Saturday, August 6, 2016

Something that I psychograph about the Bible and macumba

I psychograph, before I said I think that is revolting and steal, and the soul said of Jesus but think how many person had one day the name Jesus, so I think could be one Jesus since don’t are the Jesus and the, I psychograph that and had years, sometimes the soul is cheater and say only half true so sometimes I wait to listen the rest of the history and be sure that is correct since the beginning and was that that Jesus, probably anyone, when invocated in the part of the Bible the Great Hebrews heroes of the past and they appear Jesus used the power of the Stonehenge, witches of Europe knew how resuscitate death people to talk with them, had this case in the Richard III, a book, and also the Saul in the Bible talk with a witch to talk with a dead. So when this Jesus opens all the terreiros of the planet take the power of Stonehenge and give for terreiros in others places.

One person that I knew that was a witch for punishment was the Lilia, and that she was once father of 500 witches in Europe, and also I knew that she after dead can’t be buried and the lid of the coffin close with nails or she would not came out of the coffin and stay there for years until the day that the coffin lid rot, and all this because she was disrespectful with her father, she make a hand sign that means a aggression. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim 

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