Monday, March 23, 2020

In the other incarnation in Germany

Was one of the invention of Hitler for the industrial use and for the army, the plates of polystyrene, the concept was that was ecological, because the polystyrene was a big plate or cup but burn would occupy a little space would make less trash, but in the party to prove the advantages of the cups and plates of polystyrene was in the middle of the city the terrain with external walls, and was a lot of plate in the middle of the party and I was one of who was incinerating the material, all the army thought that the polystyrene would be a success,  but in the middle of the party question of 5 ladies hit in the gate, how I was near the incinerator to burn the dishes and cups I was one of the soldiers that let them get inside, and they were to complain that the generals were polluting the sky, the ladies said to the generals that I know you since you were this size a small boy and you are polluting the skies. Who was listening the conversation was only we the officials that open the gate for the ladies get inside, we were out the door of the room that the ladies were received by the generals we were laughing we were after the door, the ladies give a good carraspana. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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