Tuesday, March 22, 2022

3D World that is there

And at the beginning, like in the Genesys, so the first you have the canvas of your creation, is contemplate the emptiness because like the art and the shit the beginning is like an empty room, maybe even light there's not, is like you emptiness your brain to travel, when I was creative, the beginning was my mind empty I am in so lackness of creativity that I have to see the art of others, is like a study could start with research, is a line of work, the beginning you have the camp team, that went to place went to the library, went after people even being phone calls, or went to museums that depend of what you gonna project, maybe you have to call a photographer to went with the team to take pictures, of a ruin, or an abandoned house, this a research that is on field, also have the bibliographic one, you need after the collect work a listing (catalogação) work, let for the smart girl of the team, the work is better done for brains that have a picture thought have people that thought like actions being pictures memoration and place of a coerent sequency. So returning for the Genesys, so the first that you have is the canvas and that is the dimension of what will be your art, so the canvas is primarily the size of your paint, so a planet and a room in your canvas is the same size, thannnn. Those tine worlds, in the Universe, could have microscope planets travelling through the outer space, so you create like God a room, tharam. So that moment you is like God you project is made, but a chair don't have material or weight, and the room is really like a planet because it doesn't have phisics if you don't put it, you make something and if you don't increase the walls is means that the body is solid, when I saw for the first time an software of the Autodesk, they was resolving a problem of a helmet, they before was disapearing part of the head of the character, because they generate an helmet but don't define the walls of the helme(in the software that I work today the name is solidify), so the helmet was fully, so one day one make walls of the helmet and they could place the helmet in the head of he character, but I am working today one software that work with the phisics of hard body and soft bodies, so there we can similuted situations that would occur in our world, so till you put physics that are like light the person don't step on the floor you emulated that the person step, but you have to put collision, the colision help that the hand of the character don't got in his tummy, you place the bodies where you want but yuo have to put gravity, to the bodies obey the laws we are used to, so you aren't God projecting a planet and till will put there phisics don't you have a planet that are light or ghost Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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