The diagnosis is hard to
be made because they aren't easily found because they don't live in the blood or the stomach
so they aren't found in the normal exams, blood and stool.
They live especially in
the nerves of the person infected; gnawing the nerves of the person so in the
future the person will have locomotors problems. And I think that they also would
live eating matter of the bones of the person. The locomotive system is made of
bones, muscles ligaments and nerves what the nerves do for your movement they
send the message of your brain to your muscle, so without the nerves you would
not control the movement of your legs and arms and of your whole body, probably
the vermin install first in the nerves of the legs and after the whole body, probably
they don’t eat the completely the nerves but something there so the nerve we came something like a callus without the transmitter but will be there the warm would move for
a nerve more delicious. The uncommon of that warm is that they have all his cycle
of life inside of the bodies so out the body they don’t live maybe they are a
viviparous warm. So they causes paralysis and if they live in the parts of the
locomotive system they only could be overcome with medicine pills, drugs, potent medicine plants, and one that is
systemic that you take and will be in your whole body, bones and nerves. About
the nerves have a lot of nerves in the eyes.
And I psychograph that
the warms is confused with the Devil because a person that spoke with the
Demon, the Demon said to the person to sit in the soil to the devil getting
inside of the person to know the humanity and chase them and what gets inside the person was the warms and the demons were the warms themself, a legion, and the person was
the first to get infested and pass the warms for the humanity. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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