Wednesday, April 17, 2024

This is anti-culture what mad woman

 Is people said that she love deep the Capitu, wha tis the problem, is like you like her because you in the ende never read the book but know about is! I read the book is the husband of Capitu talking with who are reading, you, about his life before he went to the school far from his home, and returning and seeing Capitu, so you are the friend of the husband, but if you never read the book probably you gonna give a chance for the others, is a famous book of the Brazillina literature but people are so illiterate in Brazil that even know had that book is culture. The movies about the problem is that they kind fly, had a lot of imagination of who read, becuase the book is a educated man, that are having problem with his own imagination and he isn't sure, so you see the infielity is kind out for completely of the book, he is rich his male friend that he suspect is also rich, but the narrator are a person that like work and the other is a playboy and convicted bachelor, and his wife the daughter of an employeer, so she was poor before marries him, so is purely psycologic, but he have his right of don't live a so nasty doubt.

So how someone that really read the book could doesn't like the narrator, he could be mad but isn't a reason of don't respect his grief feelling. 

And other of the same woman was Belle de jour, she saying that was a beautiful movie, soft... she is insane think in a heavy movie with a theme very dark, marital infidelity I saw not all becuase is implicity but about sex of the beggining to the end, she went to a brodel to make sex with clients but doesn't like went to be with the husband, so isn't real craxy who says that is a beautiful movie? In the end she got mad after his husband almost die or die she is crazy at that moment and who tried kill him an client from the brodel.

And ha more Pretty baby she say to me was a love story... That taxy drive the girl is like seeing her cousin...

I like the movie that is also psycological but is about a decent compulsion steal that is Marnie. 

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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