Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Two professionals that is very need for famous people and me in another incarnation

And is the reporter and the press direction, what the different works they do, one spare you of the shame of read something of the beginning to the end a offensive news in the newspaper and TV, also they make some research if are anything in the mídia about you that the mídia that didn't inform that would appear, and they make some work of collect clips, with scissors and paper and glue, and organize like a librarian, when you would read the newspaper you already know what was about, so you don’t need have a heart-attack you would be already prepared, isn’t better you read a text that you already know what is on it, and the press direction is a person that prepare the discourse make some in camp research to know your popularity, choose the photo that would be released your pictures that would be provided to the press print the image of you, imagine that you want the fame of be patient the press director would research all your images that don't match or also you don't like one side of your contour like the right side contour you can ban that of  your image making you a more beautiful person, you can construct a littluwe you image to make you a little diferent of the real you I think is the right of the person isn't a complete lie, and also make some camp research to know the impact in the public opinion if you appear of one way or declare something, or the opinion if you came in something new like politics, in the time of that professions I think that the celebrity was informed even for another country press every time that would be mentioned at least for the civilization of the east like Europe and everything that is at east of Greenwich, they organize your life in the press and media (mídia), you would be very efficient in the aspect public image, can you imagine that you can lose money if your image came damaged.
And me in one incarnation that I was vampire and noble, I employ a dwarf to be my reporter, what was his work? When I saw something funny happening in the street from my high window he was the one that went to the city to know the gossips for me, the camp research. My vampire wife abandon a man in the altar for me, I seek her for 3 years after 3 years she chose me, that man was the one that seek me for his entirely life, take him 3 incarnations, I could listen his prayers all was to free my wife from my malefic power, one day she still young and he very old I was laughing that he still think that she would want him, she was with disgust of him, in that day I fell him holding my hand I didn’t want listen anymore his prayers. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Velocity of the Earth, Circumference of the Sun

Velocity is space divided by the time.
And the velocity for rotation the time of one day divided by the circumference of the Earth.
Translation, the velocity is the route of the Earth divided by the time of one year.
How to use the translation to calculate the circumference of the Sun.
And of course you are thinking that a orbit is elliptical and the Imaginarium planet will not work out, but think that way you could have a sphere and trample to came elliptical, and the size of the circumference would be the same only the shape would be different so the distance is what we want and would be the same. And you can imagine that a circumference is another calculation, but imagine that you have a line that would travel your imaginary car, the distance would stay the same if you get that line and make it a circle connecting the ends(is so romantic the concept when you finish the line you would be again in the beginning maybe is that way the infinite).
The two velocities of the Earth could be summed that don't have no practical use or understand each one, one don't decrease the other and don't make the other faster.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The worsheet that I was doing yesterday and how to get the same result

The media is the excel that operates for you, the result approved or disapproved or exam is the excel that fills it for you, the number of the students that is approved, disapproved and for exams is the excel that finds for you, and the stile of if disapproved is in red is the excel that gives,
so how to do a worksheet that gives all those results...

First you make the formula for the media...

Now you will make the conditional formula, in my that is in Portuguese is 'se' in English 'if', I used the formula helper, and fill the forms but is the same that the formula that you see, you write that formula and you would have 3 levels of results, is only on formula for approved disapproved and for exams, and a extra tip instead of put the grade have to be higher than 60 you put higher than 59, the apostille that I study said higher than 60 so higher than 60 is 61 and was approved only the student that got 61, maybe is better for the course do this way because some students would instead study use the worksheet with even need understand.
And for this I formula that every cell that has the result that I describe and was a name approved...


And how make the excel write in red and rose box when the student is disapproved, go to the stile box in my excel is in the first tab, all that I use in this worksheet was in the first tab.

The last step of the stile of the disapproved is in red.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Friday, December 13, 2019

What does mean that dream

And was that way, was a big hangar and a man with a machete in one hand and a human arm in the other, the amputee arm was in the elbow return the arm to someone that hold with the hand of the right arm the arm that the man gives, and the person was squat down in a big water pool, maybe was a hangar that was used to make movies with water, the person that receives the arm hold with the hand of the right arm and shows the left arm that was short like arm with only upper arm but in the end had a deformed hand with very short fingers and he is showing clearly that arm, and he said “por meu algoz não tenha pena de mim” by my executor don’t be sorry for me”, maybe was in other planet a prisioner planet that human souls went there to be torture for other human souls, I don't know if I quite understand but I think that the squat man receive a arm of the same side of the arm that catch the amputee arm, like this was both right hand arms. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

When I meet the Frankenstein

And was that way my father was a doctor and a very good man and came from France the news of a teenage that pulls his eyeball out of the face, came the news like a 'telephone without wire', had you already play 'no wire telephone' you say for someone and that person say for the next and this would be so on, is faster than a person walking this time was an emergency, my father went of a carriage that would travel very fast and me and my brother went with him. 2 years before one of my father duck with the beak pull the family dog eye out of the head, I had to hit with the hand the head of the duck, to he stops and I just push the dog eye back to the place was in the same moment, in my head the duck was trying be someone doctor saying that was possible save someone eye, the wasn't kill, he live a long life and die of natural causes, so I have so much faith that a could do it the  eye would recover, that I went with father, I had two theories that the eye had to be clean and the other was that have to be refresh, cold, we have ice, at the time we ate ice cream, was very expensive, like a very expensive cloth, like a carriage, like something made of gold. The eye would came hot out of the place and was the same than get wounds, I had at the time of the Frankenstein eye 8 years old; I save his eye, months after I went to France to show my 'doctor duck' and the dog, the duck was fat was almost the size of a kid, I said that the duck was living with that(the guilt). Many years after, we went to France again to a Lecture that we were doctors that came from Italy, and there the doctor of France talk was about the Frankenstein, from Italy was a very numerous the number of doctors, and in right in the beginning the French doctor point a gun to shoot him I said you point a gun to him, and he starts to defend himself that he would not shoot, we in Italy were discussing the rights of the prisoners and you would shoot a normal person? I came to the Frankenstein and said to him "mister find for yourself a work" and he said "why I would work" I said “to in the future you marry”, “a woman would want me?” I said “had French woman that be with a pig because don’t have man, of course you would find a woman even that would be a ugly one”. After stay there and be useful but having not denounce the doctor I do with my brother some visits to the France, in one of those visits we were in the city and a young woman went after the French doctor because Frankenstein save her for rape from a group of men, and they stab him several times in the end he put her in his arms and went away, the French doctor laugh and said that now he would see what kill him, me and my brother said that we was telltale but knew sew someone take we to the place, we sew him wasn’t that easy he was a lot of muscle with nothing of fat, wasn’t easy the fat under the skin made easier sew, but we sew him, how in the city the doctor didn’t want help him we take him to a farm that we knew the family and pay to them take care of him, in the future he married with the girl he saved and their son came a doctor. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

Monday, December 9, 2019

The picture that I pass yesterday doing

This is a hypothetic case that I made based that in what I am actually studying, is made in an Excel of the Office.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Who have seen the Frankenstein in neighbourhood, another incarnation

And was a incarnation that I was a Doctor and owner of the  most respectful Hospital of the planet I was so amazing that I was the younger owner and director of the hospital, the hospital was super modern even for these days I didn’t build it was older than me I at the time prefer consider me the director and not the owner, I wasn’t a robber. And I remember that I write a book about the Count that was a vampire that was in coma and was visit for his enemy the Frankenstein, I am not so creative probably I based in a real fact, who win? the Vampire, even in coma he was powerful, how doctor I knew they were monster because they both have a morbidus stage(estado mórbido), for human is like this probably would die in a short time, in my book they were centenary people, the ones that already exists was very cruel persons I just write because my grandfather was the one with more than 200 years, he was consider that was alive because was a doctor, he was powerful none of them would try make me no harm. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, December 5, 2019

And I psychograph about what also is that pot what relevancy

And is that people first do you know what is International cousine, for Brazil, Tawain, Arabia, and a lot of countries is French culinary so if you went to a Hotel of my city and there have International kitchen they would perform French culinary, not Italian, not Chinese, not Japanese, not Brazilian, not Spanish or Mexican, the other you would see the name of the country. And what the problem with that school in France? And is that if their professor is teaching the pot, in a manner the teacher are teaching ‘domestic economy, there they learn also how don’t have waste all went to the mouth of someone and their family, they teach that for you because you freely give the best for your children or you give the garbage you already do this and don’t need that course to be a bitch, and what more, if the teacher isn't graduate in Economy but in ‘domestic economy’ the course isn’t International cousine, but basic kitchen or in Brazil básico da cozinha, so that the course that people are doing is the common kitchen that you can learn in any country, and with all that garbage in my point of view the person isn’t proper for the profession. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

What goes in a broth, you will understand the recipe in the end

And for the beginning the French cooker when learn do this send another person to do it appears that when you learn is someone else that would do, and to learn you have to know management(gerencia), administration, accounting (contabilidade, that had the high graduation and also the technical course the same for the administration it also had the the technical course), and of course accounting is much more productive with computation, a spreadsheet (planilha) is much more useful in a computer that making in the book, is visually much more explained, is also to know what went inside the broth Economy, also for itself but also to know logistics; instead you take care of the pantry you would know storeroom(? Another name for pantry I mean almoxarifado) that would be cost and expiration date and of course that would be more visually useful in a spreadsheet in the computer that in a book, after you can print all that spreadsheets and bind to make a book, the book of the 2019 year 2018, 2017..., with the data in the computer you bind a book when you want; also had to know strategy that is in Economy, and also is in Economy to market plan (mercadologia) also for restaurants and restaurant consume, and for the market of the supplies (insumos) like the onion, but you have to know all that science to apply in the kitchen and not in the restaurant. So knowing all that you can say that is very cheap the onion, for fish and chicken broth takes onion, is so cheap you don’t save the pieces of onion, in a restaurant is bought a lot and use without pity, and tomato would make the broth spoilt very fast, but if the person want tomato to complete the broth what is use is canned tomato purée (extrato de tomate), and is only these if you put vegetables you would have a soup, and the rest is only spicy to do your personal touch, I also know because I do coxinha, so you don’t use soup to make coxinha, is almost disgusting. And of course your broth would be reproved if isn’t clair and lean thin, of course thin for a broth and not for the water, what I miss to tell, how I remember all that my mother is administrator and my father accountant, high graduation so a listen all that my entirely life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, December 2, 2019

And the favela(slum so fancy that name) meet the Cordon bleu

And I was seeing a course or cours of culinary from  a person that was in the Cordon Bleu and the person learn there the big pot of vegetables, when I was small child a professor of my mother said, my mother and father was many time without babysitter and I was an arm baby, said that a good cooker, he was from France, in France can't have that big trash pot in the refrigerator waiting to the next client, the expensive restaurant the broth had a signature, the flavour has to be the same all the time who went there 200 times would have the same flavour and not that 'cú flavour', that have also in France the Restaurants like those ones of the roads of the America, here we know that have the bad quality restaurants and in France we think that all the restaurants are French restaurants, had also there the ones that you had the worse food that you can eat, a Good expensive restaurant the sauce have the same flavour it isn't made of a big pot, the science of the broth that I do is very good one day I say, so I will say the broth, the salads are made of some very odoriferous leaves, and for the salad that is crude I use the half the rest I use for the broth is very delicious is a part of the vegetable that you don’t eat crude or you are a brute, the broth is very odoriferous, I only can make only with them or meat, is very delicious if I want I put some vegetables to cook since the beginning and blend and I have a vegetable cream, the time to prepare in the most in the next day, in a good restaurant is the kitchen helper in the end of the day that does the broth, isn’t hard work or one that needs intelligence. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, November 24, 2019

And a very Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year

And I will return in February and could have eventually post before the February and you could pass this time reading the already published posts. 
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Others earing that I have

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

The coloured hair chalk

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I bought the mascaras applicator they are a set with 12 and 4 models

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Lip brush is very need...

if have style...

and have Penelope Pitstop print.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This brush is for cream eyeshadow

and for pencil and gel eyeliner, this is different.

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Barrette greens that I made

The rigid case is an Aquarius bottle, the box is important to the hair clasp to be protected and don't broke, because the ornament is only glue.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

Picture of orange soy muffins

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Picture of coffe and chocolate cookies

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Christmas Songs

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Home made makeup brush hard case

I use a small manual sewing machine to make the holes for the sewing in the plastic bottle and after I do a hand sewing to make it strong.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How to clean the powder eye shadow brush between the diferent colors

And is in a clean cloth you take of the previous colours eyeshadow passing like this the brush and is the same for the powder blush brush. 
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Hair colouring chalk

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Diamond glow lipg gloss and shirl lip gloss

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