One person try to defeat the demon because is dancer lover, when the demon is full intentioned, the demon is the best and the person just dance because love and the lemon dance because is the better for ever he even could lost but for one that the effort is almost a suicide intensity, the lemon is pressing black is already in the body of the person, so the demon do all day and the person do occasionally because like and the demon dance well because train hard to hell.
I never said that if the start that that God took us, is where is the Eternal, I didn't said to God what was the problem of the star. Guess what was. See who defends kids have high defense, the son-daughter of that trouble god is a cat, but what is the problem? There only had one day and is the end of the world so we were waiting the explosion and thinking that everybody would die. I was afraid of leave but when I see the Fahter went away and the lady try to took to another place I went away for a more save way. So there we thought that only had one day and we went die.
The demon is inside a person that make he party har, he is being very evil, he had a body guard, who can be. Teh demon felt he owns the place so he isn't the owner but is like he be if he controls such person.
In the music the demon is the first to say that he is the commander, so he controls, the other when says only repeated what the demon sai he isn't controlling the demon. Remeber that th edemon is dressing black. So the demon say to dance and when the demon get in the floor means that the person controlled, no more understand that are being used and the demon can controls the person even better, that gesture means that the demon fast defend himself of the offence of the person, now the fact is the demon inside the body of the person, the red is the body of the person. No reason to celebrate, in the beginning notice that the red one cover the own ears? SEe when the eyes are from th edemon the the rabbihave to remove the eyes with warms and replace them for rocks of the proper size, this is ver ancient, I prefer that you use the rocks in place of glass eeys I like the old methods... the person is already blin that warms gonna went to the brains, the feeling of wars in filthy. That mimic means that I dismish your new attack, like I had power to repel everything you do. And before the demon are warning the persons that help him that is coming the time that they will win the person. In the end the demon and his friends find a theatrical way to runaway to noboy understand that he already won and is only leaving the person that lose.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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