Friday, August 5, 2016

Other culinary that you could do with the cassava

Have a cake that is make with the root and not with the flour or the starch, with starch and the flour you wouldn’t do the cake that is Pé-de-moleque, and is made with a lot of spices and the brown sugar but sometimes that you don’t find the brown sugar you buy the rapadura, that is also cheaper and you could put in the meat grinder, of course washed, or with a knife specially if you don’t have the meat grinder, and scrape with the knife, but you had to be good in buy the rapadura from the engenho, engenho is the name of the farm, had differences, the one that you want is the more dark also had the light yellow, the most strong taste in the cake is the ‘cravo’(clove isn’t right is for garlic and cravo, you gonna make a mistake with that name) is a Indian spice, that is good even to chew because have some healing qualities is antibacterial. I live in a place that make a lot of rapadura.
And the other use to the cassava is make ‘puxa-puxa’ pull-and-pull, that is make like this the rapadura or the brown sugar is dissolved with heat and is put the starch but not for scald, and the dough that is made is worked, but is not to scorch have to let get cool but once cool is to work to don’t die, and is the puxa-puxa, when the dough don’t are anymore work came the ‘alfinim’ that is similar to the hard candy make with caramel but the alfinim is more soft and for incredible that sound is more delicious, you would never could imagine if you don’t eat personally.
The name of the cookie that you make with the starch of cassava is ‘bulinho’ but you could called also ‘broa’, but don’t have nothing with the broa of corn, is far different, sometimes that is used brown sugar is more soft then crackling, could had grated coconut or ‘erva-doce’ anise (anise is erva-doce and anis, so many confusion, you had to see the picture to don’t buy the wrong spice anis is a star and erva-doce are small seeds).

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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