Wednesday, November 10, 2021

One of my methods of study

And of course that thinking that my mother was graduated in administration and my father was graduate in other career but was very sharp in computation, is that organization the information inside your mind, so you organize your study table you organize your notebooks, but organize the brain, study is a process understand is a process, and in the middle I developed the clean process, is that when your brain is full you don't learn, and that the brain is limited, but with a good process of learn that you use the clean process you could, see that the brain is a phisic disk but information virtually storage in your brain so you gonna have a brain virtually 6 times (be modest) bigger than yours and thinking that you have a brain of the same size of the others humans you gonna be 6 times more intelligent than the others, that could be used even for who suffer brain damages, I read some matter about the subject, my parents have a pictured Enciclopedy that talk of uses, and brain process, was very psychiatry subjects, but was very Europen the pictures was of the 60's, the clothes was certainly European, so the brain isn't of the size of our needs but we can storage, ten times in over the other information without lost no one of 10 copies. So the brain is a phisic storage but the learn is software, you can open a brain of a dumb and a intelligent and see there the information? even if you know construct computer of neral chords, my guide was saying that alien have very much this technology, and they use of rabbits, please don't start that studies, the memory of the life of the donater wouldn't not be in the computer, when is valid when someone say that after death he-she-shit give his brain to the sciences studies. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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