Monday, April 26, 2021

In the past incarnation how I went to the hard computation

And I had already said that I went to the army with 12 years old with other friends of the school with a medal to save a life of a colleague life. And once in the army, I said to my father the proposal that I wanted to show for the army, had a powerful computer in Germany and another England, but the one of Germany was more secret than the one of England, the one of the English theory was that a genius of 40 years old, maybe was the age for a brilliant brain be in his more productivity time, would use that computer and learn all about that computer, see in past one computer was more that need for a country, but the future would be a planet of computers,  computation had to be learned to make that new humanity with the computer sensitivity in all the moments, the success of the past would be the way for the future human been. But the England till that moment hadn't success with all the genius that went there to learn computation, the one of the England I think also was in the hands of the army of his country but the genius that would work with the computer was always civilians, all the genius went insane, maybe was the short term only 4 years, so in 4 years if the person was a genius was the enough, wouldn't you say you were crazy yourself after the 4 years? So my proposal was that put me to work with the German computer, in 30 years too much for a human and nothing for a country and I would be at the age of 30 the youngest university professor in computation, I was asking 30 years but of course, I would have success before, and I was from army, better of a genius was a built genius, I would prove that a genius could be built, and I would use the German way, a team of persons imbued, guided for me, each one helping the other, teaching the friend to all get at the same time to the success, I choose my friends we were all young, each one worrying about the other's success. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Fate what have in comparison with fate destiny

And I psychographed yesterday and remember that in my previous incarnation when I wasn't in my country, I as a doctor was giving my medical opinion to a lady from the USA, and was that the person had in her country make a drastical diet to get in shape to appear in a movie, the lady was rich, and appear in movies because like it, maybe the money for the movie that she appeared in was expensed by her father, but appear that she was very light color mulatta, and she didn't sunbathing so as not to show that she wasn't white, and she went to Europe to make a post-surgical clothes, for her body, that with a very grotesque diet combine with her not healthy use of didn't sunbathe, she was with a body slack and she would make a film that she would be a young lady, in her Country the suit would be sewn on her body, the European suit after plastic surgery was dressed. One of the things that I said to her was that she sunbathed for her healthy that the sun of Europe wasn't enough to show her color, and that she went to a spa and got a treatment for her sub nutrition, her body was all devasted for the bad diet she was subjected, and before the movie she passes 3 months without sun, to appear lighter and that was needed because that the body to keep alive take all the sources of the arms and legs and skin and give it for the vital organs, that people that live in incarcerated was older that people of the same age and one of the causes was the absence of sun, so the vital organs to be in good condition when all the body is plunder takes the feed of the skin, and after legs and arms to keep the whole body alive, so sunbath and the right diet would make her younger than her in that day condition. With me to help was a french nurse that likes very much gossip, and the patient was saying during the appointment let scapes that she wanted to know information about a famous European and she was afraid of even his name, the nurse tried to advice her to find him, listening the talk of someone that like trouble to have what to chat I said she supposes to didn't give the advice for a young female to find her destiny, because could be that she was afraid of a future that wasn't good, have many girls that her fate would find a man that would kill her, one moment I said that was because that I was Jew, the others races believe in fate and we know that we owe or we don't owe, that was happier than have a fate, that the nurse if make the lady find her fate could be in future her the that would be looking for her fate. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, April 11, 2021

A dream things that in the day aren't what appears at night

And was that I dreamt with a place and there was almost empty, there have so few people enjoying there and talking kindness. And after that dream I went there personally, and I got bad luck. Last night I return there in dreams again, in the dream I went there with my parents and they went to talk with the cordination, and looking out the classes, I thought that wasn't appearing with classes but with popular flats, housing for the poor, some abandoned others with light, in the deep of the night that school look perverse with poor and violent people living in derruidos buildings, a poor village, I thought and scream why I was called again to come here? I almost scream at someone that was passing, I was nervous, was a conscious dream, I thought that person doesn't know the answer was only a person that passes at the moment that I awake to the fact that I was coming to a place, repeatedly times, over and over again, that was more dangerous than I was thinking, so was very deep night over 12 of the night, who would mind I shout was an open space far from the buildings, why I am coming here? And a lighted building said with a feminine voice "because you love me", I said "who are you?", "I am your college" and said the name of my country of other incarnation, "a girl of your country put a piece of me inside her pussy and piddle in that sand close you, got me I want return" to and said the name of the country, I got goosebumps of thought what someone would be doing to have a place in the pussy, the piece that I got was a bucket of the size of a ice bucket of big rocks of salt. I think I had already listen that spirits that are like objects are souls that could lose a  piece of his soul if someone carries a piece of that thing that soul is. But isn't the first place that I dreamt that day is a School and in the night is a place where poor people hide to live. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why this would not work for radioactive trash, that water?

And is that the problem of the radioactive trash is that it does have radioactivity, and I psychograph that when the energy was low that was need be accelerated to came inside a machine today the energy is very high in the streets so is pushed inside to your home. So the atomic energy isn't optimized the utilization, so you have to have a very full of energy mineral to achieve its energy, so the mineral with a lot of energy isn't any more useful, because the utilization is low utilization, but if the material, that is water be accelerated? The more short way is centrifugation, do you know that in the labs even the blood is centrifugate to decant? So why put in centrifugation the atomic energy wouldn't come and be used, and if you got all the atomic energy of the trash, it isn't would become normal waste. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim