Monday, April 9, 2018

Two hide in the Bible legislations

And is about marriage and birth, and the History of Sarah and Abraham was to tell about the legislation of the marriage would be a way of talk about something without named, so is talking about marriage but say about the couple instead say marriage, and the history of Rachel and Joseph is to talk about the birth, the legislation would be Egyptian, the both histories the actors went to Egypt, Abraham and Sarah went to the Egypt and Joseph went to Egypt, maybe they never went to the Egypt. In the history of Sarah is write that she receive presents of the Pharaoh maybe was a delicate way to say that a woman that the marriage have a defect the woman would be considered prostitute, had a expression that the husband put the woman in the prostitution and the kids put the mother in the meretrício, meretriz is someone that prostitute herself to maintain hers kids. And in the history of Joseph he went to the Egypt after his mother death so the legislation would be also Egyptian, and more I know that in the past name for time was the same for everything, hour, year, century, days was one name let’s say time, of course if I look for a small baby and say the baby had 30 times I am talking 30 days of birth, if I talk about a grown-up I really would know that is years, Joseph could representing children and not a person, and could also the time that he pass in the Egypt wasn’t 30 years but 30 days. One defect of birth and is the Genesis and so Genesis would be also birth, so was crime the premature birth, maybe also abortion but in the Bible at least the premature deliver is a sin-crime and the baby had to have like the Genesis at least 7 months, probably of proof. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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