Thursday, March 15, 2018

The super German Radio

Radio is also a wave, so based in my memories of other incarnation in before the Second War German invented the super Radio, because the theories about radio waves the radio waves remains in the time example if had a resource of radio in the past like in the Primitive Era the wave would be until today, so we could listen or maybe see, or other information, something of the past of Earth and human kind if came in radio wave, maybe a cave of a special mineral, or a special explosion could generate radios waves, maybe a Witcher making tests with radio in the incipient beginning, or a machine for other propose but that release radio waves. And other reason that was made the super radio the radio wave don’t had matter, weight, and so on because this could cross the parallels of the Earth and we could listen the radio wave of other parallel, why we don’t listen radio coming of others parallels, maybe they don’t know what is radio, so the German had explode a Super Radio, a perfect explosion like a more than one Hydrogen bomb, and of course had a super radio in our parallel to talk if anybody that use the super radio that cross the parallels, so was two to communicate with each other, the super radio work and went to a parallel that the German before the Second War talk with them for more than 70 years and between some discovery the parallel is faster than our parallel, 3 years there is only one year here, and they describe that there lives a monster that live there more that 300 years and they only see the monster when they grab one and eat the person, and the monster like very much eat the time travelers, in the ‘German experiments’ time travelers meaning any travel that break any barrier, in my calculation the monster is invisible because travel to the velocity of the electron, that is so fast that is invisible and give appearance that is everywhere, so the monster was everywhere like the electron and I notice that is a velocity higher that the ‘light velocity’ the electron velocity, the ‘Electron Velocity’ is higher than the ‘Light Velocity’ and a living being travel at that velocity. And the super Radio was used in at least in one spatial mission, the green planet that German discover, that is green because is a higher density of radio wave, where them came? From us, from aliens?. Where is the planet, they gone tell where direction take left right up down of Earth, they gone say where from Earth was the launch German was rich enough to get in any place of Earth with a hide rocket and nobody understand what mean, they gone show you the spatial picture that is the map of the planet and put the finger right in the right shine that is the planet, ask you how many years is the travel at least 70 years, would you travel for 70 years in the wrong direction, that shines in the picture are close in the picture in the Spatial they are far away from the other because one in the picture is at 20 years of travel and other in 5000 years of distance (depending of the velocity you use) one year a small angle of the start and the travel line you gonna be years of distance of the target planet. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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