Thursday, April 13, 2023

Oh that nephew of Egypt

 And that I already knew, I just didn't remember. He came to make me and my brother very guilt. What was some incarnations after my brother probably felt guilt for that of convince someone to suicide, and had other, was the same kind of death, and the nephew that time want we to save him, to make us guilt of appearantely doesn't care for the others that died. Let me say that in the beginning I had some deaths to be a boy that died of accident that I could avoid. I really wanted to know the felling of the accident, I make violence against my body because in the time nobody saved somone to be lamed. I also want to fell pain. I stopped because my friends started to say that would not care for me because they cried for a boy that died because cause the accident, that they like me and they would stop of like me. So the nephew that time was a girl for my brother, giving all the sex he could need. And he came with a history that tide him in a house, and we do that even without knew why, he said that we wait out the house, was a very poor abandoned house. And we out near the window listening his history. And was that he had find a foregin army, and they would came and rape him because he was tide inside the house. I said let untide him and return home? He make us wait something like 2 hours, do you know that in the past sometimes had an Angel with a clock of the future count the hours to informe in the future how much people stay. I said for my brother come down brother the army can be his friend and came to kill us and that vilain is just making we to wait to betrayl us, he said that we doesn't untide him because would appear in the heaven an scandal angel to free him. That time I got mad, my brother that believe in all the shit want see a gay Angel in the sky. I remember of the Egypt, of the Universe on his ass. I wanted to see the Universe, and that son of yours said that ass kill for ever, I don't care for a fat 3 tons angels full of corny sheep lights, in Egypt we pray untill the demon leave his ass. Let we went away let he left there, my brother felt so guilt that almost doesn't leave. The ex-nephew said all the time the otherwise of what I said, I listen the other side that angel was worse then the demon, that the nephew asked for a God very bad that used miserabily in the bed that angel. And the angel was 300 killed souls that was bad in their future incarnations, that so bad died and after died only rest the pervesity all the good died in that big angel of 300 souls, and that Angel would travel for years to find that guy, to he never knew when the angel would find him, like the Angel was travelling in the time front to end end to front, and one day that find him would be to kill a person with the guilty of 300 dead souls. The angel would have his revenge. He said that I didn't believe what I listen so I never said to him that. Let we went away a foregin army he is so layer that he doesn't know others langugage to talk with Africans.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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