Monday, August 14, 2023

A hot pocket histories

 I already was in that river, so the first history was that, and what about that origin for wherewolf, besides that one that I already said. And is that the river is I was a fetus and my mother perceive that was a werewolf and abort me. And was like be in a river felt the blood float. So the blood that had a curse I felt for till the days that lived in the uterus of my mother. Is a cold river the blood that doesn't stops. And I was in France, and the curse in my mind was from an ancestor that went to Africa before marry, he wasn't exactly young, but before marry he pretended went to Africa to make safari, and there he doesn't only killed animals but humans, and he received a curse of the sorscores from there that he would become a European beast a wolf, that would be irrational and kill even his wife and kids. And he to atenuates the curse because he see that he really came a beast without memories, he wake up without memories of he had done, killing without sorrows, he went to Africa to make some descedants there, and he came more human when transformed. But in the end he wasn't good enough and his soul came out of the mirror in a form of wherewolf, and destroyed him, and also people in the moment that the soul destroy the person had the soul. So the person is killed by the own soul but the body had the soul, who see notice that. And one day to atenuates the curse about that family, they look to marry with another family of wolfes from, that also was rich and maybe even more older curse. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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