Friday, August 5, 2016

Cassava the flour and starch

 The two are flour of cassava, manioc, yucca or yuca- farinha de mandioca, the last is cassava starch - fécula de mandioca.

This yellow flour have the same use of the white flour

This one had the same use that the one of the picture before, the common is you use like a salt crumb make in the pan with meat, or eggs, or bacon, or onion, and olive oil or butter, is very good to you do a rich crumb to fill the chicken or turkey, some people that don't had cassava flour use to stuff a mix of bread and nuts, and the cassava flour is the same porpouse. 
This one is used to make tapioca, and cheese bread, and grude.
A tapioca that I like is put in the flour in the time of the water and salt grated coconut, or after be roast coconut milk, and after in the time of eat use a good quality butter if the butter is very delicious I could appreciate eat the tapioca without the coconut to aprecciate better the butter, you pass like the bread toast, is a food that let you feel very much the flavor of the butter.
also you could do a cookie that is look like champagne biscuit, but this is made with cassava starch. and other cookie with the name of 'sequilho'.

Other uses for the both products is make glue, the flour could make a paper glue, and the starch could make a cloth glue, and the starch could be used to iron cloths.
The old product to fécula is goma, but goma is artesanal make in a mill, a kind of farm and the fécula starch is produce in a factory, probably is very differents machines and the process are diferent but the use of the product is the same, but a lot of people prefer the goma, that in here is more expensive, if you don't know the origen buy the starch is less expensive, you could buy the less expensive with the name of the more expensive. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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