Saturday, November 6, 2021

Why record the sound of a crowd in a stadium

And one you make a crowd in the computer they need voice.

2 - the original sound of the day that you film wasn't good, you don't gonna do another filming you can use the filming with bad sound and replace the sound.

3 - Record a crowd in the staadium they could be screamin, applauding, making zoombies, they could cry, they could make a sound of people in a party (this could be a room).

4 - And with some sound effect you can have other sounds like a waterfall with the sound of human voices, 

Is that many times because the sound a scene is ruw away or remade, yuo imagine direct another time a crowd because the sound!!! They could be in the 1930's, the sound you don't need custom for who only make the sound. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The money for a video clip is a kind of money with QI, is the same money that is injected in the criateive movies for shorts for competition, so the way that a scene is different, the clip is more involved in the use of special effect to recreate something that in a movie would be record the reality, is that money with QI would buy other kind of film process, is important because this kind of filming could be large used in arquieve or future needs of the image.

You know one filming that photographer do? Is that is the one for arquive, and not for a documentary , you have to write on the arquive like a librarian, is that one day will be the day of the premiere a dam, the enterprise call you to film to their arquive they don't release the filming for the TV, 20 yerars after one director of doucmentation could use what you film to do his documentary with scenes that was record in the day, isn't that need? You have to know catalogue an arqueive. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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