Friday, December 4, 2020

Generating and presenting a matrix in an algorithm




var n = 0;








document.write("nome do financiado    CPF    bairro    tamanho    valor    <br>");






Look that part of code of my algorithm, that part is a part that generate a matrix of array, and is that I have the persons that got a loan to build a home and by the district the person will construct I want to know the engineer that works in the same neighborhood, but is that if are more than one I want the all them listed, so what I would do lets give numbers to make easier the explanation; if I have 12 clients(qF), I have to look for each one of the 12, and if I have 6 engineers(qE), I have to look 12 times for each client each one of the 6 engineers, so I gonna se 12 times all the 6 engineers, G[] was a array that I create to place the name of the engineers but how for that search I gonna have more than one I make that array became a matrix so G[i] = []; also I have to create another var that would be the n to create the index of the second slot of the matrix, the first slot will went to 0-11 in our exemple and the n would be changed every time that one engineer be of the same neighboorhood of the client, and how do you present the information only for that client: Is that the client name I put in a array that is the B[], so I put the B[i], the array of the array that is a matrix but i put G[i] and the G[i] that isn't only a position but also a matrix will present all the the engineers storage that is G[i][0],G[i][1],G[i][2],G[i][3],G[i][4],G[i][5]. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
Ps.: The Ae[] is the neighborhood of the engineer that will compare and once be the same would give the names of the engineers that are in the A[]

Friday, November 27, 2020

Counting money what is cents

what are cents, one cent is 1 unit of money subdivide by 100 if you have dollars one cent is 1/100 of a dollar, if you have Brazillian money one centavo is one real subdivide by 1/100. So you are counting cents when you have 100 cents is the same that one dollar for American money and one real for Brazillian money, 2 coins of 50cents is one dollar or one real in Brazilian money, and 1000 in cents are 10 dollar or 10 real, 2000 cents is 20 dollar. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Ps.:Would be always that way I think that when in Brazil was reis the bill worth a lot and the coin was 1/1000 of the bill.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

In calculus how to convert the broken part of the hour

And is that let's say that you are working with a function that deals with time like hours and in one point the time isn't integer like 5,34 hours, looking for that number I know that I have 5 hours but what is 0,34 hours isn't minutes here the hour is divide by one hundred and not for 60 so haven't resemblance, so what do with the fraction portion you only have to get the fraction and multiply by 60 so 0,34x60 and the result is minutes and you gonna find 20,4 the integer is minutes 20 minutes and the fraction you still can multiply for 60 to have seconds and is 0,4x60 = 24 seconds. So we have 5:20:24. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: I find a so beautiful number that hasn't broken part after the seconds but if have what I could call it you can call it centesimos of seconds and let be, at that point isn't divide by 60 but by one hundred. And 40graus12'23'' - only one apostrophe is minutes and two is seconds.

como converter km/h em m/s

como converter km/h em m/s

How to convert the velocity of one system to another 

For an instance the km/ in m/s, how I already said one kilometer is 1000 meter.

1 hour is the same that 60minute multiply for 60seconds that gives us 3600 seconds.

So in one hour, we have 60 minutes and in one minute we have 60 seconds how many seconds we have in one hour 60x60 that give us 3600 seconds, in one hour we have 3600 seconds.

one kilometer is 1000meters and one hour is 3600, so one kilometer/hours so let's make our formula where is km replace by 1000meters and where is 1 hour replace by 3600seconds, and we gonna have 1000meters/3600seconds. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Algorithm how to memorize ordination

And is that the aux the number 'a' and the number 'b'.

And is that the command is aux receive 'a' and 'a' receive 'b' and 'b' receive aux, that is 'a' so 'b' receive the 'a'.

something like that 

aux = a; a = b; b = aux;

And to memorize if aux is equal 'a' the aux is erased and 'a' and aux have 'a';

And if 'a' equal 'b' what is in 'a' gonna be erased and 'b' and 'a' gonna have 'b'.

and for the end 'b' equal to aux so what is in 'b' will be erased and 'b' and aux gonna have the same value that was what aux receive from 'a', but what matters is 'b' and who cares what is in aux that is there only to make the swap. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Seven segments display of the type K or A the difference

Seven segments display of the type K or A the diferencce
Seven segments display of the type K or A the difference

For the one of that is the type "K" probably is the cathode and "A" is anode see with the one the connection have to swap to it lit, one the ground is placed with the segments to work and the other the segments have to be connected with the energy source. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Ps.: That image was made from a system simulator so it lit because it worked isn't a draw


Sunday, September 27, 2020

The blog will go on vacations


The blog will go on vacations till next year January but will have sporadic story during the vacation and return during that time to read the published posts, since now happy vacations, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

All the eye makeup eye set

All the eye makeup eye set

All the eye makeup eye set
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Liquid face illuminator from Avon

Liquid face illuminator from Avon

Liquid face illuminator from Avon

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Flower decorated pen eraser

Flower decorated pen eraser

Flower decorated pen eraser
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Cactus decorated black gel ink roller pen


Cactus decorated black gel ink roller pen

Cactus decorated black gel ink roller pen

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Crochet flower made with rococo stich

Crochet flower made with rococo stich
Crochet flower made with rococo stich

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim




Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Using a graphic scientiphic caculator

you still have to have a analitic logic ratiocination (raciocínio lógico analítico), because is you that will gonna make an analisys of the result to answer an questioning. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I think that could save lives

Passing for that situation recently let me say with a person went to eat out and got a food infection, the person has to vomit or would die.
Is that you imagine that people say to you don't vomit because that is bulimia, but people if you are having a food infection the food is infected and if stay in your stomach you could die.
 Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Finding the limit for a function sine with a graphic scientific calculator

Finding the limit for a function sine with a graphic scientific calculator
Finding the limit for a function sine with a graphic scientific calculator
How use with ease, first I find with the steps of -2 to 2 jumping one digit, 
after I ask for -1 to 1 jumping 0,01 of one number,
after I ask to -0,1 to 0,1 jumping 0,001 of a one number, and look what appear in that zone all the number are Y equal to 0,6.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


limits in functions that have sine and cosine

limits in functions that have sine and cosine
limits in functions that have sine and cosine

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Is very easy to use milk in powder in the recipes

For example, if you gonna need one cup of milk you gonna put 2 spoons of powder milk in a graduate jar and filled till be 200ml of milk (instruction of the label of the can), and is till be 200ml because there is write that two spoons make 200ml of milk and not add 200ml of water.

So if you gonna need 100ml of milk add one spoon,

300ml 3 spoons,

400ml 4 spoons,

500ml 5 spoons.

And Have the advantage of that the water have a long-term validity and the powder milk is also a long term validity, you open the can and it holds for a good period, that in some case you gonna have money economy if use powder milk in the place of the liquid milk, because the liquid if you don't use in his short validity you gonna throw in the trash imagine that you need only 200ml you gonna loose 800ml of liquid milk.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Packing a present with a ribbon with the same paper of the pack

Packing a present with a ribbon with the same paper of the pack
Packing a present with a ribbon with the same paper of the pack

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Avon foldable cup for water to carry in the purse

Avon foldable cup for water to carry in the purse

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim




Thursday, September 17, 2020

Finding the function for a practical case with solution and concentration

Finding the function for a practical case with solution and concentration
Finding the function for a practical case with solution and concentration
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Negative measure for volume or area, one possible case that show isn't possible

And a case for negative values for measurement if space and volume, area height would be negative






In our universe all the bodies have mass and occupy a place in the space is law of physics and chemistry, chemistry use especially for the gazes in the experiments, and in the school how I was very efficient I saw that is for geometry, my talent; but think that way that one day we gonna travel to space and we could find other Universe and that considerations are very important even that I am efficient, so we can create a Universe in the computer and the laws are the ones that I say, so would be a Universe that I create, and the Universe is what I create. So in the Universe that I create on the computer, I can put two bodies in the same place (the second postulancy of the law for the bodies is that two bodies can't occupy the same place in the space) with the computer I can do this, and from the original space if I subtract the volume of the two bodies that could be boxes, I gonna have negative space, cool isn't? But if you are out of the computer you can't, see? Computer to create the alien planets and condition is very important to understand and comprehend what condition we could find in other Universes. So computer suppose to be large used to space travel that we gonna find different atmosphere condition. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Factoring to find the limit of a function


Factoring to find the limit of a function
 Factoring to find the limit of a function

And Here how to test the validity of the answer. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, September 14, 2020

Mathematics - I very trick case of factor to find the solution of limit for the function

Mathematics - I very trick case of factor to find the solution of limit for the function, here more than knowledge is a case of skills
Mathematics - I very trick case of factor to find the solution of limit for the function
Here more than knowledge is a case of skills. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

There wasn't experiments to make a supersoldier in Germany

In the time of Hittler, because the Hittler thought that could  happens a genetic modification, something that is a mutant, and a mutant is something diferent, first mutation is somethign good and something bad, for instance all the light eyes probably are mutation of dark eyes, for an instance have many mutations but the medicine doesn't study and the person die of consider natural causes prematuraly, die young and you don't even know why? Have mutation that are syndromes. But returning see for the comission and for the Hittler see that is a human and have his right of love and family, can't you the problem that came that isn't human give a woman of your race to marry with something that isn't genetic of the race, can you imagine the suffer that would came of a supersoldier for hisown and for his future family, even that came a DNA test to prove that experiments with supersoldier don't make changes in the DNA could be a surprise DNA that could be mutant in a level that isn't vieseble, believe the more valible to Germany is marry with a more beautifull DNA then their, but for that time was consider for the comission that the DNA more beuatifull was the German so what for marry with other race. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, September 13, 2020


The temperature of the kitchen is very important to work in that level of organization that I had said before,

First let say that when you are beating the cake doughs the kitchens would be cold, but when start to cook the doughs the kitchen would come very hot.

At that moment nothing is good to make in the kitchen the cakes fillings need be cooked but a hot kitchen isn't the right place to cool down the fillings, the temperature is process more heat is also a process and isn't good, many things in the patisserie need a low temperature the tops (glacês), the fillings. And the puff pastry doesn't react well in a hot kitchen, the puff pastry need be baked but don't like be warmed for a hot kitchen, so you need organization to know to react to a hot kitchen the normal is let the kitchen return to cool temperatures let it cool down, especially if you aren't working in the winter that the kitchen would get cool very fast without no effort of course that you can have a kitchen climate have electric apparel that is more efficient than the air conditioner, patisserie is something expensive that justify a climate kitchen and a refrigerator is very needed. The cold helps very much in that work. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Rounded crochet cup holder with cotton twine

Rounded crochet cup holder with cotton twine

Rounded crochet cup holder with cotton twine

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Small storage box with stile for any purpose

Small storage box with stile for any purpose
Small storage box with stile for any purpose

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim