Thursday, December 5, 2019

What goes in a broth, you will understand the recipe in the end

And for the beginning the French cooker when learn do this send another person to do it appears that when you learn is someone else that would do, and to learn you have to know management(gerencia), administration, accounting (contabilidade, that had the high graduation and also the technical course the same for the administration it also had the the technical course), and of course accounting is much more productive with computation, a spreadsheet (planilha) is much more useful in a computer that making in the book, is visually much more explained, is also to know what went inside the broth Economy, also for itself but also to know logistics; instead you take care of the pantry you would know storeroom(? Another name for pantry I mean almoxarifado) that would be cost and expiration date and of course that would be more visually useful in a spreadsheet in the computer that in a book, after you can print all that spreadsheets and bind to make a book, the book of the 2019 year 2018, 2017..., with the data in the computer you bind a book when you want; also had to know strategy that is in Economy, and also is in Economy to market plan (mercadologia) also for restaurants and restaurant consume, and for the market of the supplies (insumos) like the onion, but you have to know all that science to apply in the kitchen and not in the restaurant. So knowing all that you can say that is very cheap the onion, for fish and chicken broth takes onion, is so cheap you don’t save the pieces of onion, in a restaurant is bought a lot and use without pity, and tomato would make the broth spoilt very fast, but if the person want tomato to complete the broth what is use is canned tomato purée (extrato de tomate), and is only these if you put vegetables you would have a soup, and the rest is only spicy to do your personal touch, I also know because I do coxinha, so you don’t use soup to make coxinha, is almost disgusting. And of course your broth would be reproved if isn’t clair and lean thin, of course thin for a broth and not for the water, what I miss to tell, how I remember all that my mother is administrator and my father accountant, high graduation so a listen all that my entirely life. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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