Wednesday, March 29, 2023

And have people saying I knew Eisntein

 Who send he tell in Americas that have clones? GErmany even was worry that he was in slavery in the EEEUUUUAA, he for sure doesn't have his clone but sosias! Someone that copy his-her face with surgery. Even Germany compute 15 sosias, they even was presenting in diferent countries at the same time, even that they behave. One last time that was imagine that he was seing for sure was, in the attack to Germany and was hte first time that was notice that he had a sosia. And was the opportunity that probably hte sosia dye in his place. Rememmber the bomb of 200 years? Also I remember that they inside the Germany was filmed before went away, we even was trying at the time handle the filiming of they fail inside the city to UUUAAAEEE to they play in their TVs they explode the ship, so was the last appearance of them and was filemd but the president of the UUUUAAEE didn't wanted, the reasons who's knows today why handle they was talking with the people of Germany, so had a lot of people of Germany, this are racial faces of German people, people copy our movies for a face of a white person!

So we follow them to the bay of where the ship was docked, and by the telescope we see he be replaced by someone that was his copy, so he didn't got the ship he stayed in land. After he went to the train gare, and we knew that he payed a train travel like he being went to England, is a gare in the continent that he apport to went to the Island? But for spy was common pay an longer travel and jump before the end so probably he wasn't wenting to England just was the farest travel that he would jump in some place between.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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