Sunday, March 29, 2020

Russian Jew when I got there in other incarnation

Me and my family lived in a Jew city, and there my family once more was expulsed from Judaism we were considered descendants of Arabs, my family was rich but that wasn't the enough to don't pass for social limitations, the situation had also that, people wasn't free to go or stay, so my family was rich but, hadn’t permission to leave the city, we could be killed trying, they were respecting our right to propriety, but have other ways to scrap someone fortune. In the city have other people that live also with the same situation, limited rights. I knew a girl that said for me if someday she would find a boy to marry her with all the humiliation that her family pass, her family have a worse situation than my family, so I marry that girl. Two days after my marriage, they went to talk with me that my situation would be worse than my father because my wife would not have a better life, she cried a lot saying that if I want leave her she would understand at least she could be of a good boy, I said that if I could live with my wife to a far place like Russia, and live there like a Jew, I can’t be a Jew but I could be a Russian Jew, the travel was so impossible, probably animals would eat us, I promises that I would leave my father heritage to my brothers and leave the city only with what we could carry, out that city I could die defending my wife but not there, there I can't defend her. So we leave the city before finishes 48 hours of that talk we leave only with what we can carry, they wait 2 days to give us the ultimatum probably they would wait 2 days to start any action against us I didn't stay there to saw what would be, our marriage was the first with the more hard situation, the situation wasn’t from the time of my grandfather, so we leave for anyplace to Russia, we have 16 years old, in one moment of our travel that we don’t calculate well where to pass the night I have to leave even what I carry to carry my wife in my back because she was exhaust and was a dangerous place to pass the night and, so another time I abandon everything for my wife, but we achieve to get to Russia alive and save with no injury, once there we talk our life among Jews and our travel, of course in Russia nobody like the Jews because they was cruel to us. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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