Sunday, April 30, 2023

How do that

 Let me say that with the completely comand about the computer like that you an operator of machine, and in your system, if you conect camcorders, to the computer, and control from the computer, like the cameras point to the center, and film, when the computer make the image what the computer will process?

An 3d object? Another thing, the cameras but in line, filming at the same time, what the computer will process? An virtual enviroment of 6 minutes that you can play all the time? And if you put cameras to have the same close, the same framework, what you gonna have when the computer will process? Two minutes that endire 20 seconds? And if you make the cameras film the same framework but with diferent depths, what the computer will process? An video with depths like reticular picture? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: Also is the future but I remember of do that from Germany, today you doesn't have also about the subject text, that books with only text, but came the pictures an the photogrphers for that books and you even don't notice that old pictures was like technology but need the silent operator of the technology that fill that books in the past to yuo see that pictures, and today is need the movies, but not a completely one but ones that is only a new way of illustrate your point of view, you can put a picture and now you put a short movie. The money is short, but make it be more, we want see 10 seconds film about hand talk and not a picture, soemtimes picture doesn't explain something. Make a technology to show this new midia of a fast way, not an extreme site. To we explain by videos I use gif, but how to put gif in others midias, have the picture reticular, I can send a reticular picture I can generate an QR code but isn't that pratical. Also have the holographic picture is a few 3d dimesional, an portrait that is tridimensional without the special glasses. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Why mind for the problem that I described

 Becasue for a young person is like an medical condition that happens with the person, but with the population growing older the worms will be a problem in future for the humans, see the threatment for worms only aren't important with the persons don't live long and never gonna came to the age of the stage that the worms got inside the organs, but depending of where you live, like where the water are very polute the younger population alredy will have that problem.

So about that I psychograph about a doubt and let me say a good situation from the past. That person live where the doctors are very weak, bad doctors, why that is very bad, the population need medications and when the doctor is bad they understand of operation but not of medicine,  pills that cure. The population suffer of a lot of deases that medicine cure and with bad doctors they would only have opperation to resolve. And the history that is that still exist in my city that my grandmother went and the pharmacist was so good that he make the medicine, he had cure for all that deseases, probsbly today is a normal phramacy but where people went to cure skin problem, headaches, nail funghus, micoses, a micoses that never went away and occupy all your body!!!

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I psychograph about an medical condition

 And that I psychograph have a few years but I was thinking that the person of the condition supose to went to a doctor, but thinking that she went and didn't worked, the lady probably went to a very bad one?

And the facts to the answer, why we suppose to take medicine against worms, that one that lives in the stomach and are common and early you take the medicine, is common every body have but the persons can't be invested. Because with the time they passes from the stomach to almost all the way from the beggining to the end and not only the stomach, they would till the anus, you gonna be full of the because they need space, the city is full the need make colonies, understand the comparisoin, I high population will pull the worms to complete all the way. The food will be scarcity, probably you will have short blood in your stomach for so much worms, and let we returned to what we said before few oxygen make biologicals things older, and let me say how your stomach got oxygen, by the blood. So the person will got an older stomach, and the worms are few in food, so not only that the worms one day for food will tender make a hole looking for food and will passes from your stomach to the internal organs, they will make holes and live between the others organs inside the internal cavity and not only in the stomach. So the person will be parasite in the inner, with worms make shit in the pack of the person, in the stomach the shit of the worms are spelt with your shit, but when they are in the cavity of the organs will be acumulated for years, the person will be came a trash can of the shit of the worms. Appear that when they passes to live in the ass, they don't find so much of blood our need be a lot of clipped in that walls braking the collagen of the ass, and the ass came big, and also with the time by the gravity the shit and the worms will went to the feets. And also for the encrease of the population they will will, grow till ocuppy the organs upper the diafragma and they will live also in the heart and lungs, and in the heart that are full of blood and air, is like that room without gravity, is like travel in the hide speed sub way metro. So they would live there but take there to travel to others places, but how invested that person are. So if they make so much DAMAGE to the ass if the find, they do the same for the uterus, making all old and went t more deep in it, occupying with the time all the places of the organs the make the reproductive system, also combine that with a promiscous life and the person is sheer shit.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And say that history today in my another incarnation

I don't feel like a criminal for it. And the start of the history, before that violence that I would say. I was a normal person, don't you hink that we have to defend ourselves and that could have violence involved? Who have the right of made the violence?

And I was African and went to France I think that was to the capital of that country. And there I went to visit and I knew so down lady that I think that I can't be spell from a country that way to be black, that I had even stay there 3 days!!!! Wasn't dramatic? Don't wait so much for the end, my friends convice me to we return Europe to revenge, but wasn't against that lady was of another. And the first lady that was kind of 50 or more years old, say to me young and handsome that the perfect black male lover, is amputee the hands of the african, I say to me that lady was crazy wasn't her right amputee nobody hands. But have people that listen that history and even think that is funny, the revenge was from the second lady a poor house made, that started to went to my hotel, to talk about that she liked about the perfect lover, I see her when I passed for the door to see the city, and I even didn't talk with her, she used to follow me and talk untill miss me because I walked fast. In the last day I decide to went to the beach, and she was there. She notice the diferent clothes, and was more insistent and I said lady let me went to the beach, I came to France to went to the beach, I didn't think that the problem was I dirt the sea but people see a chest of a black man.

I Returned to my country and said to my friends about the history of the black lover, and I said that I would write a book about that history. And came to the history that the 2 ladies find a lover for them, but was a black woman from an island. Have black people in Island and they aren't Africans. I got mad becuase the book was good and wasn't talking about so much decadence or dementia I give up of the book. But wasn't only that in the end, remember my bad succeed vacation in Paris, I got the idea of make with my brothers and cousins a paradisiac hotel with a private beach. And came the same stupid maid send the news that our beach would be democratic. Democratic at the time was dangerous, have crimes in beaches and people were afraid to went to some beaches because that. We think that an old prostitute of France all the time talked of Africa, the more low kind of human think that they have the right of br eternal problems for Africans. She was probably think that she was all the time funny, she was an old prostitute and old protitute can all the time mess with Africans. I din't want went there but the enterprise was so important for my cousins that they really want to smash her. I said that I only went there to draw her face, if have someone that are so stupid that think that I want to paint her face, let me say that I wanted to use the point of the knife to mark on her face deep marks, make on her face scars, a lot not very decorative some scars are even charming, I want to draw long tear ways from the eyes to the chin, and more two scars one in the forehead and other in the shin, two clows marks. And the violence they do, I rape a so old prostitute, I didn't want rape her. Maybe I was wanting say ti her that she was old ugly and old I was young and handsome, to she open the eyes that she was an old ugly prostitute, we got there with googles for night, that had a lot in Africa we need, to defense had a lot night animals and we need see in the night. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

How to fix artificial hair

This is my tic-tac and got that tangled, but is sintethic can't be fixed by hair iron

So I use the clothes iron in the synthetics, but was still to cold and I used the for nylon.

And I iron the hair and untangle, times in times with the fingers, opening the block with the fingers and ironing after,
How to iron put the string of hair under the iron and instead of move the iron, I make weight with the iron and pull with some strenght out of the iron.
Of course that you have to do that in the top of some clothes.

Here the result but could iron a little more.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim




Monday, April 24, 2023

Oh that crazy cow, alert in the city

 Hey she or he I don't care, if you give milk... so even for me he is mom if give all that milk, why I didn't want be very famous cow-he with a lot of milk. Listen to the smartness forgot the wisdom you can do cowshit on it lady-man. You getting so old of prostitute your old body to be so fruit. So one of the guys that make us famous, you pay all for him but all is all... You gonna buy for him a genius, the camera, the computer, the internet, the software the car, is buying a car that you gonna pay for 4 years. So is low money? He even could be a stranger in your country! And will appear the hot steaks, bitches more hotter than you crazy cow, and for the 6 hot bitches he work for free, you pay for everybody, you in the top giving all that money for your multiracial sons!!!!! I don't like you of course you didn't adopt me!!! Sometimes we have friends where we last expected, I have friends in UUUAAAASSSS, we could be brothers, but I was banned of that country, sad sad... He the last time that I see, people think that he is a cruel pimp, isn't that he was with the mother of be of we two, living near indians the mother is mullata, he is probably also indian, people doesn't understand because he didn't alleagate that is mulatto, is because his father probably is an indian. He make it up that he is the pimp of the mother to people treat better his mother, to people think that his mother is younger.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, April 23, 2023

So I was European but who ask that?

And I remember ask that for me, if is good to have an excitation in the cold, the answer is no. I was many times from a cold country, walking in the cold have an excitation is painful, is liked a hammer blow in all the dick. The reason don't know maybe is that blood makes heat, and the temperature is very low in the cold.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

About cake and bread making for me

 Is one person talking aobut his difficult, let me say that my mother and grandmother were very talentous in kitchen, with no difficult, and me and my sister learn be of the same with shout, work it, incredible work it, we learn! The mother shouting is a very important part of learning. We don't only see, the kitchen is a hot place to have someone that isn't working, things like that. Converstation leads to accident because have one person working with fire and knives and you talking, don't see the person will burn the person will make an horrible accident with a knife? If oil is hot have something more hot, smelted sugar!!! Is an 3rd grade skin burn, because glue in the skin, you have to remove the burn agent and cool down the place to the burn to don't get in more layers of the body.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This my family are in cake for generation let say that secret

 See your friend isn't for generation in the business, so she doesn't know, the cake yest wasn't sale in market, but in pharmacy. If she doesn't knew her family is kind 100 years in cake making? So isn't so much persons making cake in Brazil in more then 100 years in past. Appear that came from France but I think that was from England, I think that the first cake thins are of flandes that for here is from France. My grandmother hated flandes cake thin she like very much the one that are made in here that are from aluminum. Is that flande you have to burn and if you pass many time without use them one day you gonna have a lot of rust and lost all your pans.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

The pharmacy that I use to wear contact lens

That is multi-purpose solution, the only that isn't used is to drop in the eyes, came two bottles but is the same product only in diferent quantities, one is a smaller version easier to carry, but is the same product.

Here is one of the two types of eye-drop that I use, I buy also the other.

This type in a smaller bottle, the othes is only umidify, and this smaller is also lubrificate. The differences:
Is that the other is like to wash the eye, so you drop more abudantly, 
But sometimes isn't that the case, you felt a little of unconfort because the lens cause a little of attrict, so you use that and you don't feel so much that sanding, you are using the lens and your eyes are clean but the lens you felt that sanding, you use that other eye-drop the one that also lubrificate.

So this two pharmacy product that you need to use contact lens, is what I use also I use the other eye-drop.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Some recepies that is indian food, let talk about it

 And is cassava macaxeira cake and sweet potato cake, so say do you know the European country that had that two recepies? And some facts about the recepies, the cakes are what we call wet cake, in most like a Luis Felipe, is a name of a French Prince? Let me say that I not very fan of that 2 potatoes but the cakes worth very much, and what is the European part? They used chicken eggs, you can use cattle milk or coconut milk, and is need floor, the aren't cakes that had only the potatoes they took a little of floor. They are made in oven, but ise very common to indians make out-house oven of bricks, and some of the recepies the potato could be used raw or baked. The problem of the raw, is that you need mill in grater, here had grater isn't an meat mill. So the recepy with the potato bake is more easy to do because the potato is smashed, the taste is different but the two ways you have cake, my mother like to use raw macaxeira and for the sweet potato be  baked, also take cake-yest.

And other very avaluated recepy is the sweet potato for cookies, a school friend give me a very not complete recepy of it probably if much tries worked, but was that: You bake the sweet potatoes, and when still hot you smashed with the butter, I don't know the quantities, after when are already less hot you put the eggs the sugar, and after the wheat flour, and mix I used to buy ones that appear with pippet cokies that probably take to the batter would make it better, so I think with more butter work better, probably is a butter-cokies that is the taste of the ones that are to sale, butter-cokies. So is that baked potato, butter, sugar eggs and flour, if you use the batter why the ferment? But if you don't gonna use the batter probably the cake yest make it better.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



Friday, April 21, 2023

Where is the fire isn't a emergency for me

 And the first, I psychograph an doubt, didn't I said that my great grandfather was descendant of Brazillian indians, and let answer that doubt about, and if indianc eat cassava, they plant cassava in the backyard and my great-grandfather was a farmer with even cattle they hunt because he liked. So if they would pretend ate potatoes they would went to a white people street-market, and fish that they used to ate are of river, they doesn't used to make rafts. I think that he had fish in barrage, around here is more common in farms have to fishes barrage then lakes.

The second, is to someone doesn't be returned in a corps-bag, that I psychograph, forgot that friend, the guy have 2 friends, one is an old bitch, poor appear that was a cleaning-lady and not an well-susceed prostitute and will help the person to get in the prostitution but of the very bad life. And the other that appear of very good life, doesn't have to tell that pimps help him, because he doesn't knew but is because of a prostitute sister. And about the bad life is that the prostitue that the trash-lady know is from very bad life, and she ruined recently a friend and he will be in the same situation, a man what different meat!!! And what happens to the friend, the poor lady, after many years make the surgery to be of the way she wanted, pooooor was the short money that make she only fix herself with the age that she fixed, bring bad luck say her age, shiiiii. So she when came beautiful for what she was, was carried for the prostitution, to make for the more little money of the world with cleaning lady and street cleaner, have even women in the history, in fact appear that the most common Is be woman, a trash, she even in some revenge with so sad prostitue like her, passed to send to see if the person have a rotten tooth, to pull out to an program so dirty that would infiltrate by the removed tooth and mold the chin of the person and be the chin remove, if you knew someone in this situation ask how much is the program, I psychograph a so ridiculous quantity that doesn't worth say how much.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

And we return Africa to taught the others!!!

 A prank that worked perfectly. Moleque sujo. And was that between the days to see the king an scholar invite us to his home me and my brother. And we Europe we had an advantage that wasn't our case! Wasn't there our mother to correct us. And he said that if we want to dressed European clothes, and my brother please hand it to me. I said to my brother with the jacket that I now I was a professor, and you what you are he said an lawyer, the man got mad because had to crazy teenagers on his home. He said isn't like that, I am not a professor isn't the habit that makes the monk? And what is missing? He confessed that was bribe. I knew that in France people went to college, my father appear that dream with that but he didn't have the money for it. So we went to out to show that we was 2 lawyers, was passing a couple the woman a dragon of so ugly and fat, and the husband all the time treating her like she was an mule, we defended that she was a pretty lady, what beautiful hand and look that eyes, she was a fox, he said that he never notice that his wife was so beautiful, that we were right, and they leave almost in love. The man was frighten to the hair, so I take out the jacket and said take back your magic clothes, I never understand the European uses in Africa we doesn't have magic clothes.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I thought that I had the right of it

 And was that before be a singer, in that incarnation that I was an African girl, I already was in Europe, my parents took me all the years to be in the winter games of Russia. I have competed since I was 12 years old. I was good on the games, to I have more chances we went to countries that the winter started before. My father even buy a floor that slip, to I train. There had a boy that liked me and when I was there he talked to me kiss my hand, but in the last time that I was there. I trained a lot to win, if my time was almost secure that I would win, but in the competition had one other that was more fast then me and I was the most light one, and I didn't think twice, I would never need, because my time in the traines was to break the result before, but in any case I used under the skirt I used an special short pants to in any case be without the skirt, I rip of the skirt and make the rest of the race without the skirt, was golden short pants, and I won. But the boy that talked with me the other years didn't talked with this time, because I was very competitive I was 14 years old. I didn't returned to compete other time. Imagine an African girl being competitive? I got so disappointed of someone stopped to like me because of that reason. When I was in the Honey Moon I asked to my husband if he went to the games of winter in Russia, besides the physical resemblance what were the chances of finding him in Paris? I would return soon to write of be African in about other incarnation. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, April 20, 2023

And something about my marriage when I was the African girl

Be only heiress, I never thought about because was a richness thatmy parents were fighting more then 30 years and never receive it because the money was in Europe and they was from Africa. Why I would received? The money was administrate and my parents received allowance. When we were engaged came lawyers and talked to him that if he make me stayed in Europe they would make an agreement that I could administrate the heritage. He only told me in the honeymoon. About my parents they mind so much about that heritage that they talked with each other that if each married others the money would be divided and if they married with each other the heritage would of only of them. They were the only heir of that money. But let me say that I married with an intelligent man, I was so proud of that and happy. If he was stupid like my friend I would lost everything in the hands of the lawyers. The fact of the kids was that I only wanted a second after 5 years, the first was in a goofy I already said. I passed all my heritage for our sons and let the administration in the hand of my husband. He in the end got very rich for other reason.

We travelled to my city in Africa and there doesn't was bar but nightclub there was for teenagers, and doesn't have alcohol. Was a place that we dance. One night my bestie friend, was other girl and we came out hide in the night to dance. When we was there, that I was still in the college, how was all the school we make a spiritual table. Our friend went there and said that he would find someone to had sex I got shocked , wsn't that our meet-point, my friends said that I married well that my husband was handsome. In Europe he opened a lot of places that was the same just were for older group of persons.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

hold on...

So nobody to vote, hey Ok live is cry and smile

 So let say the hottest news, isn't fake but say that was psychograph!!!! And is that 5 to 5, have people that is bombing in the social media with the more stupid videos because!!!! They are in the prostitution and who want to know the person before travel to UUUUUSSSSSAAAA to meet her and have him, see they on video, so the hight part of the audience is NEGÃO, they are famous internationally, and the video only climb like a rocket, people said to me that prostitution make our dreams come true and I said that I didn't need nothing, only the clothes in my body, I even didn't need food, see have make up that is a fail, have people that appear to put chocolate in a cold water after 10 years of people doing that and what horrible star, and over 200k isn't weird? One day the city will burn and I will run away with only the clothes that cover me.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

I psychograph for the savation

And is that the soul, could be lost because beside because we are in the end of the world, that I had read that isn't the end but the time to think and learn, that we have to think about, and judge we, in other place I read that we think that not but that a soul want to pay that the would felt very deep in sorrow and after our bad deed will look for a way to punish him-herself until pay what had done, and if we doesn't agree the soul even doesn't tell that will be away and the person will die without a soul so the person die for ever.

And what would save that soul, is that one incarnation that could save that soul was in the past, but that incarnation that was of a man when knew his prostitution negate the own soul, and the would doesn't give him a second chance and lock herself inside his body, to he be dead and not the soul. If he accept that he was a down prostitute the soul would pass for the retreat and would be him and the soul saved, but he didn't liked the soul and his soul isn't save and will be destroyed in the end of the world, because he didn't save his soul. And the chance is if you don't find the Nietsnie, because he would travel to this incarnation and replace him and he would save the only chance of salvation, is because the Nietsnie want to travel in the time and would be the first chance. And that big Angel, he would travel, he is still travelling, appear that is an starship, God said for that nephew that was an angel because was what he understand he didn't understand starship.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

This is important to publish a book of food

 Today like all the books about food have a lot of pictures and is contract an photographer to make the pictures, of course that you can yourselve take the pictures but you need to catalogue and organize the pictures to make the finishe work. And contract a professional for that you gonna have someone that will help you to organize your book, and think that is a techinical work that is crutial for the sucess, but is not about with your talent to cook, and if you don't have a good done and organize finished work probably nobody will want your book. I think that one year is almost the enought of contract with a photographer to you make a very completely book. Sometimes I think that I would like to write an book of artcraft of construct boxes but I need an organize place to the pictures be done, if I do that work in workshop but isn't that hte case I would take the pictures that because the mess is the originality of any workshop, oficina.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Monday, April 17, 2023

Some of the gifts of Heaven

 And also that I said that we had bedrooms there let e said that had the magical wardrobe, I think that the magical wardrobe is after the church, is very old for some people I only knew my when I received the bedroom. I never liked the name magical for Heaven, the magical wardrobe is to people keep the bodies and specially the face of the incarnations, in my bedroom have a bathroom, just to say that I doubt for completely of the bedroom I keep somethings there. And was a castle that I construct that was destroyed, I put the castle in the bathroom, I don't know what the good of the bedroom, one brother got mad and said that would went inside the bedrooms to steel all the faces, his name was duplicity, one of his problem was that he was the oldest and doesn't liked that, we was brother by part of a very unresponsible father that had a lot of sons with a lot of person and wasn't married. He was the one that our father take to his home  to knew the grandmother. I used the bedroom to take my grilsfriend and they see the Heaven, we doesn't make sex there is just I want they to knew heaven they doesn't walked by the halls I was afraid that there they be attacked. I got to them food of the kitchen to they knew the food of there, I really used there to hide ofne girlfreind to she knew the Heaven. I keep the keys of two rooms there one was the library and the other was the laboratory that was kind os astrological, so when I see that the halls was without nobody we run to that rooms to my grilfriends see. The laboratory also had a lot of mutations specially plants.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Why that in the Heaven

 Why I was man with that brother in that Eden because, he had to stop to dream with negões in the alley, that one day he would be woman married with a man and the sex with love with his husband can't be less important than the sex with an bumpy in the alley, that after had a man that burst his ass he was looking for more good and violent sex he was a dement old lady, very dement trying to climb to the highest Heaven looking for the biggest and violent piroca. I let that ass in two halves.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

What I thought of my mother of another incarnation

I never thought that she was prostitute, but a woman that used a man. I never thought that she cheat my father, so in my mind she wasn't an innocent young lady with virtues, was that what we think that we want in a girlfriend, have africans that dream with a virtuous girlfriend, in Africa virtues was very important, doesn't appear wrong prefer beauty in place of virtue? Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: When I knew her I said that part of the Bible that God said that if this city had 40 justify, she was one that doesn't lye God would not destroy Sodoma.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

Resolving a problem of watch tv in the smartwatch

You got old glasses and pass a money, my rubber money elastics are pink, isn't that smart?

Does work but you can use cards and make an stand almost like that with the right size keep stand because is small.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Some of my buys that came from the exterior



Matte lipstick,

Solid perfume,

Solid perfume,

Solid perfume.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



Saturday, April 15, 2023

The history that I write and nobody understand

 I was the writer that put the dragons in the books of kingdoms and castle of Europe. And when appear the dragon. Was I went to Europe with my brother, and return we two alive, had only 16 years old and see my mother and lye say that I wasn't his son. The Dragon was see that king and returned alive. When I was almost grow I used to think in went to Europe to see if my mother need me, I was so inocent I would never dreamed that the king would think in kill the descedants of that man that he torture till death. But she was white she would love sons that wasn't white? She was friend of that friends that cause the death of my father? Was she already married with sons of another man? And one day came the notice that the king said that he wanted give to the sons of the dead black man consolation. So I saw that the old king was the hell of bad and was wanting kill us also. Only evil, why kill us that were babies and not the insurgements? My brother the older want disasparetely went to Europe our aunt doubt very much about the intentions of the king, came to our country that our mother belived the king would honor his promess. I don't know why make people believe that my brother was a lyar would save we two, I think that at the time the kings love lyers, was crime in Africa but people went to the presence of the kings to lye. I promess to him that I would be at his side saying that he was a lyer. In Europe he said with a so trustible eyes that he was one of the sons that I said that the best lyer was one that people doesn't doubt that he say lies. People laught of so believeble he was. With we bumbs in the street sleeping in the sidewalk, making that we haven't a coin people giving us alms. Our mother came to say that forgive us to lye, and felt pitty of we sleep in the sidewalk, that invite us to live in her house. One day the king make an audience to talk with all the city to see with my brother. I was with him and seeing that cuspidor king involving my brother with sweetness, saying the loved that was our father. Would be of that month that would came with sincerity? And in the middle of that I think what lye I could use to make that king believe in definetely that we were opportunists? I said very raw that I said for his girlfriend that he would returned that we were only friends and that Ilived all my life in Africe and never heard about those boys, probably they died in the travel an aunt of 10 years trying return to his country with 3 boys? The old king so old started to laught and said that he got what he wanted, he wanted kill the sosn of the black man, and he knew that they were already dead. My brother went out of the castle sad for belive for almost die. She came to say goodbye to us because after the audience with the king we would started walk back home.

I thought about the innocent boy that my father, when he went to Europe, in me being young and went a corrupt country that wasn't that of the dreams of my father, in the disapointed boy that was my brother to be cheated by an old sadistic king, and started write of what lived in my dreams, castles, kingdoms eternal love, dragons representing the evil. One day because my books I was famous in Europe, I was still single, I had so much sadness to think that I was looking for love. One day they went to knew the writer, me. And they thought that I was so handsome that they went and returned to my country, to say that I had a title in Europe. I said that I was black, and they said that I would be called the dark and not black that I would be considered white. I went to Europe and there had an arranged marriage for me. I married with her and we were happy. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

An example of a father only teach their sons

 Live an adventure in other land.

An history that end very bad.

Is that see that have many black men that want a white woman and I when was african wanted a mullata woman, people only tell the begining of the history of my father, help I say when he went in Europe and say of what he want live there the work that he want? He went to Spain, he went to there to live of music. He went there with two friends, there he knew an Spanish lady probably he was younger, she was mix with a group that doesn'r like the crowd, the history was that the king agree that the group was half right, I didn't know very much of that part of history. My father married the spanish woman, and after 3 years the king revenge. The men that were involved was disapearing and appeared, all they but my father afinaram. So he was the only that died, the torture in teh country was the worse in Europe. He was returned in a bag to not open because he was all at pieces, the arms were break and torn in a machine. His sister, the sister of my father carried we that was 3 to Africa with she. She was very young and single The younger was weeks. We raise in Africa my aunt was so pretty, for ever with that face of 12 years old girl, she had drawn eyes and very clear brown, and the father that I knew the face the eyes was green. Cause me disguss think that for a racist an ugly black man and a handsome is the same.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Thursday, April 13, 2023

And the incarnation that I was an African girl in France

 What send the marriage for the vinegar. And he said that he was a person that tried kidnap me in two other incarnation and one was when I was a beggar just after I came orphan, and I even didn't guess. This he said in the end, about that I didn't understand what was the point. And what send the marriage to the vinegar was, how I have to be thin to dress that dresses to the parties, he also came obessessed for his body. We divided the bedroom just was two beds. He said that he was completely gay, doesn't react no way. I walked in very small clothes in home, even naked Afrikan girls walk. I can jump on him and he doesn't react, sit on him and he doesn't react, he carried me to his bed and we stay hot in bed until before sex. He said other thing I said gay and this perfect. I was bad he like to be bitte and me push him. One day after 10 years of marriage he said to me that I use him like a dispositivo, device, what repulsing a dispositivo. Separated beds wasn't enough I want separated rooms, sleep in the same room with the dispositivo. We lived in Russia, one day I knocked the door, and said dispositivo... and he said what, the lights of the home burned, times in times the energy came higher for the homes and burned the lamps. He asked the divorce. He said that our sons would understand two beds and after two rooms, that the marriage was finishing. He lived me and returned to France, once there he said for the fashion designer that I used the clothes that we was separated, and he returned to Russia to say to me that the designer confessed that have was always in love for me, that me doesn't shame him because I was still virgen, I said that be calm down that I was thinking in find other for his place, I liked him and wasn't thinking in other man, that I was thinking in sex was with him, but I understand that nothing is for ever.

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Oh that nephew of Egypt

 And that I already knew, I just didn't remember. He came to make me and my brother very guilt. What was some incarnations after my brother probably felt guilt for that of convince someone to suicide, and had other, was the same kind of death, and the nephew that time want we to save him, to make us guilt of appearantely doesn't care for the others that died. Let me say that in the beginning I had some deaths to be a boy that died of accident that I could avoid. I really wanted to know the felling of the accident, I make violence against my body because in the time nobody saved somone to be lamed. I also want to fell pain. I stopped because my friends started to say that would not care for me because they cried for a boy that died because cause the accident, that they like me and they would stop of like me. So the nephew that time was a girl for my brother, giving all the sex he could need. And he came with a history that tide him in a house, and we do that even without knew why, he said that we wait out the house, was a very poor abandoned house. And we out near the window listening his history. And was that he had find a foregin army, and they would came and rape him because he was tide inside the house. I said let untide him and return home? He make us wait something like 2 hours, do you know that in the past sometimes had an Angel with a clock of the future count the hours to informe in the future how much people stay. I said for my brother come down brother the army can be his friend and came to kill us and that vilain is just making we to wait to betrayl us, he said that we doesn't untide him because would appear in the heaven an scandal angel to free him. That time I got mad, my brother that believe in all the shit want see a gay Angel in the sky. I remember of the Egypt, of the Universe on his ass. I wanted to see the Universe, and that son of yours said that ass kill for ever, I don't care for a fat 3 tons angels full of corny sheep lights, in Egypt we pray untill the demon leave his ass. Let we went away let he left there, my brother felt so guilt that almost doesn't leave. The ex-nephew said all the time the otherwise of what I said, I listen the other side that angel was worse then the demon, that the nephew asked for a God very bad that used miserabily in the bed that angel. And the angel was 300 killed souls that was bad in their future incarnations, that so bad died and after died only rest the pervesity all the good died in that big angel of 300 souls, and that Angel would travel for years to find that guy, to he never knew when the angel would find him, like the Angel was travelling in the time front to end end to front, and one day that find him would be to kill a person with the guilty of 300 dead souls. The angel would have his revenge. He said that I didn't believe what I listen so I never said to him that. Let we went away a foregin army he is so layer that he doesn't know others langugage to talk with Africans.

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And he said that forgot me he just write

 Is like that he write the letter seal it and just forgot and even was knewing for who would be that letter. 

When we meet. So he is today pew so gay... And our first incarnation we was friends, we was 2 boys he said for me that he was gay what was the name? And he hate himself and want to be rape till die, I was so young that the coffession trouble my mind I said that he suppose to ask God to never want that again. I stopped of be his friend, my simplicity brother passed to be his friend and he advise him to do like he pretended, and he really do that and die, my brother was sadistic, he only confess after my friend died. My brother claim that he died without soul and I passed to pray for him to he have soul. I incarnations after. He wait me to born girl to chase me. Was a lot of time he even make me went to church like everybody, I was Jew I only went to church in mondays, he used this to try hold my hand, say that love me, he passed to say it loud to make me shame for doesn't love him. Was scary to death, he was 25 years old and I was 14 years old. He confessed that death and rip his t-shirt. One day he was in front my window to say to me that was my last chance to save him that he would suicide, passed my spinter aunt my brother of the other incarnation that laught of his death in the other incarnation and said that he give a chance for someone that want him, she was older then him, he said something that one day I would see that I was wrong and that will be late. I think with me that was uncle that I knew her age and he was the one that would see that he was wrong, I marriage after all that shame he made me. He suicide some years after I passed to pray for his soul, I liked he but he never understand. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I psychograph about ninfeta

That have an impacient soul asking me to pass that message. You know that a ninfeta is soething that causes many envy, and like them. All the effort to mantain thin with diet and exercise to be perfect. And something that is wrong, is so hard to make an ninfeta, they have kind 12 years old but lets say what is wrong, I psychograph that have countries that got girls of 6 years old and make surgery in their bodies and fill the brests and touch with water or something like to use them in porn movies and even in the prostitution, because is hard a perfect body for female, so is more easy to make a perfect woman of a 6 years old girl, with a perfect body to be in the porn movies. Today I think that have many hate about ninfetas in Americas, and in others countries think that UUSSAAEEE make the disere for perfection that can't be rich, I have to say that I was fan of ninfeta when I was baby, I think that they are tall and elegants that they really diserve an pedestal because they was to be seing and not hold, that beauty deserve respect, why people are so envy, ugly and bad, we don't have the right of hate someone because we hate our face or body. So if was easy to make an ninfeta of 12 why make this ones of 6 years old, and see what abuse with their bodies and lives.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

So my opnion about some black and white

 And was I psychograph that question, about what I think about a lady that went with 3 blacks. Let me say she show her personality, let me say that always have a grave defect ham, lady? The black is that the felty one of want her, she was a prostitute that want a black man to defend her. So what would be my opnion? I she even lesbian was, she was prostitute, lesbian and stupidly violent bitch, where he was doing any good for him? In place of be a good, honesty man he was being a beat pack in a criminal life. And thinking me being the black I was in other life, have the mamão fêmea the mamão macho and she was the mamão machona, who wants? What sex that is a shit. The second woman that I posses was in my mind lesbian, I was thinking that I need that but she was like green apple, don't make disere, people eat green apple even doesn't liking green apple. The history was interesting, God have so weird ideas, let a bitch she borned bitch a lot of times, to say htat who deliver a virgen man was prostitute in the deliver because the baby was man with her. Listening that my father thought to marry in the first eras with prostitutes they was just a little, God deliver us and say that He was prostitute. So the first prostitute for us was God and our mother was free of that label. And the second was the lesbian. 40 of us was in Heaven and under a beautyfull 60 years old women was full of fire looking for man passing in city after city, had at least 5 of the same age, she already be with our uncles, luck for them who cares if she was 60 years old? When she passes here that was a little higher would be a shit. And we was thinking that who receive something doesn't receive 2. And appear the lesbian an 40 years old lady that need some favours in Earth and her mother give all for her but the poor woman was a prostitute that give all to hapiness of her daughter and she wanted refined things and can't asked for her mother, she would want give but that would be explore her mother that a very good mother, was shame want the things but she need buy good things for her, who doesn't posses her is very curious about who she was but is something so bad, she doesn't deserve to be treated like a prostitute.

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Sex and love two past histories of me

One was in Heaven, and I was there with a brother that had trouble and was in contention I was there to be doesn't felt alone. He was having very auto-destructive ideas about his body. He was needing to desenvolve ideas before be in company with others souls. I for other side I was trying find some Angelas, the type of anja that is good for a canja. So we was send for the innocence we return to 12 for me and 14 years old for him. And times in times, girls of a near Heaven came to visit us, was like a garden that have a neigboor garden. We stay in Heaven and I like to kiss, I used to say to him if he want a kiss with taste of marshmallow, and he started to think and started to doesn't like to be enclosed in a Heaven he was the kind grumpy. He was being so grumpy that I asked to the four girls that came to visit us to pass the evening with us I would even serve food, tolerate he grumpy I call the girls to stay. And I bring cake with marshmallows and strawberries, and he said you were eating cake with marshmallow all that time? They said that they do soap in their Heaven. On another day that wasn't a day of the visit of the girls, he started to complain that he saw that had men... I got knew that he was dreaming with a older man, one of at least 40 years old. And he said that he need a man!!! I was thinking about it and if that man was me. After that we got 23 and 25 years old and the Heaven started to be storm of so much that he was complaining like a wife. And came the girls to say that from their Heaven they was seeing the lightining and even they grew. I was saying that he appear to know defend himself so much complaining would put to run an offensor, you think that I want make my pack to leave, so he was thinking that anything is cause for complain, so he started to have opinion that he didn't like people using he.

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Ps.: The next history will be in the next article.

Hidden intentions say would write that book

 I didn't, the history about the 3 girlfriends that asked to me marry one friend of school and make a baby in other of bad fame. What happens with them. I was thinking why to say, they was being guide for an older school student, when I knew I got so mad about them, they was ruining my life to make happy another man. Even the girl that I married didn't knew the man under the curtains. I never trust them after. She really make all the effort to we be happy together. We travel a lot to be in the newspaper the most rich couple of the world, and they are young, and the history of love they meet each other in the school. They got appearance of old maiden. I thought that all the evil do was for me, but wasn't. Was for the girl that was the one that I would choice, the situation was grothesque when I would say with each I would marry, only could be one. In the 3 years she appeared that had smoke all, she had a lot of men changing all the time, all was the plans of his male friend a completelly nerd if you excuse the name. Probably he was soft bad a very bad friend for her. I only knew the history because one was saying the bad luck of her in the end of the line was the nerd waiting to consume her also. Do you think that he would promise to her marriage? I write to warn her that his friend pretended but was the most far that I got in that affair,I respect very much my marriage, in the young ages of our marriages how the game changed for my wife, she was praised all the time the school almost ruin her fame, and she came the girl of good family, people said for me how I was luck because she was the best choice for a rich boy. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, April 9, 2023

A good reason to have this tweezers for contact lenses

One good reason is that even you do with ease put and got out the lenses, sometimes you can be in one place with you hands dirties in a moment that yuo need got the lenses out, you can have this tools clean in you pocket and purse and use clean tools to remove the lenses that are in your eyes, imagine that you are a master cheef and an onion flyed to your eyes with more onion, for some people that doesn't be a fast thinker, is an occasion for accidents, because you are suffering, with onion and blinded.
Another good reason, you gonna out with long glue on fake nails, to deal witht the lenses we use the tip of the finger and not the nail, so you pratically need use this tools to deal with your lenses.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


Fixing the celular holder no need ruler

The holder and the celular cover,

You gonna put the cover in the edge of a paper sheet.

You gonna mark the other 2 sides of the cover that doesn't touch the edges of the sheet,

Here I had already the marks, the cover have waves, I pose the cover to be inside the edges even the waves and mark in the top of the waves the paper with the pen.

Now I fold the paper in the pen marks, like sqaure pattern of the cover, you know origami do it to have a perfect square in each point of the pattern.

See here you can see that I fold right in the marks that I made with the pen.

Here you understand that the pattern you made have to be squarred in the points of the paper.

Know we gonna fold in the middle two times to find the middle, that gonna be the place that we gonna glue the holder.

After folded like yuo can see here you can see the middle,

You open the paper and align the cover in the pattern, but this cover is printed and we can see thru where is the middle but have other way...

So fold the patern to be in a quarter and find the middle, rebember that the pattern is made to the waves be inside the pattern to align of a way that the waves will be respected you can also make a hole in the middle of the paper and marked lightly with a pencil.

And here the holder fixed in the cover of the cellular.

You use to have more security hold the cellular.

You can use to the celullar be stand in the table.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim



Thursday, April 6, 2023

Your specie will devore mine

Sometimes we show that we are japanese doesn't wanting a japanese, when I was the beggar is that the prince of Japan today is blond and was asking what I thought about him. Is that the new have to be precaucious with the old, sometimes happens the mutations and we got to be far from th eview of the precursor. So he thought that I didn't knew that the prince of japan only can have very black hair. I was blond, was good I didn't like him, or he would devore my kind, a descedant of japanese with blond hair. A mother can take care of his children, my mother was daughter of a German but her hair was black, my father was blond and I had also blond hair. When I assumption I had to became man, man my hair was black. The prince of France was much more handsome than the one of Japan. I write books, my mmother was a princess before of be a beggar she taught to read. One was about the your specie will devore mine, see I was kind anti-vampire, I was the victim in the book. A day I was so rich, that the only thing that make me cry was didn't have a descendant to leave all for him. Even the love I had acquive, the prince was my father, when I born my mother had 16 and he 12 years old. And he care of me we never had sex, I die virgen. He one day said that he was father even younger at 8 years old. So I had an older sister, she was a witch, she write me about motherhood, she was married with how old man. I didn't talked about my money. I said that I could felt the mother of a nephew. She was completely sterile. How I was wrong in doesn't want be mother, she snapped me a egg. I liked the boy, she got pregnant of our father but I was very afraid of her. In the end she loved a nephew like a son. My books was kind of precursor of night balls, the theme was sects, was that I had a lot of material to work with. My love was almost like a sister and brother devotion. Me poor imagining what was the precoceitous of the situation I never had to live that I fast was put in a comfort situation, people talked about me when didn't know me. I was a orphan daughter of a beggar, survive a malefic castle. A beggar that humbly live with a prince that she saved after her friends be in the middle of the way, I never could publish a book about that adventure, the church forbide because I would testemony witchcraft, so my books was fiction. I used to think what lost, the numanity doesn't knew in first hand that what happens in the castle. But having a son I write a books for his descedants, even had the book about my inventions. Even had my draws about my expensive inventions that was to give me comfort.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Recepies for babies

 Recepies or we give or we loose them. And is babies from my family. And some history about. And is make food in format of balls, I am not talking about meat balls. People used to accuse my family to trainning their babies to be vegetarians. So you can do of smashed cooked potatoes, in USA people like to do that in the oven without the water, my mother never thought that in the oven are the easier way to bake potaotes. So is pelled and smashed and shapped, and to be more fun with cheese and fried, can went to the oven, or just be, have more. And to be a Brazzillian indian you can use cassava - macaxeira and not the mandioca and fried fish to be more fun, they eat a lot of fish, who want meat of paca? And other beans and you smash with a fork and the normal is be very vegetarian on these. And other is with rice and use a spoon and a sieve. And a recepy that come from USA, there the version is with pea, and this is very vegetarian, my mother doesn't like that recepy pea doesn't have league, she doesn't like to mix flour to have alloy, but you can mix other vegetables with that one, like potatoes corn, carrots, rice and of course make small balls, there people that like chicken nugget doesn't like because doesn't even know what race eat that. And some history with, the balls have to be small, one history that my Grandmother said to my mother, the history isn't polite so my grandmother doesn't propagate it. And was one day she see a friend feeding his son mixing the rice, beans of the dish with the meat, make big chinks without format balls, and putting in the month of the kid, with the hand in the dish and in the moth of the baby. And many years after she went to the house of that lady and she was sitting in the floor of the kitchen making big chunks of food with the hand in the dish mixing all in the dish and and putting that in the month, my grandmother said you need see the size of the capitão - capitain, my grnadmother didn't like to say shit, and replace the name for capitain, so if she said the captain is floating in the water of toallete sit, for sure she was talking of the shit...

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Sunday, April 2, 2023

How to do a elastic pigtail

This is the plastic bottle caps that you gonna need, the 2 white are the sieve of the bottom of the caps of drink of the dolce-gusto coffee multi drink machine, but you could find other plastic and trimmi of file to perfect fit.

We gonna have to have 4 pieces of clothes, two that cover the bigger bottle cap and...

Two smaller to cover the plastic base of the bigtail.

Cover the plastic parts with the cloth

Pass the elastic by the 
PS.: I had made two holes with a knife with a point in each big cap...
Pass the elastic by the holes

Give a knot in the points of the elastic

Sew the side, you can use glue if you know one that hold good cloth and plastic...


I remember my mother doesn't liked to buy pigtail she thought that was very past use, she liked that one that was fluffy to us, she said that she used when child very much her mother even do that in home to her, that was with two big bottoms, probably of jacket.
Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

I gonna give a good reason chocolate to...

The title doesn't fit all in the head of the article, I gonna give a good reason to tap the chocolate mold when filled with the smelted chocolate.

And the good reason is when you make chocolate filled! So you beat the mold to expel the bubles, and after you put out the form the excess to have the places with chocolate walls, if you let bubbles the filled will be exposed, and some fillings if closed in a bottle, or closed inside the chocolate could hold a lot of time...

So if well confect your filled chocolate, even with the filling will endure a good time, in some cases is like the time the filling would endure well maintened in a bottle after the bottle opened, that depend of the process of the confecting of the filling and when during the confect of the chocolate, but of course is sometimes is so long as the chocolate endure but depends of the process, you cooking manner.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Today the Artcraft is proftible

 And use drink plastic cap. Return to see the article with the articraft. Coming still today.

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