Wednesday, July 26, 2023

About light and filters

And I already said that the refraction of the light with the sensibility of the camera, even when the camera wasn't digital the sensibility would be of the film, paper and reagent or the pellicle, so the light according the place in the planet the wall of air, of the atmosphere is like an len, that according the angle of the sun light can filter some of the 3 lights that make the white color, take out some red, or of the blue or the green, making a movie classically blue, or one kind of yellow-orange have movies that have that hot appearance, the filter that we apply, could balance that but... The filter will be applied in a color that loses. So something will be lost. Is like that we lost some of the blue, because of the ozone layer, than we gonna put an filter that equilibrate the green and red because the blue was lost, but the blue would not be replaced, so the blue was lost and that isn't replaced, so isn't the same that film in Europe, so something was lost, what could be the effect in the quality, maybe a fall in the definition. What to use to that cases, I very good camera to the loses be not essential, if the camera be very good, the clarity would be compensate.

Also I see an movie that the camera was special for low iluminaton, my impression was, the image was granulated, is good and isn't good, sometimes make an clima, and sometimes appear low quality. I also when filmed with the camera attached to my body the camera was a small one, what I do to have a better image was, a good illuminated place, that helps a lot to the quality.

Also have the filter during the filming and applied in the edition, people thinks that during the filming the light is more captured by the camera, and after the quality decline a little, what make a filmmaker prefer in the edition, sometimes are comercials porposes, the scene without the filter are interesting to mke some TV shows about the film, I only would release after the movie came out of the cinemas, to keep that classy quality, show the scene naked, take out the glamour of the movie, the people before went to the cinemas thatre know all the special scenes of the movie, you don't gonna make the person have that ectasy, is like see the sunday TV program, just sit and no emotion, also is important keep the original without the filter, because of some study about the movie some years after, you can have an doubt about and the filter masquerade something, with the original you can study the scene, years after of course if your studio have that posterity concern, something could became a pearl, everything no, but who knows what gonna be a pear, only the time make classicals, have the gold and have the trash the time choose.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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