Thursday, November 26, 2020

In calculus how to convert the broken part of the hour

And is that let's say that you are working with a function that deals with time like hours and in one point the time isn't integer like 5,34 hours, looking for that number I know that I have 5 hours but what is 0,34 hours isn't minutes here the hour is divide by one hundred and not for 60 so haven't resemblance, so what do with the fraction portion you only have to get the fraction and multiply by 60 so 0,34x60 and the result is minutes and you gonna find 20,4 the integer is minutes 20 minutes and the fraction you still can multiply for 60 to have seconds and is 0,4x60 = 24 seconds. So we have 5:20:24. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: I find a so beautiful number that hasn't broken part after the seconds but if have what I could call it you can call it centesimos of seconds and let be, at that point isn't divide by 60 but by one hundred. And 40graus12'23'' - only one apostrophe is minutes and two is seconds.

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