Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Phantom of the Opera and my father another incarnation

In the last incarnaton I said that my father went to France and he was German and I said that my GreatGrandmother was from Japan and went to England because his family was from also England. So my father in England he discover manuscripts from his ancestor, and he was the only that discover the code of the manuscripts, probably my father was condecorated by the army to be an uncoder. And his ancestor had be the Phantom of the Opera, he when disapear from France went to England, he had descedants, with the manuscripts has his work and the discription of routes of all the France, the Phantom of France with those routes, invaded any place, he never put the foot out by the door but by the labirith that was the underground of the Ancient ancient France, so he was very dungerous. He disapear with no find his body so people thought that he was a ghost. So my father went to France to be a little teenager evildoer, and the welcome from the others evildoer of France was break his face, he was very very handsome, so he had to use a mask, even after that he was considered one of the men most handsome of his era, but he was disfugureted because criminals didn't like handsomes being criminals, so they make a ugly face for him, he was teenager appear he was 16 years older. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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