Monday, March 25, 2024

Psychiatrists and educators have their own

 I don't have the experience but I have a valuable opinion, and my mother when I didn't wanted study asked me if I want stay home in place of went to school, I thought that I had the right of interact, to be in companion of people of my age, that vacation was so long that I missed the school, that I woul have shame of me of see people in school age that went school and I wasn't. So when a kid give up of school to stay home seeing tv, the kid is missing even have a social life, is a shameful life, so wasn't the study that make persevere but don't be an abandon kid ignorant and stupid. Even a donkey have the right of went to school, is a good life for a kid that feel that human companion, and I never had the experience of abandon the school.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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