Friday, January 31, 2020

About water in other planets

So think about, from Earth was discover water in other planets, but the sciences say that the water and all the other substances no matter in what planet follow the same laws so if in Earth the water is only liquid at the temperature bigger that 0oC and less than 100oC at normal pressure so what from Earth looks like water isn’t water, the Earth after the Mercury and Venus is the hotter planet, so if you see water on another planet of the solar system you saw another thing like liquid oxygen, of liquid hydrogen that are in Earth gas, maybe you could be seeing an acid that in Earth would be vapour, probably the water would be ice rocks, if the planet is cooler than our the water isn’t liquid, and in other planets that are hotter than our the water is vapour so you would not see water the water would be in the atmosphere. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Two kinds of interventions that I used in the other incarnation for blindness

And one is that the almost full cover lens for eye, was a special one to hold the cornea without need the coma induction, this was from a special material, and the patient was force to stay in observation and live in the hospital that I do the monitoring for the period and only me could take the contact lens, I cut the lens pull it out could make suction and pull the cornea. The other was the contact lens that replace the cornea, for the patient that was waiting for the operation or was not sure that want the operation, I invented that replace because the patients complain that the miss cornea was painful and very uncomfortable, was a special material and was a lens that also had antibiotic and anaesthetic, and was full to fill the space left for the missing cornea, was a very special material wasn’t the common gelatinous lens, was a special material, contact lens was very common for the secret agents, I was from the army I had a lot of material at my disposition, would very common I don’t get all the recognize in life, the material was from the army, I make many operation with the recourses from the army from Germany, also I was from the army and at the time the Germany wasn’t so good in the picture were many accusations, I had a lot of names being a secret agent, I didn’t get recognition but I get a lot of millions was a lot of money. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, January 30, 2020

A blindness treatment that I psychograph

And is for who using that intraocular lens specially for who want to change the colour of the eye, the border that could be sharp cut out the cornea, and is that in a near past that this changing eye colour was common  in an oriental country they do a transplant of cornea, and what the difference from the ones today is that was from an animal, that dog that had blue eyes, apparently the dog cornea is cut to remain for all the direction of a way that the cornea in the human eye overlap the previous shape covering also part that wasn’t cornea, and the person would be after the operation inducted in a coma, maybe a serum with anaesthetic in the vein, and another secret of the operation is a substance that is used like this with the eye opened the substance would cover the eye and the doctor would take care of the substance that stabilize the eye till the end of the coma, the coma would be necessary for the cornea stay immobilized for a long period a person awaken suppose to make something that would move the cornea and the operation would not work.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The avon pre-release nail enamel

Have more 3 other colours 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The Avon pre-rease body aerosol body cream

Have more 2 others option

I buy with the hand cream.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Ballooning in the other incarnation

And was that the ballooning was use to meteorological studies, one that I knew was the one that England did, and was to calculate the roof of the sky, was small balloons without human, when was the roof of the sky the balloon stops how if have an invisible wall must had a shock for people see that Earth have an invisible shield and that after that shield the sky wasn’t the same, blue days was an illusion that you see from the Earth the sky wasn’t blue I wasn’t that old is that ballooning already was so important for studies, had two ways to ensure the high of the Earth roof one from a picture of the balloon in the sky and other was a light tape attached to the balloon, the wind would warp the tape and you calculate  longer distance and to that doesn't happen you could do this way from earth pull the tape till came straight.
And why the sacks, to get lift very fast the balloon, when you are a good balloonist from England the balloon didn’t have a burner, the balloon would be filled in soil and not in the air, the burner would fill the balloon with hot air and lifts it, but the sand sacks is a more fast way to climb, a balloonist from England had to study the air jet, had a map of the air jet, if they didn’t study the air jet like an eagle, the balloon could be carried for another land and not to the tour that the balloonist want or even that is more common for England that is an Island to be carried for the middle of the Ocean and the person gets lost in the middle of the high sea and die, how to find that person at that time, today the rescue manner are many. So if the person would be catch for a air jet that wasn’t the route the person could climb very fast dropping the sand sacks and get a better air jet, also the burner fill the balloon with so much hot air that you could use the hot air like a sail, so the balloons was smaller because would have the burner and that ropes pull could direct the travel if 'end of the balloon' would direct for one direction, I for instance never said how to sale with the Germans balloons. Also isn’t romantic think that a balloonist from England could get an impossible land like Japan? instead of die in the middle of the Sea. And say to me a country could make a safety journey to space in the past like 200 years before if didn’t even know the heights of the Earth roof, also imagine that Europe are brothers countries but every country want to be the first, imagine all the study and complication that a planning travel could takes 30 years or more you think that they would reveal any progress, imagine that a machine that could be send to space is more easy to do that an aeroplane the travel sucess is the dificult and not the machine. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, January 17, 2020

Avon new release that I bought for me

The collection neon by colortrend, nail enamel, lipstick, and eyeliner

Also have others colors besides the neon release 

Also a neon release.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Radiation to lose weight

And about the radiation and get lighter, is that instead you came more matter you came more energy, imagine that you are mass that the matter in the atom is in the nucleus of the atom the other part of the atom is in the electron cloud (eletrosfera), so the mass is in the nucleus that is protons or protons and neutrons I believe that the neutrons don’t exist. So how change your weight; imagine that you eat will be matter or energy, and all that will be part of all the matter that is all about you, imagine that way you can put almost the infinite of energy inside of your protons atoms, also imagine that what if make sense exist that matter that are protons full for inside of energy is that moment that energy isn’t electricity and exists the neutron that makes part of the mass but inside would be different of the proton because have null energy and the proton have positive energy; inside the protons is full of atomic energy when you are sick of radiation your nuclear (atomic) energy is escaping of inside your atoms; if when you eat the matter that you consume came to be energy inside your atoms you be thinner that you supposed to be, so instead you make another atom of fat from the food you eat you would have more something that is energy inside your atom so you would replace 10 atom for one atom that have the nuclear energy of 10 atoms, so you even could get thinner instantly, also a person that have atoms that have much more energy than the normal would be more younger that having the normal amount, probably would be even a body more possible of make miracles and heal for itself faster. Also imagine that if you are sick even your atoms are sick and weak and everything that you eat came fat that are bad quality matter but if you have a young body what you eat will became matter of high quality that have much more nuclear energy. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Two recipe with tin can

And was that my great-grand-father did, I don't see personally I didn't know my great-grandfather. He used to hunt with my grandfather, and was that way they put the flesh of the hunted animals in the cans, I don’t know if was a reutilized can or if was ones pretty new, and dig the soil probably not that deep to put the cans, not that deep because the heat of a campfire will bake the cans, and if you gonna reutilized cans put some rocks on the top of the cans to the lid won't open, pressure for outside, and is that is a low cook with the heat constant for a long time it seems for hours so probably isn't a high temperature, my grandmother said that they eat of that cans for a year, be sure my grandmother didn’t eat spoil food, you can put some beans. And other is that mother do was that way, is pamonha instead of doing cloth bags and put the corn cream inside the bags sew and put in a tall pan with water to cook you put in a can close the lid and make some holes in the can to escape the hot air, you got a nail and make 3 holes using a hammer and cook in the oven, maybe even a pudding or a cake could be cook like this, the pamonha is a hard dough isn’t soft, so need to be like a hard porridge(papa and not mingau). Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An inoffensive bomb for a prank

And is methane bomb but only work if you have a can that have a lid of can if be of plastic it won't work, why people don't like the tin lid a can that is that way is useful even to do some camp cooking, or to you cook something like a canning see you can put food and cook and if be well done have food that will be saved for a year, so continuing the bomb and is that way, you pick a can that is something that the person use like powdered milk and put fruit and vegetable peelings and hide the time enough to them produce gas methane, is pretty inoffensive, I was got in that prank I was looking for milk I like milk with coffee, I was so worried that I didn’t notice the suspect weight of the can was very full the lid fly away and have a bang (estampido), the normal is don’t even smell bad only fruit and vegetable peelings isn’t enough to have a spoilt smell. And another joke from my city is the eggs spoilt, and is that way you have to think in the fact a week before and people that use those eggs in someone birthday said that work, so one week before the birthday you shake the eggs and bury the eggs till the date one week after and you would have perfect spoilt eggs to throw in someone is something that you only do in people that you really like, is something for very popular people, who want to be that popular? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim