Saturday, December 30, 2023

This sacifice is for whom

 First before beginning, let me say that one time a person that have years that I doesn't talk with her said, I said to her something that my mother told me that was something like conviction, that things that came from our roofs, like folklore, familiar superstition, even I am saying that what my mother told me she said that was stupid, how hatted her I wanted all the bad things for her. I don't respect who doesn't respect mother or family. 

And about the sacrifice. And that about write, that woman-man asked me to write but after came my friend and ask the same so the sacrifice are still for my friend. And the other sacrifice that the woman-man still not for him-her because the flogging he-she convince me isn't enough to help my friend, so even what surpass isn't for the woman-man. My mother had said for me that have things that we just let at the side is for the hund, meaning the demon, is like that this the food waste, make the demon happy and make him came close from you, the dictate is leave your breads crumbs for the dog kind don't do that because the demon could came, a dog that eat bread, the demon is another dead soul he swollow but it would came of the other side in one piece, like that hamburguer that people asked what is that desease, is a dream? Is only that you are making the demon near you and he sollow the bread but would came of the other side without be digested. See like God used to ask sacrifices the Demon also asks for sacrifices. Doesn't make the bread be his flesh? I don't know what commitment is for that unconcious sacrifices, but of course has. People someone asked to answer that, good example his cousin buy an hamburguer but how she wanted to be lean give a bite and throw an modesty expensive food in the trash can without even think in give it to an poor person like the cleaner. She even is the kind that but disgusting things in the bread to humiliate who wanted to take out from the trash can, she was the one that taught that can put an piece of glass in the food before put in the trash, because nobody can eat her trash, she think that who take things from the trash is stealing, if you don't understand my opnion I am against who behave that way, so is a crime kill a beggar, and this isn't an accident but a premeditated murder. You don't know the idendity of the victm, if someone put poison in a wine glass in party people understand is a crime, and was for anyone that had the unluck of got the wrong wine goblet. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The problem of that old woman

 Know that you came in, I was saying the problem of that old prostitute, say that name in the title. Is that bitch want to kill someone of so tired, confused and mistaken. He wanted to me knew things that only make good for him.

A man called woman could be the demon. He asked me a lot of chat, and after the next day more work, I said nobody read a person that write without an porpouse I gonna loose all my followers, go bother another person. I asked all I write doesn't serve for nothing? All the histories that I write was because I knew the person in life. In the end I write my life next that person

The first time he tried talk with me was because my friend said that he need an effort from me, a small sacrifice after a long day of Christmas, my friend asked me came out of the bed and walked all night long, I did it in one moment he said is enough. So the other that is the demon asked me to I give him also the same sacrifice just 3 times more I didn't do it, didn't give any. Imagine you with your wife came the same flesh, is that a sin is wrong. I never married by a full ceremony. For descendant of Jew that wasn't conforme my parents blood. Me came flesh with my wife? That part was dismissed always.

So about miracles, once in the past past, God asked me to from distance save a kid, the miracle was very migered, the only thing I could do was make the mother see a wall of fire to the kid go after the servant of the school to ask to be taken to the police.

Was that the cafetina of the mother that helped her to put the kid in the school with the money of a cafetina of another country. After 2 months of expensive school the cafetina said that she owe her 1200,00 that she bring her kid that one night she would make so good use of the kid that the debt would be all payed. The mother since the beginning of the day was so nasty with the kid that the kid was suspicious. The cafetina also explained that she had put her daughter in the prostitution, she hadn't mercy for nobody. But wasn't only one the second the mother was even harder, I acquive make her after she put the hand on the fire that wasn't there make her blind for seconds. I talk with the kid this when the servant take you to the police is your choice say the truth or lie there, because this one even think about lie. If you say that your mother is good the police would think that you are regret of first lie and will think that your mother was always good. And God tried make a miracle even bigger for a bad kid, when I knew how bad was the kid, I thought and God understood that I wasn't God to someone put in test my power. So God make a blindness in the mother that were 3 days, after 3 days the mother passed the headache kept and the blindness thought that was a temporary illness and took the kid to wash its pushy in the prost... God made a bigger miracle but doesn't think in the end. I today think that the miracle glue well for that ones that really want it. But also you see how they are small... God saved in this era and in other eras because He doesn't believe. So He doesn't know if was of a present life or He travel to the past.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, December 29, 2023

And have who try take words from doesn't have

 First doesn't try think that know of who I am talking about. And is that the cats always return to the crime scene. Have you listen that the so care the cat is he dies for the curiosity? So when return isn't dye for the guilt that he tried get rid of? So I think inteligent and tender is me. We always have patience to listen tha thte person isn't guilt but in the end, why he returned? So think that the person is fool of think that would receive the forgiviness that receive when was very young when commiting the same crime when old.

And also friend walk with my enemy and you gonna be blame for the crime of another, because her friends today are men that used her when she was young, and you gonna receive the blame of them, in my city have this kind of person that kill another man. Once you receive the guiltness of a pedophilian they kill you, once a read that an stupid only have his mother to cry his death, because nobody respect or like an stupid man.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Who lived that? That passed.

 When I was 11 and half I studied english during night, my parents also study in the same time, just in other classroom. I had a relative that tried convince me to be friend of his friend, I said that I didn't wanted, can you imagine that probably wasn't very hard someone invade that English school that was in a old family house? I looking for them I think that he even of far had the only age she said. I said I don't want know his friend, she said Rute you have to be polite, people can't read thoughts, I thoughts want you think vovó, grandmother in the meaning old prostitute. I look without interest and doesn't reply and try find be in a place with employees of the stitution, like near the secretary that answer the phone calls. Some older girls that doesn't talk with me apear in the school during day to say that was kind of a party. I make it up that was dumb and doesn't like parties. One said that my relative only got sex with married men, and them give to her cents. People try came close to me to say to I change my mind I thought like love like Jesus, doesn't love me, one that was the handsome came and said that give a second chance to me, I was this time polite and said that I didn't wanted to be to that parties. So about that that lived in my dreams, so you didn't save me... She was a cafetina, if depend of you what would be of me... Is hard be nice with me? One day one real life cafetina came to say that my relative was a problem, she doesn't like people pushing down the price. I said that if have something that I wanted was that my relative doesn't hold a fart. She went away think that was a good idea.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

An advise that I think

 I say single. An married actor run after a diretor, also married but better. The old in my life is me I the future, who want to be bitch.  But me single and without sins. Is that the world is a trash can one day you can fall inside. So is better be in the top of the wave then be drained. The day still don't came to me

But I am afraid.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Directors and movies

 My impression, about one director that he never wanted surpass his great movie "The sleep Head", I know that is a wonderfull movie that worth alot to see, and he have another that is about sex appear that are comedy kind the Monty Pithon, and are 60-70's. And the other maybe is something that I listen when I was very small but he had an theory about TV, in my mind he said something like Forest Gump, so see someone else make with sucess his theory isn't very flaterring for him. I think that Forest Gumpy probably is agood movie is just is alittle messy and confused, I think that wasnt intentional but the dfect of the movie.

Rute Bezerra de Menzes Gondim

Monday, December 25, 2023

And she and the best Jew

 She declared that the best of three was, Woody Alen to Steven Spielberg and Roman Polansky. And I said that the others were more handsome! She compared I gona say the name in portuguese becasue the reason is in the title in portuguese. She said that the Rosa purpura do cais do Wood Alien was better than the Rosa Purpura do Steven Spielberg, I said that she travel the movies haven't nothing in common besides be directed by Jews directors. And she said that the Roman Polansky were worse than the two. I loved his movie the Fearless Vampire hunter and the one that I didn't see but very famous Rosimary Baby, a classical of his gende, she said that he was the kind, at the time that wasn't so confirmed, I even didn't said that who was in a TV serie like that was the Errol Flynn.

And she asking about the movie that Jodie Foster directed, I ddin't liked, she was making exhausted her beauty that hadn't fall, but the movie wasn't the Ladyhawke. My father liked her in the movie the girl of the end of the street. Imagive my father single in the beggining of her carrer probably she was very foxy. My father also was fan of Madona and Olivia Newton Jonh, my mother all blond why you married me?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

So old so fake

 So say to me if that person can really be film critic, also I liked very much the "critic" of the HBO, he was critic of cinema and divorced was very cool. So about the lady, she said hated very much the Robin Hood with Kevin Costner, was becasue she loved the one with Errol Flynn, isn't she old? And the music was with Brian Adams, for her all ugly, my fahter bought some Dvd of Brian Adams because that movie. Had one that was a lived concert. So she didn't sopped there. She said that the movie Lancelot with Richard Gere was much better, make even she got horn, Richard Gere and Sean Connery... I see a lot of movies with Sean Conery my father are his fan since 007, my father saw his movies for decades.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, December 23, 2023

And was accepted just this time the witch and God

 And remember the history that the women rule the world? So this time the witch said that she accepeted the lose but not this twice. That I said that my borther asked to the women rule the world and was the world only have one man and in the end was two. That the only Jews that was almost all females, but one run to one island to save him of the rage of the bigger race humanity that see the man in the cave very old. I some months knew that my brother gaved that incarnation to another soul the prince of France that was my father when I was a beggar. But he receive the body with a speciallity that my brother put there. He wanted that the women rule, so my father of that incarnation borned man besides had 2 X and not a XY, so this way he only would have daughters. And the intention was he live centuries, and one day he would make another special man with XX, but something that only happens in centuries. What happens was that my father me and another that I was very friend we was the firsts sons I mean daughters but you remember the rest Ok, but what happened I said that I turned man and put semen with a spoon in the pussy of the sister. The Ycame from my soul, for me God is genetical, and I descend of that DNA, so I had Y because I had in the soul, my sister wanted three babies and all them were male. She said that God had a factory of do Y and that wasn't the bet, that the Y need be sacred and not something that is produced that way, need at least 200 years and got be slashes of 200 years till became sacrade.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The witch and God

 And in that incarnation that I was beggar in France. I had to explain to a wizard, why the time with his power I could make appear 30 hours. He thought that I change the planet, but was because I knew the sciency of paralles. In another life very older, I was prince and with 15 years old God took me away to an parallel. I lived there 15 years I got out there with 30 years old and the world had passed 200 years. And that was becasue an witch would kill 3-4 royal lines. God send there to be one from the family. How the witch took 200 years to accomplish she lived more then 200 years. God in Earth said that He was very bad, in the parallel He said that the witch was more powerfull then He. But she never dreamed with the parallel.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

That could be thing of a mad lady

 And when I read the Bible before be kidnapped I listen the history of the far past of a prostitute that, put a key in the ass of the son and twist saying that close the body of the son, and the baby was rape in the ass for one of the clients of that woman, what is the meaning of that history?

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Have who waits for the crash and who for the salvation

 And is that let me say first, but wait for what came after. Let me said that I receive an information that my father when I was beggar had the body open. His body was open when he said for their parents about that daughter that was older than me. What saved him at that time was his father said that nobody got close of him, that his punishment was a person that nobodies like. When his father went away, and he got me to live in his home, I listen that a lot of rich families were murder inside their homes, all. That I was afraid of a open door, specially at night. He put in all doors lock with key, for the employes was a latch and for him a beautifull lock with a key in his bedroom door. The messager said that the bad got inside this way. The person had the key of the house. Then the body got opened. Also at that time I create that would had time of the day that the door would be opened to if someone need talked with the prince went and talked with an employee. I think I called that routine. And of course that an beggar you can came after him that way, he doesn't have a key to loose to you. But about all that, let me say that an UnitiVixeMadam said when I child that all the coins, the medals and crosses that aren the cross of Jesus, were sins and she would break all, I think that she passed a decade in witchcraft to they be powerless front the demon. And today I think that she is trying breaking even of Jesus.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The moral of a history that haven't nothing with me

 Before everything guy, we were friends, but is the far past, you sold something to be of another race. Of the other side we still live in that Hell for Europeans that are descedants of Jews. And the moral of the history was that priest said for a negligent fahter that if you give a book to your son you gonna have a son that would suport you when you be old. And you give to him that book that he took the idea of got the money of the demon travel in the time put the money in your hand before sell the soul and got save. And the moral was that after you die the priest say that you gaved the wrong book.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Others eyes in another lives

Sometimes we see the future to don't change it. Sometimes I ask myself, supposes to be an chance but isn't!

And was that beefore that incident in Germany, and after that in England, maybe just after England I born in Greecy. The incarnation of England is very old, I was in the old Greecy. And I write to the teather I earned more money than a doctor. And I write a play that had about with the future and not the past, I thinking I even that way would do that way? I was engaged at the time. I had a little of blood of indian, people used to say that men with beautifull eyes are careless with women, they came very easy for the beautifull eyes. Indians had beautiful eyes, my fiance was a little indian like me, she just had blond hair and I liked that very much. And I was very young and a lady was criticizing my play, I almost cry because the play doesn't copy the life of nobody.

The history was of one centaur that borned, the Hell for Greeks was full of them, and in the beggining of the History his mother a rich woman said that was to not reveal the ideddity of the fther because was a rich man that was the demon. And the history he got engaged with a young woman specially because he was rich, but in the end she abandon he in the day of the marriage to run away with another man. The case of the centaur was because God had one eye in the forehead besides the others two eyes and people had two eyes making them bidirecional, and the centaur had only one eye in the place of the reasoaning. The rest of the history was that even being rich he went after she after the 3 days of her marriage, to be humble and humiliate himself asking her to return to him, and he said to her that he wanted she back that he was still in love that they could be happy together, and his husband violentily by the backs, grab the centaur and blind him in the only eye. He went away very humiliated, and at home in the underground of the house remember that who was his father, that he never see before and asked for revenge, Jews bored me because had God and in the future his son, believe! And the father returned his vision. And he only wanted to revenge a coward man that blind a man humiliating himself, the conversation with the father was very interesting, talking of preferred son, see. I was saying also that a father never harm the son, imagine that the demon is a good father and a mediocre fahter, with deep sins talking about justice?

And the fact was that till that date a lot of men was abandon in the marriage day, because the lady run away with another man. And the lady was saying that was his life, my bride was very jeaulous, and doesn't wanted any risk of I give up about the marriage, and when the young lady of England went away of the Officina the theatre was in another place, all about the plays was in a Oficina, she threaten the other with a knife, and run after she till the limiar of the city.

And the future that I dreamed, just didn't knew exactly how was, see was trust in a good girl and almost die, because she didn't love me anymore. Was in Italy, in a era that Italy was much more rich than England. I was a felty rich boy, that people said that I was perfection, than people asked to I show my dorse take of the blouse, to show in a arena to girls see a normal perfect boy. I married with one of many that wanted, I was so faithful, I was a little Jew but completely Catholic. And after my wife had in the marriage 3 sons with me she run away home, and the home employes told me that she run away with another man. I already had construct in the house an chapel, and passed to pray all day to she returned to me and to the kids. My mother said to me that I supposes to went after my wife and bring her home, she send to say that she was sorrow that the man was rapping her. Believe the man was only a person that was envy of me, and only wanted anything from me, and she fall in his lies. I invade his house looking for her fight against 8 but none was him and got her, prisioned in a room, and I was returning home with she in the arms and when I was very near of my house, the man that was hide all the time, poisoned a knife and stibe me that was holdin the wife in the arms and run away. My mother felt so guilt, sent my wife out home that she returned to his parents, and doesn't let her care my sons. I almost die. I move to another country because I didn't wanted to remember her face, my sons preffered me. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

And they gonna make tha tmovie

Calm down, I got tired of write in a foregine language, and got tired of reedit and reread to see any floss. Write isn't to me like talk, is hard and make got tired.

And the movie, the girl stack someone in the balls!

Is because the script have to explain why a girl controlled a man with a small knife. The man had only one eye and she pushes a knife in the only eye of the man. She tried to run away from him and he grab her trying to fing her neck to strangle her. 

I think that she was from Germany and me also, when I listen the history I wanted to marries her. In the police the two girls was release because a man lost a fight for 2 girls, the police chief said that he was sissy. 

And thinking we cant married like a princess and a prince. Was that when we were princess and prince in another life in England she abandon me to be funny.

When we find after she and her friend went to the police, I asked if she was the brave girl of the history. I was the kinf of boy that pass the day out home, and she used to passes the out home to late night. So I passed to got out home at night to find her. So we met and she said that he had a small dick and she didn't wanted lose her virginity with him, that the size was small even to fuck a small bird common in Germany. That was her time, her friend already had passed a night with a man. And she had a bigger dick, what you think, I would not show my dick in the street to she say, so I said touch minha mala and say if you need a bigger. We married just after the marriage was faster then in anothers countries. She used to say thashe didn't blind him she half blind him. And he was taken by dead. One day he went to visit us. I said to him that he was considered dead, that he didn't know play dead, dead people doesn't appear, he replied that I was right. He said that he was blind, I asked what happens with his occular globe, he answer tha he removed it, I said so sorrow I opperate eyes, I was good doctor so bad you went to one that remove. We in Germany could make one specialization without the whole medicine. He listen my wife voice and said that he think on her I said don't think on her she is my wife, he agreed and went away. 

So when in the previous incarnation that we were princess and prince, we married with different persons, one day she got regretead of abandon me and the only thing that I thought about that, was that even a prince dream with the honey moon with a beautifull princess and I married with the ugliest one of England and was horror movie consumate the ugly wife. People used to say that we were the perfect couple two swans. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim