Monday, July 3, 2023

So what was my problem

Others incarnations. Say that correction app doesn't let me use anothers another is one other? I would treat it that way. So in others, I wasn't in debt, is that didn't want to make an dole. Understand I would make something expensive for someone that doesn't give to me in the same way, the dole of the other was so much low that the one that I would do. I didn't receive so much. The prince and the indian were the same but in the beginning, he was that husband that I didn't wanted because was more than 60 years older than me. So I wasn't bad to him, he treat me that way, I was murdered in the ceremony by a friend of school Africans of my city went to school, girls and boys together, that understand that was forced to marry and I was in deseparation. So he gave a lesson, maybe that he really doesn't like me, is this is Luxo have a beautiful wife. So why I would want to give birth to give descedants for my father that was the prince, I was thinking about the case, I witch that can robber an ovule to make a baby on her appear, even she was in need, she hadn't a son, she need give birth more than me. She was widow, and I was someone with no direction any future was so good for me, didn't have a mother since the 12, I was till that day alive, living in the house of my father and in another place was the same for me. One day I would got a car and disapear without even give notice, and that passed by my head. See friends die and don't care about the fact because I doesn't lived any more in the streets, I was a beggar, was also don't have bounds, bounds were something very weak for me.

And about when I was from Africa, let my husband have the baby, for one moment I thought why I have to be so gente of say, let use again a goat? That had, and was marriage of lesbian with gay, and I only was a girl that don't want damage the body, and a lesbian that want to be the man of the husband. She want to say that she was the father, I always saied that I was the mother. Thinking about if he had that idea of bare a baby again, I would let he make sex with me, I just didn't have to say, is that two sons was pperfect, let he in his thoughts, he was that male, but if make this deep things for me I would give that dole. So let me dye virgin, a maiden is someone more that didn't marry than is untouched. When I was Peter I was born in the body of my father and my mother was a female, the Steve.

Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim


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