Saturday, August 6, 2016

Manioc cassava others foods

This where I live also is sold in bakers shop and in bakers shops had the name of pêta, have the same taste od this salt cookie

Here they used the polvilho what is the polvilho, had the polvilho doce e polvilho azedo, the diference is that the doce-sweet is more for sweet cookies and the azedo-tart is for bread, polvilho is a European starch that you could replace for goma or fécula de mandioca – cassava starch, polvilho is not make of cassava, my grandmother used in her cooking the polvilho, and she replace the polvilho for goma because was the same result, with polvilho the cheese bread is more easy of do it, polvilho at least when I was a child was a industrial secret and didn’t had in the box the name of the vegetal that is made. In the city everybody use the goma or starch in the place of the polvilho azedo.
Baconzito had the cassava starch.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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