Wednesday, June 21, 2023

And some that in Heaven

 And about that uncle thar people asked, let me say I doubt he knew me, he was more ugly than the demon! What I knew is more ugly what walk hide than that that show his essence. I had good eyes and I was kilometres of that ungle. He isn't exactly iluminated, I hide my light in Heaven is the place that they kill spirits with light, so the uncle is a big firing star, he doesn't glow he is burning. He for me had faces of white, but I think he was a dark soul, that the internal fore was so high that people see that orange light. So I think that he would be dark with wasn't for the big fire that make he spell that orange light. I think that if you see he lately and he sin't that way he probably isn't that powerful. And people there that I knew saying that how his appearance was nice, have brothers of this guy that think that are he and say is me and, passes for many shame, like being a real bad person. One day I see passes to Heaven one mother that I never wanted because she was poor and bad. She let the baby die in the cradle, I didn't wanted die abandoned by my mother, so people jactá-se, that praise that born in my mother and stole my mother, just that one. So one day I saw her climb and I knew that who was to climb was that uncle. I ddin't got mistake and think that she was my uncle, she is masculine, who see, thinks that she is a man. When the uncle climb to Heaven the Heaven have to be night. And he make sound like a big airplane. Exploding the air that passes at his side, dragging and making that music, he is very frighten for who is more modern, I always dreamed with airplanes sources because the guy make that sound, a small airplane the sound appear that the air is hitting, when is like an rocket the sound is different. So that mother climb when was day in the place of the uncle. When she was to climb to the last heaven, I was tha day walking like climbing a mountain so I was in middle way to upper place. And her backs, her ass open and closes all the time, I thought that she probably molested her babies when expecting them, Heaven is a place of horrible revelations. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

Ps.: What I used to think of people say that want to be born in that my mother, that the person was mad to be poor and be beat by the mother. People passing running screaming, so have pleasure in poorness and be the victim of violence, can even wait in a place of walk runs. I didn't like to see, I didn't like my mother but doesn't like people disrespecting her. 

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