Jesus is for everybodyyyyy, for the woman with green lips and for that rapers, see I receive an important intromission, He doesn't abandon abandon the guys thst play that game with weird women that use blue, black, green lips, He is of the side of everybody, appear that have a lot of opnion that the women that shock isn't more right then their chasers, she also is a type of socialpata, she also chase the society, she also bully, green lips isn't what you need to do to recicle! She isn't helping nobody, just being uncommun of the most stupid way, I saw critics for the most reasonable belives and actions then come who is abnormal and want be descedant of aliens, so Jesus are for everybody, and what an oriental was doing in the Americas to be so hated? You was acting that way you don't have this freedom in your country and think that here the permission is higher? So let me say that what I know that Jesus was a rich man, that He supposed to don't be proud if He used bad his money, also that He in Europe is all kind,that for far He is good but near He is sometimes bad. So He was bad where? In oriental lands.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim