First before beginning, let me say that one time a person that have years that I doesn't talk with her said, I said to her something that my mother told me that was something like conviction, that things that came from our roofs, like folklore, familiar superstition, even I am saying that what my mother told me she said that was stupid, how hatted her I wanted all the bad things for her. I don't respect who doesn't respect mother or family.
And about the sacrifice. And that about write, that woman-man asked me to write but after came my friend and ask the same so the sacrifice are still for my friend. And the other sacrifice that the woman-man still not for him-her because the flogging he-she convince me isn't enough to help my friend, so even what surpass isn't for the woman-man. My mother had said for me that have things that we just let at the side is for the hund, meaning the demon, is like that this the food waste, make the demon happy and make him came close from you, the dictate is leave your breads crumbs for the dog kind don't do that because the demon could came, a dog that eat bread, the demon is another dead soul he swollow but it would came of the other side in one piece, like that hamburguer that people asked what is that desease, is a dream? Is only that you are making the demon near you and he sollow the bread but would came of the other side without be digested. See like God used to ask sacrifices the Demon also asks for sacrifices. Doesn't make the bread be his flesh? I don't know what commitment is for that unconcious sacrifices, but of course has. People someone asked to answer that, good example his cousin buy an hamburguer but how she wanted to be lean give a bite and throw an modesty expensive food in the trash can without even think in give it to an poor person like the cleaner. She even is the kind that but disgusting things in the bread to humiliate who wanted to take out from the trash can, she was the one that taught that can put an piece of glass in the food before put in the trash, because nobody can eat her trash, she think that who take things from the trash is stealing, if you don't understand my opnion I am against who behave that way, so is a crime kill a beggar, and this isn't an accident but a premeditated murder. You don't know the idendity of the victm, if someone put poison in a wine glass in party people understand is a crime, and was for anyone that had the unluck of got the wrong wine goblet.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim