Friday, May 29, 2020

This is important to have babies more intelligents

And one thing is that the kids have books for the first reading books for children, is like 'philosophy of the right' the propriety isn’t the important but the appropriation, the appropriation of the tool for reading is important to the development of the reading, you can imagine that you kid look for that book and see that there have letters and to know what is there is need read, have the pictures but isn't all. One thing that help is you be surrounded, make the example and show that you read, for things that have words like newspaper, and books because your child will see that is crucially important know read, the child book is important is very sad beat a baby to damage an adult book, babies see them powerless they have to play with the right when we don’t have the power we have to talk about the rights to defend us. One thing that will help is you invent histories that makes sense and your baby will have the knowledge of 8.000 words even don’t have the tool to say or read them, is like this you say to your baby for mother is a cup showing your cup and for baby a bottle, came the night we turn on the lights, today is the day to went to the market to buy fruits and vegetables, be sure when the baby start to read they know that words, I knew pharmacy and didn’t knew read it, when I start the reading I didn’t knew the function of the “R” but I read pharmacy. The letters make words that are the key for the future, career only came after a lot of books that we walk thru during our first years of our life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Why the hours were so important for me

And was my first experience in the kindergarten school that I went before the school, to the kindergarten I was almost two years, and was that one day my mother was more well dress than the usual, in my mind was so solemn, and she took and we went by car for a place that was others babies but leave me, at the first I wasn't afraid about the new situation just curious, so I look a baby of my age to see his face, I choice the most beautiful that was there a blond baby, when I look the baby face for me that baby was with a expression of 120 years, remember babies almost don't talk, what I could talk to the other, I only think that were so much abandon and rejection, 2 of the feelings that I recognize in other baby, the 3rd was humiliation. I thought the rejection and abandon was very high, I return to my place, the hours was very important for me because help me understand, see for a baby maybe we abandoned, maybe, we would became food. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The right, the miracle, and the book being the pivot

And one thing that happens with me in the school and was that, my first friend in school was a red hair girl, have so many people with red hair you would never find who is, I have no problem of say about someone that is in a group of 2.000, but I describe one that is a group of 200, that is another history, you can make a list and make a primary study and find for age, for where study, where live till what age, and you can fall for a number less 20 or less than 6. So she probably was willing talk with someone her sadness and was that his parents said that she didn’t born to be 'an intelligent person' that she didn’t achieve read, I thought this was an outrage everybody have rights to the books nobody could separate nobody from a book is the right of everybody, I said you have the right to try so many times you need, if a smart person read one time and get you can read to the infinite and get the same profession, my parents was professionals, you have the right even to the place of a genius nobody have the right to say that you only could do something that you read one time you get you can read 60 times, I knew the hours the minutes and the seconds may father taught me the dozens. And the book of the miracle, I was less than ten but I have one problem I was laziness to read, I was intelligent, I understand everything but I want someone to read for me my mother my nanny, I promise me that one day that I have kids I would read for them, I said to father I was intelligent the fact I was lazy, one day I find to sell that book why we don’t like to read and how to read fast I make my mother buy, was a miracle, the book was real, for me read pass to be so fun like listen someone read for me wasn’t any more a sacrifice, and I read very fast, in the end my book was stolen, but I read very fast, and even I could if I don’t read completely a page look lightly to the page and fish some words in the text to know if the text was what I was looking for, dynamic reading, a small book of 50 pages I read after the breakfast and before the dinner I have finish, some times before the lunch, I learn read if 4 years old take me 3 days, was the first 3 days of school, was a snap, the teacher teach the vogels in the first 2 days and the 3rd day was consonants, and was ba, be, bi, bo, bu, ca, que, qui, co, cu because that que, and qui I was a normal child, da, de, di, do, du. When mother got in the school that day I said mother I know read, I saw the words and read pharmacy, was one of the names that I read in the way to home, I read all the words that I saw. I can imagine that my experience in school was by the chance but could be create like education and kids learn so fast like me. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
Ps.: The name of the book was "Por que lê-mos mal e como ler melhor", "Why we read bad and how to read better", publisher Ediouro

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Using the brush to make the firsts strokes of the model

1. And is that you gonna trace a straight line in the canvas, and that will be the centre of the draw, and you gonna use the brush, or pencil, to see passing a centre line in the model what will be at the left and what will be at the right of the line.

2. you gonna stretch your arm because you gonna have to put the brush always at the same distance of your eyes, if the distances change you gonna miss. So you use the thumb to measure in the brush the size of the head and body and arms, how the model is far the pencil will be big for the model and you gonna measure in the paper marking with the pencil the measures that you find with your thumb, in the paper you gonna put the brush with the thumb still in the right place lean against the canvas. 
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, May 25, 2020

On therapy that was on vogue in my city

And was that the decoration and your home could make you sick, that decoration could have that some energy that could bring illness and you would want to not concentrate that negative energy, sunlight is good and have some things like a stair could be replaced, or a wall that could have a window or a big wall painting hang that symbolize the outside, is like this a home have to bring good energy like a church, bad visits bring bad energy that could stop in your home because have in your home something that enclosure bad energy churches receive visits of all kind of bad energy  but that energy doesn’t stay. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The glass technique to drawing and to filming

And is that my mother used that technique to do vitrals, and was flowers, and was that way she had some beautiful magazines that were about botanicals to who is a collector of rare flowers like orchid, one famous orchid is the vanilla, the start is millimetre the painting of the magazine she choosen commonly the covers, and after the glass is also millimetre, so she repeated all the of the cover in a much bigger glass surface, the page was of the size of a magazine the glass was huge 10 times bigger, so the squares of the glass was 10 times bigger, here where is common you buy glass the size you wanted.
For painting you put a glass in a stand and the glass will be drawed common in six subdivisions, you gonna order a glass in the dimensions that are correlative with the canvas like this if the proportions of the canvas are 3 of high for 2 of width that would be for the glass, and you gonna subdivide with a ruler with a slight trace, one that could be erased after, your canvas that could be cloth for a oil painting or ‘paper for art’. And you gonna see the model thru the glass in the stand and you gonna draw the model and the guidelines in the glass will help you to you draw in the canvas using the guidelines that you make in the canvas with your pencil.

And how to use the glass for filming, especially if you are making a stop-no-motion movie, you gonna use the glass in the stand, the camera will not look thru the glass the glass is to you draw the action and animate following what you draw in the glass this way is hard to miss a point.
And also in other incarnation I use an aquarium that was this dimension, size of a landscape painting and depth of 3 fingers and use to fill with kitchen soap, to film thru the aquarium and get funny colours, sometimes a kaleidoscope effect. Have times that I prefer the light with coloured filter and others I prefer the colour filter in the front of the camera, also I used a prism as a mirror to filming because my father wanted that the scene looks like gold, I filmed thru a gold plate that was small so I used a prism. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

One technique to improve some in your watercolour

And this is one that I've listen when I was a baby, my parents sometimes didn't have a nanny and carry me to their classes, and is that use the common good quality colouring pencil to do small jewel in a portrait, and when making a portrait with a few white hairs the hair that is more in the prominence, and in the first plane you make, the most visible with a white colour pencil, you choose just a few that make all the meaning or you of an artistic manner create some hair lock and prefer make thin line is this the point make beautiful lines, if large draw lines, that explain all about the white disposition of white hair, don't do many just some, to practice that technique make some exercise before apply in your future paintings, make a finger in a small hand do just the ear with the earring, and also this you make before start the watercolour. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
Ps.: Also important the pencil for the white hair because white hair in the watercolour could came transparent showing very much the under paint, that will help don't have this situation.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

What was the catch in the super vitamins, me being a guru

And was that if you aren’t sick medication only would make you sicker at least at the time that medicine was very strong, like this allergy your immune system is weak and you haven’t a disease today you have the option to buy everything non-allergic, you can imagine at that time people have allergy to things that was common and in all places, and you can imagine that something like hay make many people be allergic to it, and also that something lethal like tuberculosis, vitamin C could make the person have a much better life and be less susceptible to die, was like miracle “tubercular came out of the bed you aren’t sick”. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About the machines of witchcraft that I’ve saw

I saw that machines, one was one that emits green lights, and this could record and also cure, and the other emitted blue rays and that was that more make new material with other, a few of matter could make a lot, and that could make gold from louça, the other is one that made powder milk, and the almost same machine with one change could make radioactive common rocks and others expensive things like diamonds and could even make the blue stone that is used in the most expensive machine. The other was 3 rounded spheres the lenses and make the gold ray, that could make gold from organic matter and incinerate the structure that is made from, was like this, the person that was using the spheres lenses machine shoot to an enemy and the place that was hit make a dip incinerate spot and flute a gold ray that when hitting the floor came gold in the format of a cylinder, and also with some swaps in the machine, the machine miniaturize a castle and everybody that was inside making they be stopped in the time. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to have memory for all that Heaven, witchcraft

And was the first experience with that guide the psychograph thing. And was that about the heaven, she told about the heaven but didn’t let me write about it, she said that was 600 Heaven but you can consider only 15 Heavens because the others are copy, I swear I saw with the eyes open but a superposition with my bedroom, one of the things that I do it before was sit in a rock, the size of the rock was smaller than the palm of the hand, appear that before stay in my company the guide was in the company of a European girl that when was teenager make the bags, she used a backpack and run away from home, for some times she made some programs,  after she want to live in a home and she went to be fortune teller, was that girl that said that she use to sit in a rock. After the Heaven the guide show me about witchcraft one kind that was made with machines that spell rays, one was the laser, and the others was in the impressive but she didn’t let me take note of nothing after she was showing me the primitive era, and the first words, the misericórdia, see mercy is a powerless word, witchcraft isn’t to be translated, and she said that have a lot of power if I knew the primitive era the beginning of the words for the witchcraft, you think I can possible remember everything that I listen and see, I saw even the persons. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Golden, youth guru, another incarnation

And is how I became a guru, I was the youth guru. First I went to be an guru because my father was one from India my mother was European, my father was very unique, light-dark tone of skin and green eyes, I was blue eyes with blond hair, I wasn’t that white I was a little yellow, I liked to went to beach to be tan, even the hair of my body get light blond. If I want to see my father I have to got like seclusion, he taught a lot of meditation. I went to college I try to don’t be that responsible but I fall in love very young and marry soon.
I was engineer, and doesn’t have that field but I was said that even plants and animals have structures and could be studied like this, I was also in the field of the molecule and atom structure, my experiments were about the super vitamins and how the person revert the ages consuming the food that was made in my farms with treated water with radiation, to make the vegetable absorbs a lot of minerals and the super vitamins were in the vegetables, special broccoli, carrots, also the vegetables are at the top of the pyramid of energy, how I receive a lot of money being a guru, the vegetables was with no coast for who contributes, in the end I have so much study in the field of atomic, radiation, and cell structure that I have permission to prescribe like a doctor was like a new medicine, I receive a lot of recognition in the field of the medicine. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, May 16, 2020

One simple test for almost all virus

And is that, if it is already made the serum for the virus, that need be used still with the antibody alive, so with the serum made from the blood of the animal that is reacting to the exact virus, the doctor would mix the blood of the suspect person with the serum and see in the microscope if the virus that is in the blood of the person is break by the antibody, see the antibody is like a key if the virus isn’t the same of the serum the key would not fit together, the virus is the lock, another way is that find a colourant that react with antibodies if the colourant change the colour showing that the antibody react with the blood in test will be proved that was virus in the sample. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, May 9, 2020

I psychograph why is hard to find cure for one famous virus

And is because vaccine all the population against AIDS is made all the global population have forever the disease, and that disease is a disease that isn’t that easy to get, my guide said that would receive that vaccine is the person that are prostitute or who like to went with them, thinking about who wants to receive a vaccine that make the person got AIDS?
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why the vaccine is the virus weak

Because the reaction of the immune system of the cow isn’t that strong like of the horse that destroy the virus, but in the cow the reaction is break the virus, so will get the virus break that is enough to our immune system know the virus and make an antibody to destroy the virus when you in the future get infected, in principle the vaccine isn’t good for who already have the virus, but how the result could change of virus for virus and you could imagine if the person is more than a year with the virus maybe is because in the normal stage the immune system don’t get a picture of it but the virus brake the immune system maybe recognize that DNA and start to produce his antibody, is like a computer program read, key, run a DNA like a programation. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Serum and Vaccine how is get the Serum

The vaccine is used a cow this why the name. And the vaccine is the viruses weak so the body, the immune system, would get autoimmune to the viruses and when the person would came infected would already be autoimmune and the person would generate antibodies without even get sick, would be fast the reaction. And what is Serum? the serum is the antibody, is that way the serum is made from the blood of the horse, the horse has the immunological system better than ours and once inoculated the virus the immunological system of the horse would produce antibodies in a shorter time than the human and also the horse 40 litres of blood is not an amount like would be for an human, so the serum is transparent because the blood would be put in a centrifuge machine and would be applied only the plasma isn't needed the red globules that have shock if is negative positive A, B, AB, O. Also the serum is to be applied just after made because the antibody has to be alive. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
Who work with that have to love animals and like special of horses, they are very susceptibles to mistreat, they need love and care,  you can't put them in a warehouse, they have to be treated well, receive treatment, be feed, have others of the same species and have bonds with the keeper. Need feel that have a home, feel that belong a family, feel that is respect and love, feel that have someone to care them

Viruses have Biological cycle?

Is important to know to treat a disease if the disease has a biological cycle and viruses haven’t his own biological cycle, it isn’t alive but it does multiply biologically by the biological system of the bearer (infected person), is important to decide the treatment, the viruses haven’t life but have DNA or his anti-DNA that is and RNA, DNA is something that all the living beings have to multiply and all the information of what he is will be in the DNA. The DNA is like the computer and the personal archive.
The good part is almost all the Viruses, in theory, one day the 'immune system' will defeat the viruses, the exception is the AIDS. A problem is the cycle biological, because the person could die before the immune system start to react, when the person defeat for his biology is the autoimmune cure, the problem is the person die before get autoimmune so because this always be looking for a medicine, another problem is the person be in a group that the immune system is weak and the person probably will die with there isn't an medicine. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, May 3, 2020

This is important because helps the govern know and take measurements agaisnt a disease

Who makes this graphic is an economist because you use the same knowledge for money for the population is the same calculation.
You think you can’t do those graphics because you didn't start from the day one of the disease so make this got all the newspapers that you have for the last past two months and use data (information) from past, you see you can even use this method to make a graphic from a disease that happens in the primitive era for the plague of Middle age, the facts that for covid you can use precision of days, and one of the past probably for years or months.
Population Will count the births and deaths, and the cases are inside the population but lower, and the deaths are inside the cases, so when you count the cases will count in the future the deaths will came from that number of cases and the recoveries also will come from the number of the cases and the recoveries and deaths are two different sets, also because the death is because the disease so an infected person that was ride by a car doesn’t count like deaths would be discount direct from population. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
PS.: For the population is used a neutral colour, that helps make an easy to process information, mental map; deaths, of course, are red and for the disease a colour that remembers emergency so I select yellow because is that number that needs the care so I want that the governor fix his idea in that yellow, all the crises are in that group for medical treatment, the population is preventional the care. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, May 1, 2020

Even this exists probably the person dies

I don't like to psychograph seeing the person, sometimes is about something defamatory, and was that I see the person in a Store that I used to went to buy pieces to assemble bijouterie, and there one moment a girl dressing school uniform pass with an old lady, I think probably the grandmother brought the grandchild in the birthday to burn money with a smart present, something to make the girl be creative, the lady was so old that she was an old grandmother for the girl that I’ve saw, and the soul that makes me company start want say about it, and the girl came in the communication and said that she was with her friends have others girls dressing like schoolgirls in that store that they were fazendo programa, don’t have a polite word to say that in English, and that she was 18 years old and made an operation to be that short remove part of the middle of legs and arms to be that size and say that have only 8 years old, that they promise to her that they would give to her medicine that came from Europe that makes people tall and they promise to her that they would make her younger 10 years. After the soul that makes me company said that they give for people don’t grow ‘gela osso’, and after to the person grow ‘estrutura’, you think probably who take that is that prodigy child of cinema to say that they are younger that they really are, the soul said that people have to maintain the consume or gonna return to the original high, with floppy muscles, the bone grow and the person stretch, is killing a cup of that, was a 1,20 person that want be 1,80 of high, the bone get sparse and threadbare, and the person lost the legs. And also much of it, many years maintaining would happen that  the head and basin start to grow, the soul said that the muscle almost don’t change a person with ugly legs came to straight  legs before lose them, I imagine that for a crazy pimp is very good he makes plastics in new blood, have all the freedom to make any kind of changes, and have the dreams of indecent people, see that girl was playing have only 8 years, and probably her sad dreams would come true be younger, be higher, probably they make even a new pretty face for her, so I remember a movie that I was watching yesterday, "Legion of Demons" "Circle of Fear", in a moment have that sentence the demon could make you the shape you want, that would be probably high, thin, beautiful, younger. And there someone saying that if worth a pitty save that girl, every human being doesn’t worth a pitty? In what she is last? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim