Friday, December 3, 2021

Special effect FX - with the depth of the camera to

And one reason to you use a camera with a big depth, what is depth is a camera got with big definition many plans, the first that have leaves the second the persons talking in the bushes the third what have after the characters, of course probably that camera don't change the focus all his field are in focus, 

and is make that special effect that one character is big because it is 2 meter of the camera and the other is small because are 10 meters of the camera, if the camera have a short depth you would not have the effect of that one is big because one is out of focus and people gonna notice that they are in diferent plans.

And other effect is the use of frame (moldura) or panel (painel), for picture of the past more than 100 years because if not that are put after the picture done, and was used to make films of the almost same past, I saw documentaries about it, you can make a filming painting the wall that are in your backs to look other place you can even, glue in the wall a paper of the size of the framework of your movies to emulated a castle for instance that will be the panel, and when the camera have a big deth you can use a painted glass that in the center is the glass so the border will be in the movie, if the camera doen't have a big depth the moldura went be very out focus, isn't nice the person be in a scenariun that is a cartoon? And like the theatre after the movie you can roll the panel, is good use a stick like a broom is more easy of roll a big paper. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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