better is a little loose.