Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Neutrino II, what the good that could came and something else

I remember the Germany was looking for the 5th dimension of the radiation, had a lot of studies and thesis from Germany that we could be considered like radiation and not matter, was super secret because was very hard to get the author right for radiation,  Germany study also had the author right about radiation, and the answer at the time was that wasn’t copyrightable because can’t stop came after the same studies with even the same radiation, so already had a copyright pending from Germany if someone ask for the copyright who get is the Germany, so we could be considered like radiation or electromagnetic waves, and the neutrino was to get the dimension of the radiation we want to know, what we could get with? Lengthen the youth, beauty, longevity, super health, miraculous healing these only in the field of the medicine and biology, in others fields richness matter that came other more expensive like gold, new matter for industry like plastic, travel in the light speed, richness gold that came from nothing, other parallel that Germany find that is in Earth but isn’t the one that was send the super radio, and even travel to the parallels. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim  

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