Thursday, September 15, 2016

Artcraft with newspaper

this are with newspaper and corrugated paperboard and spray paint, the coast for me was only the paint, and the glue, the newspaper is my parents that are subscribers and the paperboard, cardboard papelão sanfonado, is from the boxes with my avon products, they had others use like make a surface to embroide.

How it looks like before the paint and the glue is the one for paper.
A tip, this arcraft if you are good and you use a more beautiful paint you could do the cachepós of the party table, if you think is lights before you put the candies put sand or sugar or raw beans or rice, the ones that you buy in the market, the sand couldn't had manure or be a special for plant with medicine, and put a plastic and do the arrenge with the candies, is a beautifull apresentation, and could get the appearance of 'louça' or gypsum, gonna be beautiful, if you do arrenge for living ask to return the sand could be used many times again sometimes a pack or raw rice is more easy to find not everybody live in houses.

Other artcraft weave like be straw 

One of my favorites I do it this one I had a magazine that teach do this border, and the paint is a mix of wall paint glue and oil and hold very much this one had more than 10 years if one day get ulgy I paint again, and after the paint I pass anilina for artcraft, this is poison can't be used in culinary the ink, but the object you could use to serve food the anilina is poison if you eat, the paint after dry you can eat the basket but in food not even after dried. After dried I pass varnish, this one was a without brightness in spray. Rute Bezerra de Menezes Gondim

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