Linha, fio barbante, lã.
Fio is almost everything that you can't define in lã, linha or barbante fio remember filament you think in very thin but for industry is practically the oppost, because if something isn't an linha because is thick gonna be fio, linha barbante lã is all fio but is qualify, when you got the linha and they had legs that twisted legs are fios so you have linhas with 4 fios cables, with 6 fios cables.
And sometimes you think why doesn't use barbante in the place of linha or fio? And is that barbante sometimes is delicated and you think that appear with a fio, or you see the fio so thick that you think that is the same result that using barbante, but is wrong, the barbant is a so rustic fio that when you use in clothes or fashion you see the ridiculous of have clothe that appear ship and coarse, so in the finish work you gonna se that you done shit, also brbante have the most expensive but relativile the barbante is cheaper in comparirions with the linha for fashion. And when you use linha in the place of barbante you gonna came to the grothesque of that barbante is a tough thread that doesn't destroy so easy, so a rug of barbante will resist to the atrict of be in the most rough floor and one of thread will be worn in short time.
Is in vogue in Brazil two threads to new artcraft and is the malha and fio nautico, malha is the same that is used in Exterior and fi nautico is one specially for purses.