Monday, May 29, 2023

People asked to tell this history 400 years ago a slaughter

 First of all was an history that wasn't exactly forgot but asked to doesn't be told because, beggining because the sins got in Earth, So let's begining.

At the time I lived in England the Insular country of Europe, and not in the Continent so the facts happens in the Insular Europe. So people from England only hear news about it. Let mesay that at the time of the same sin got in the USA I born there but the colonyof Europeans that lived there run away for Europe and they almost doesn't accept us if we came from USA, the country of the bionic members.

So the history about the Europe. I think probably the bionic members started when I was child or maybe even before, so at the time I filmed a lot my pet making amazing things, because the hsitory of the bionic members from the Continent I make question a techinical report of a veterian saying that she was a normal dog, with perfect healthy, I even show how the effects were made. To England came notice in the newspapers about very lamed people that receive legs that were bionic, the most famous was a man that suffer an accident when baby, other a woman that lost an arm in the armpit, and after that started appear in the newspaper crimes make with supernatural force from the criminals, first was evidences and after appear the first witnesses, was confirmed the involviment of the very famous lammed man that suffer an accident since baby. I had two news agency one in France and other in Germany, the one that lived in France at the time was so near the crimes that he sent me the last letter that he would returned to England, was eletronic way, the crimes until that day wasn't knew the reason. The most scandal and notice that was an guerrilla, was the slaughter of the Church in Italy, but even that why the reason would be religious? My agency from Germany stopped of send me information, and my consortium agent didn't send me an information, the England sttoped of let got in aport in the Island any boat. Had many attempties. So one day we made an auto-comand-with-radio-record-send-receiver-comand-by-remote-controle that we send to the Continent, people want to know how to talk so correct and nice, went to a good school that one of the matters be geography, have others Island from Europe but the Island madeira isn't a country but part of Portugal. So we reach to one of the leaders talk with us. Everything started with the scorn of the church, that lammed people went many times to the church and the priest promessed that the one without legs that Jesus was so powerfull that He would make the lammed returned to walk. Never passed many years listen that promesses, and one day one priest that read the miracle of the empty hand, with a sword cut out the arm of an man with empty hand. After that came the Aliens and give them that bionic members, with them they were nice, but came the history that in Germany the got 3 persons and cut the hand out and if they wanted a bionic hand they would signe an pact. They never reach invade England, probably who were in teh Continent knows better the history. I was listening that Jesus at the time was in the USA, promessed that miracles for the priests in Europe and make the huge miracles in the USA and not in Europe.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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