Sunday, April 17, 2022

Making french nails guides for nail painting

Making french guides for painting
So is missing in the market your french guides for painitng, up the materials

Making french guides for painting
the surface to keep or french tips I use the card of a milk in box.

Making french guides for painting
We gonna paste the adesive crepe tape, I prefer this is very good to artcraft is more handble, and when paste in the nail, is ore stretchble to fix with no space, if you don't find for the artcraft you can buy those ones for nappies

Making french guides for painting
Here will be my round shape to cut with precision my guides

Making french guides for painting
I gonna use a penknife, is a more economic option because all the extension is breakable, so you have 10 sharp blades points, otherwise will not be so economic

Making french guides for painting
So the round shape help me to make perfect roundeds guides

Making french guides for painting
Here how to use in the nail, and now you just need paint with your white or coloured nail polish, I like to use a more expensive polish or one for french tips, because an more expensive polish with one layer is a close white and a complete white and not that one that is a little translucide. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 


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