Sunday, February 20, 2022

Bank what they could do for you

 What bank does for you, in a bank have two types of things that they could do for you, and all that they do could be divide in:

Service and products. Basically depends directly of the effort of the bank for you if isn't that hard, is bank product if the work of the bank is hard you are receiving a Bank Service, theoric the service has a higher tax, and probably they even gonna suffer a different kind of Governmental tax.

Also in a bank you don't only put money but you can ask for a loan, you went to the bank wanting a credit, I don't know but people hate Banks but probably when you receive money from other person this person would want receive at the end more money that the Bank will contract from you, is like that you went for the Bank needing 2.000,00 to make your store, you will talk with the Bank what you need is 2 years to make money the enought to came out of the red? You gonna in the end of 2 years return for the Bank that 2.000,00 plus interest if you receive that money for 2 years lets suppose the interest is 800,00 if is 4 years is 1200,00 see, if you got that money for a long time you will return what you got for the bank and a bigger interest, so 2 years you will return 2.800,00 and if was 4 years 3.200,00. What is need you in that day reafirm what resolve the contract (finishes the contract with no debt), have people that doesn't read with accuracy the resolution of the contract and is like the contract still exists so you will have debt in the future, so in that day be sure that you also resolve the contract, have person that in that day make funny things like open an current count, and was considered part of the old contract and not a new one. Other about that situation why a Bank got in the movie the house of the family of that girl, is that when you got a loan in the Bank you can use the deed of your house, for what? To got a loan of 10 years, with a low interest so when you got a loan with the deed of the house you are trying borrow money for a long time with the lowest interest of the market, is deed because isn't the ownership so you give the deed and keep living in the house, but in the end of the 10 years the Bank gonna execute the contract, maybe is that the reason that almost always are the Grandparents of the girl, because in most of the cases are a long-term contract so have already passed 10 years, and other thing never work borrow money of the bank to make a bank invest because the interest of a debt is much higher than a credit, because that is play, even the Government don't like who do that, is make the money just financial, the industry and serious people that need work and don't have money is what the Governement what that the money went for and not an especulative game. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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