And was how
was made the shield of the Atlantis, I psychograph that was two cities and in
different places, the newest made it based in the Atlantis. So they was made with
a big explosion in the bottom of the sea, how more use explosive bigger the dome,
and the the explosion push all the water mass until a moment that the power
changes energies changes, of explosion to thermal and the water that is near
come glass, to the stages of the water, gas, liquid and solid had heat energy (energia
térmica) to change to one phase to other, had no reason to the ice smelt because
wall of the dome had to exchange energy with the water, isn’t enough the difference
of temperature, and was choose a cold sea, had to have the exchange of energy.
Had a peculiarity of the environment create, it made a substance that I would
call azullen, explosion is a very high energy, and in this moment substance
could be generate, chemical substance with chemical substance with energy and
what energy react and came other or others substances, recombination, I call
azullen because I am not sure about the name, and the azullen is very sterilizing,
and the dome inside had plenty of it, the king notice the sterilizing power of
the azullen and start the politics of there would be create the most perfect
race of the world with no disease, even a defect of miss teeth the king don’t
accept, he sent the candle factory of his in land kingdom make dentures to the
poor don’t smile showing teeth less in the perfect under the water city, one
time before move definitively to Atlantis, he came to the underwater city that
had some of his servants, and once there he notice of some people was dead
standing and he to don’t make suspect the others that was in the city, he was
with his wife, made it up a history to went away in the same moment, he came of
submarine but was small, what the king discover was that the azullen that kill
all the bacterium kill indistinctly all the microscopic life, we are made of
microscopic cells, they are microscopic like the bacterium, the cell is very similar
to bacterium in cytological and
physiology way, and the cells die and the person die, are the vampires made of
living cells? probably Germany discover one of the underwater city, by scanning
the bottom of the sea with a radio, the same of the radiography that you see
the bones of a person, but a very big one inside a submarine, so German
discover the kingdom that preached the perfect race that could made in a completely
sterilized environment inside a dome, that wasn’t the politics of the German
Govern. Understand there in Atlantis had books magnifying the Govern that would came and it's proposes of a perfect race. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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