Saturday, May 4, 2024

A good recepy of my mother so many people eat it

 And is soft candy, is that way... Because we wasn't wanting banannada, so you blend banana with milk and coconut and condensed milk and after blended passes for a pan to went to the top of the oven cook. Is delicious to eat with spoon, sometimes is need put more sugar to be harder, the colour is light.

Also when type she make the coffee with milk and had a lot in the jar she mix with condensed milk and make it right the quantity of coffee and is another soft candy.

What is used blender I think that is good use it, imagine that some recepies are industrials so probably even in a industry of centuries ago always was made in a machine like a blender an today is a thing so cheap that everybot can buy it.

About ice cream, the intention is to be soft and cream, don't have ice crystal, that make that weird consistency of break, so you have that recipe of ice cream of vanilla that had milk cream that would give that cream consistency but isn't enough and the recipe will have the egg yolk that is like the espessante and the not freezing that is the corn syrup, and the banana ice cream that I taught had years the banana is the espessante, and the peanut honey cream is the milk cream, and honey of that peanut cream is an kind of syrup, and sweetness and also had powdered milk and ice, to help in the emulsification and all that in the blender, and also had that ice cream industrial that I taught that the milk cream would be replaced by the vegetal hydrogenated fat, that replaces the fat of the milk cream and will receive the corn syrup that is a type of don't let the crystal of ice be there, make the ice cream more heavy because it gonna be tack, and the liga neutral that I taught previously home made very health help in that consistency and taste, and the other ice cream was of avocado, sapota, sugar, powdered milk ice in the blender, you can make that be more vegetal is your choice, the avocado is the fat of the milk cream, or the vegetal hydrogenated fat, and the sapoty is ant freezing to don't have that water crystals, and is espessante that helps in the consystencies, so creaming recepies.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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