Monday, January 10, 2022

About learning a new language

Learning a language is not something that you didn't do it before, you since you born learn your first language, so when you learn a new language you are doing something that you have already done in the past, why don't use that experience to make easier learn a new language, people don't use that because many times something that is in the past is hard to revival that experience, my parents are people that think that teach a baby two language is dangerous for the learn of the kid making confusion, a person could have a brain that half is one language and the other half is another, if they thought diferent they would use two language at home, but this wasn't an obstacle to use records with films in english, with even addvertising in english, was a friend of my father that was in an english country and recorded from the calbe tv and send to my father like cortesy. Why doesn't revive the experiency of when you learn your mother language to learn a new language, my father when I started the english course I started with less than 11 and half years old an out school english course, and to you talk in english is don't think in portuguese to after translate to english, the person have to started to think in english, is like you be reserving a part of your brain to thought in english, so that way you gonna speed, if you are still thinking in your language and traslating, the problem when you listen, if the person tell you a long history you gonna have time to understand only the first part of it because when you finished of translate the first part the person would be many words in advanced and you gonna loose all that talk and when you started translate you lose again many speech, so when you are decide to do that you think with you I need listen more then read, I think that movies are more realistic then music that the words are combine to mke music and not to comunicate, people in the movie emulated talk, of course they are acting and not talking with each other. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


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