Sunday, January 30, 2022

Give some light that I gonna do this a stage

And is that my mother was administrator, was her graduation, and in the firms, you probably don't hire an architect or publisher, and there you gonna have to update the manage of all the offices, where my mother worked was all the floors with all the halls offices, explaining what I jsut said the building was offices, the most engineers and direction, and burocratic department, so the publishing was do for an administrator, and when the room was more equipped or reorganized the tables because someone was hire was the administrator that do the blueprint of how the phisic space gonna be redraw, the walls was something, all was of a thick glass with plywood with formica doors, you to see anybody inside the room the person have to be close of the glass, have thin iron lines inside the glass, was the kind that would not break in pieces if someone hit with an iron  bar or shoot it wih a fire gun, but also the walls wasn't attached to the floor so to make the halls bigger only need to replace the walls, where my mother worked had airconditioner, the the cealling was of plywood with formica and lowered, so one rule that my mother used to decide the colors of a work room the tables was plywood with formica and the cabinets was of the same, and for some editorial that she would decided was don't choice colors that are in countries flags their harmony was none and cause distress with the time and for who is reading some editorial could make the person truw it in the trash, thinking that don't like what read but don't like what see. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: Of courses that have other kind or workers, but you know what they do there? Dams, dams only could be build for engineers. so was the "atividade fim" and not the "atividade meio", end activity and not middle activity, the enginner was the final and that was needed and the others was the middle  or the way to the end activity.

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