Sunday, May 5, 2024

Continuing the previous article

And was about cake yeast, you know peoplet that work with creativity sometimes are fat, or have th evicio of the cigar, had even pictures of reporters or writers or pianist smoking when working. Is also because when brainly working the person don't want or the brain don't want feel privation, I had to do a work of illustration and in the kitchen was in construction because of the sink, I thought this is an absurd an painter passing hunger... see coffee is a solution to addiction.

So the yeast in the cake an friend, she another day was giving some "punctured buoy" ideas of business I say in another occasion, so she remember that my grandmother din't beat the cake pan with the crude dough in the balcony and she asked why. So a little about cake, yeast for cakes was bought in the pharmacy and probably woul be the sal amôniaco or salt of sodium, in my family always the chocolate cake was with sodium bicarbonate(salt of bicarbonate) that yeast holds the colour of th echoclate so intensify the colour and the bitter of the chocolate, isn't a sweet cake or gonna be an nescau cake, litte sugar, bad beated the eggs and butter, and in place of liquid make just water, the filling is another story could be with sweet taste, is kind of a bit dry cake. And the white cake is that way, no yeast because isn't the bicabornate of sodium is a mix of other chemicals, so my grandmother or doesn't uses or wasn't a table spoon but a coffee spoon, believe this is so little for th eyeast that the cake almost doesn't have, so the cake would not grow in the oven the cake was beat before incorporate all the bobbles in the beater, so if you beat that dough you are making misery with it, the bottom would hard like a bad cooked egg, type a rubber, with a lot of yeast the cake will grow because of th eyeast

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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