When I was child the coffee in my city restaurant was the drip coffee, and was courtesy, but have years that the coffee passed to be espresso coffee, and also passed to be sold, I have to say that my mother when I was small took me to coffee shop I like very much went out house to take coffee, in my family is a lot of coffee, I drink coffee of boutique since 4 years old, and also drink sangria, that is wine with water and sugar, is that my mother had a theory that red wine make the cheecks blushed and the kid produce more blood to be stronger without be fat, and coffee my grandmother put my older sister when she was a baby to drink becuase she had headaches and coffee make her fill better.
So have the coffe and also have the desert, I personally don't ate desert in restaurants because my mother also thought that could be there for long time, the only that I ate was caramel banana because have to be done in the moment, other that is executed for the moment is one called cartola, fried banana, with fried cheese and syrup, sometimes after the lunch my mother take us to a bakery or a confectionary store to ate cake because there for sure the cakes was newer, you know what will be good, is have an small confectionary store like a branch of a big bakery inside the complex that is the restaurant, have here an restaurant that was a complex to be more atractive, before was an park for child and an small zoo and after became to have an store that sold italian jewerly, I was mad for a necklace there I didn't buy at the time and the store don't have anymore and is the glass-murano millefiori, also the store sold clutches and female bags and North-American makeup to catch the attention of the lady, and for the men was an convenience store that sale imported wine and others alcoolics drink, and some things for personal bars and product for kitchen with higher value and some cookies and chocolate also importeds, and had a big parking to a lot of cars, in a place like this could also have a store from an Bakery that sale only desert, even don't need be done in the place but made in the parent company and send for the place to be only a store, I also went to ate in an bakery that had inside a tobacconist, there sold imported cigars, maybe is like a partnership have to care with importion, is that you have a big place and decide to rent for one merchant that sale the type of product that you think that would grew your business because the consumer would like to be more often in your restaurant because would look for those products, I think that in the beginning was to people wait for the service and if wasn't to patient pass the time making buys, but I think that the most polite is make the bought when is to leave, I have to say that the service in that restaurant was fast. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim
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